Ingram and Related Family History


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 #   Notes   Linked to 
1800 - Last Will of James Wadlington of Livingston County, Kentucky
James Wadlington Last Will
In the name of God, Amen. I, James Wadlington, Being weak in body, sound in mind, do constitute and appoint this my last will and testament. I have and bequeath unto my Wife, Margaret Wadlington during her natural life, at widowhood, this plantation and working tools and household furniture, horses, hogs, and cattle, to be for the use of my wife, Margaret, my sons, William and Warner, and my gray horse to be sold and the wiskey to raise money to pay for my land and Thomas, James and Mercer Wadlington's land. I leave unto my son Thomas Wadlington as soon as it can be collected, money to cover (clear?) out his land. I leave unto my son Mercer Wadlington as soon as it can be collected, money to clear out his land and all the land I hold here I have to be equally divided between my sons William and Warner and I leave unto my son William, a black colt, which he now claims, a saddle, a bed and furniture and a cow and calf. I leave unto my son Warner, a horse and saddle, to the value of eighty dollars and also a bed and furniture, a cow and calf, my waggon and smith tools. I leave for the use of the plantation. I leave my negroe will to my wife Margaret during her life and after her death negroe will and all my moveable property to be sold or appraised and Warner to have fifty dollars and the rest to be equally divided between my sons, Thomas, Mames, William and Warner and my daughter Jane Gary and when the land is divided Warner to have the lower part, William to have the upper part and Thomas and Margaret my executors. This I knowledge to be my last will and desire, it should stand good in law.
James Wadlington.
Witness: William Prince, Isaac Grubbs, Don Kevil. 
Wadlington, James (I144443)
1910 - immigrated from Poland to USA ON 1-16-1910 to New York.

1920 - resided 1349 Huron Street, Chicago, Illinois. 
Matlak, John "Jan" (I121557)
1935 - Fort Dodge, Ford County, Kansas
1940 - Tucumcari, Quay County, New Mexico 
Plummer, John M. (I112984)
Sumter > Probate Court, Estate records > 1784-1960 > Bundles 040-048
image 133 of 878
Susannah Graham records are listed in Bundle 41, package 5.
South Carolina Probate Records,Files and Loose Papers,
Sumter Probate Court, Estate records
1784-1960   Bundles 040-048 - Beginning Image 133 of 878


State of South Carolina Sumter District (16 February 1821) By William Potts, Esquire, Ordinary of the said district, Whereas Matthew Graham has applied to me for Letters of Administrationonall and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Susannah Graham late of the District aforesaid deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me, at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to be holden at Sumter ??? on the first Friday after publication so shew cause, if any they can, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this sixteenth day of February in theyearof our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty one and in the Forty Fifth year of American Independence.

The State of South Carolina Sumter District  (2 March 1821) Know all men by these presents that we Matthew Graham, Arthur Turner, and Tyree Jackson are held and firmly bound unto William Potts Esquire Ordinary for Sumter District in the State of South Carolina in the full and just sum of two thousand dollars good & lawful money of this state to be paid to the said William Potts Esquire Ordinary of the said District of Sumter or his successor or successors in office Ordinary or Ordinaries of the said district. To which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves jointly or singually and our respective heirs, executors, and administrators firmly by these presents sealed with our seals in the Court of the Ordinary of the said District of Sumter in the State aforesaid on the Second day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & twenty one and in the forty fifth year of American Independence.

18 June 1821 (Equity Court, Sumter District, South Carolina - Package12, Roll 213) Humbly complaining sheweth unto your honors your Orator Matthew Graham, that Sussanah Graham died some time since intestate, leaving certain real estate and your orator, Hugh Graham, David Graham, Edward Graham, Thomas Graham, and Nelson Graham her children and Peter Tidwell and Albert Tidwell children of her deceased daughter Frances Graham who intermarried with Berry Tidwell -  and William Turner, ArthurTurner, Susan Turner, and Martha Turner children of her deceased daughter Susannah Graham who intermarried with Arthur Turner his heirs, and your orator is desirous of having the said estate divided so that he may have his shares separate from the other parties shares and he as assigned to the said parties to come to a division. (Note: There is more to this equity estate, but this excerpt of the equity estate provides the names and children involved) 
Susannah (I102597)
Carlton Edward Fishback, 63, of Georgetown died Friday, May 27,2005 in Round Rock.

Mr. Fishback was born Aug. 1,1941 in Portales, N.M. to Lloyd and Mildred Hasty Fishback. On Dec. 29,1961, he married Vickey Lois Ballard in Lubbock.

He is survived by his wife, Vickey; a daughter, Tamra F. Wilson and husband John of Georgetown; two sons, Lyndell Fishback and wife Melinda of Comanche and Carlton Fishback, Jr. and wife Teri of Coldsprings; ten grandchildren; a brother, Donald Fishback of Albuquerque, N.M.; and a sister, Sherlyn Canon of Levelland.

Mr. Fishback was a Baptist by faith and was a carpenter in the construction trade.

No services are planned. The family suggests memorials to The American Cancer Society. 
Fishback, Carlton Edward (I120567)
Johnston Randolph Hilford
Captain Johnston Randolph Hilford, was born in Farrandugu, Siera Leon, Africa, where his parents Marion Randolph & Grace Margaret Hilford were missionaries, on October 3, 1912. He had a satisfying, fulfilling life in the merchant marine from age 16 until his retirement at age 69. He died on December 26, 2004. He will join his parents, sister Grace, and friends and relatives in the home God has prepared for us. Surviving are his brother, James Alfred Hilford, sister, Mary H. Arnett, son, John Hilford, daughters, Rose Longshore and Stephany Danielson, 2 adopted daughters, Sonjia Ames and Evelyn Hilford, 6 grandchildren, and several great-grandchildren. His witness has been to God's protection in the hazards and temptations of his career and God's presence with him throughout his life. A memorial service will be held at Calvin Orthodox Presbyterian Church, 4115 E. Acoma Dr., on January 15th at 11:00 A.M. Contributions may be made to Oxfam Asia Earthquake Fund, PO Box 1121, Albert Lea, MN 56007-1211.
Published in The Arizona Republic on 1/12/2005. 
Hilford, Johnston Randolph (I122016)

folio 130/697 - Indenture 25 Nov 1718
From: Samuel Warren, Sr & Samuel Warren Jr, planters of Prince George's County
To: William Cooke, planter of Prince George's County
For 2,000 lbs tobacco a parcel of land on the west side of the Patuxent River formerly in Calvert County sold by John Merth and Gissill, his wife, to Michael Farmer and lately recovered by the leesee of Samuel Warren in the Provincial Court from Edward Truman, in records of Calvert County Court.
Signed: Samuel Warren, Sr (mark & seal), Samuel Warren, Jr (mark & seal)
Witnessed: Leonard Hollyday, D Dunlap, Phillip Lee, Jas Belt
Source: The Land Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1717-1726
Abstracted by: Elise Greenup Jourdan

The original record refers to Samuel Warren the Elder and the Younger as well
as Senior and Junior.

SEPTEMBER, 1698 Prince George's County, Maryland Court
John Fry Plantiffe: Samuell Warren Defendant

The plantife by William Stone his Attorney Sues the Defendant in a plea
of tresspass upon the Case.

And whereupon the Said John by William Stone his attorney complaineth
that whereas the Said Samuell the Seventeenth day of December in the year
of our Lord 1697 att Charles Towne within the Jurisdiction of this Court was
indebted unto the Said John in the Sume of three Hundred ninety and nine
pounds of Tobacco as by a noat under the hand of the Said Samuell Subscribed
with the propper marke of the Said Samuell here ready in Court to be produced
more att Large may appear and the Said Samuell to the Said John in manner
aforesaid being indebted in Consideration therof did assume upon himselfe and
to the Said John then and there faithfully Promise that he the Said Samuell
the Said Sume of 399 pounds of Tobacco to the Said John When he Should be
thereunto requested would well and truly content and pay Nevertheless the
Said Samuell his promise and assumption aforesaid not att all regarding but
minding and fraudulently intending him the Said John in this behalfe Craftily
and Subtilly to deceive and defraud the Said Sume of 399 lbs. of Tobacco to
the Said John hath not paid allthough the Said Samuell to doe the Same by
the Said John afterwards the day and place aforesaid and att severall other
Dayes and times was often thereunto requested but hath hitherto refused and
Still doth refuse to the Damage of the Said John of 600 lbs. of Tobacco and
thereof he brings this Suite etc.

William Stone John Doe, Richard Roe, pledges.

Not assumed in manner and forme upon the Court. Joshua Cecell.

And the Plantiff allso. William Stone.
And the Said Samuell Warren by Joshua Cecell his attorney comes and
Defendeth the force and Injury when etc. and Saith that the Said Debt was
not assum'd in manner and forme and this he is ready to verifie in any manner
as the Court here Shall Consider and the Said plantiffe Likewise Whereupon as
well the Said John Fry as the Said Samuell Warren by and at their Consent
and request are admitted here to produce their Witnesses respectively for infor-
mation of the Court in the premises according to the Custome of this Court here
used and approved and now here at this day to Witt the 27th of September the
Wittnesses on Each part respectively being produced heard and examined and
the truth of the matter in Controversie between the parties aforesaid by the
Court here being heard understood and Maturely deliberated it is thereupon
Considered that he and his pledges of prosecuting be in mercy etc. Lett the
names of the Pledges be sought and the Said Samuell Warren goe thereof with-
out day etc. It is Likewise Considered that the Said Samuell Warren recover
against the Said John Fry his damages by ocation of the premises to too hundred
Eighty five pounds of Tobacco to the Said Samuell Warren by the Discression
of the Justices here at his request for his Cost and Charges in this behalfe
Susteined according to the forme of the Statute etc. by the Court here adjudged
Warren, Samuel (I21917)
May be related to this Nathaniel Buley.

Generation No. 1

1.  JOHN2 BEWLEY  (UNKNOWN1) died 1704 in Philadelphia, Bucks Co, PA.  He married ISABELLA.  

Notes for JOHN BEWLEY:

                              COLONIAL RECORDS OF PENNSYLVANIA

                   Minutes of the Provincial Council of Pennslvania (Vol 1-10)

                          & Supreme Executive Council Minutes (Vols 1-16)

Vol 1., pp 534-535 Minutes 12 Feb 1697/8 in Council Room in Philadelphia Commission to John Bewley to be Collector of the Customs at Philadelphia, 21 Nov 1696, endorsed 21 Mar 1697/8, recorded 29 Mar 1798.

Vol 1., p 543 Minutes 24 Sep1698 in Council Room in Philadelphia...7 Aug 1798...several goods and merchandises were seized by Mr. John BEWLEY and Mr. Mathew BIRCH, collector goods illegally imported.

Vol 2., p 95 Minutes 13th day 5th month (July) 1703 in Council Room in Philadelphia...and thereupon ordered the said collectors, (viz) John BEWLEY, Esq appearing.

Vol 2., p 96   Minutes 16th day, 5th month (July) 1703 in Council Room in Philadelphia Judge GUEST...conference with John BEWLEY, collector of Philadelphia...and the said John BEWLEY, appearing in a full council administered the said oath.

Vol 2., p 104  Minutes 17th 7ber (Sept) 1703 in Council Room in Philadelphia...that John BEWLEY, collector of ye Queens Customs for ye Port of Philadelphia, with ye collectors of New Castle & Lewis,

having obtained New commissioners for their said places.

Vol 2., p 117  Minutes 7 Feb 1703/4 in Council Room in Philadelphia, Post invite John BEWLEY, Esq Collector of the Queens Customs to the Board.

25 Sep 1704...Letters of Administration granted to Isabella BEWLEY on the Estate of John BEWLEY...Administration Book B page 30 Collector of Custom at Philadelphia.


2.                   i.    GEORGE ANTHONY3 BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1698, England; d. Abt. 1755.

Generation No. 2

2.  GEORGE ANTHONY3 BEWLEY (JOHN2, UNKNOWN1) was born Abt. 1698 in England, and died Abt. 1755.  He married SARAH UNKNOWN Abt. 1716.  She was born in Germany.


George BEWLEY was born before 1700, married Sarah before 1718.

Samuel Carpenter of Philadelphia and Mary his wife, conveyed to George BEWLEY of Abington Township, Philadelphia Co. 200 acres of land 5-15-1725....

George BEWLEY, of Abington, and Sarah, his wife, conveyed to (their son) Nathan BEWLEY 17 Feb 1747,the above 200 acres of land, in Philadelphia Co.

[Recorded at Norristown, inDeed Book No 159-215.]


    Nathan BEWLEY b.c 1717-18 d. 2 Apr 1766; m. Mary KNIGHT 31 Aug 1737

    John BEWLEY b. c 1718 m. Anne KIMBLE

    Mary BEWLEY b. c 1720 m. Hugh BARR 18 Jul 1742

    George BEWLEY Jr. b. c 1722 d. 1747

On 24 Oct 1719 George Bewley of Abington Twp, PA, was a witness to the will of Andre Martin.  On 15 May 1725 according to the Norristown Deed Book p.159-215, Samuel Carpenter (probably Jr.) of Philadelphia and Mary, his wife, conveyed 200 acres of land to George Bewley of Abington Twp, Montgomery Co, PA, and his wife, Sarah.  The 200 acres was later conveyed to their son, Nathan Bewley, on 17 Feb 1747.  Samuel Carpenter's father, Samuel Sr. was said to be the "first merchant of Philadelphia, the first to engage in foreign trade at that port, and at his death in 1714 the wealthiest man in the Province of PA".  He was a Quaker who came to PA from Barbados.


3.                   i.    NATHAN4 BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1717; d. 02 Apr 1766.

4.                  ii.    JOHN BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1718; d. Abt. 1800.

                    iii.    MARY BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1720; m. HUGH BARR, 18 Jul 1742, First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Bucks Co, PA.

                   iv.    GEORGE BEWLEY JR., b. Abt. 1722; d. 1747.


Colonial Records of Pennsylvania Vol II

6-24-1745 John Buley of Bucks Co, and Ann, his wife, conveyed to George Buley Jr. the said 40 acres of land.

George Buley Jr. died intestate.

George Bewley 1746 File 5 Administration of his estate Book F. p. 52

And whereas, 1-9-1747 Nathan Bewley, of Abington (he being the oldest brother of George Bewley Jr., sometimes of Warwick deceased) and Mary his wife conveyed to Hugh Barr (his sister) of Buckingham, Bucks Co, said 40 acres of land.

Generation No. 3

3.  NATHAN4 BEWLEY (GEORGE ANTHONY3, JOHN2, UNKNOWN1) was born Abt. 1717, and died 02 Apr 1766.  He married MARY KNIGHT 31 Aug 1737.


Nathan BEWLEY was born c 1717.  He married Mary KNIGHT 31 Aug 1737. Nathan and Mary received the above mentioned land from his father George BEWLEY, 10 apr 1751...William & Mary WAUGH, of the city of Philadelphia, but now of the Burrough Township, Lancaster Co., Pa to Nathan BEWLEY of Abington Twp, Philadelphia Co., Pa  [Philadelphia Co., PA, DB H-2 pg 92]

22 Jul 1758 To all people to whom these presents shall come, Nathan & Mary of the City of Philadelphia, Baker, send greetings.  Anthony OUCHE of Vicacco, Philadelphia Co, potter, and his wife Catherine, (now deceased) to Nancy BEWLEY, piece of ground in Vicaco.  Nathan & Mary BEWLEY now sell land & Brick Kitchen added to property to Anthony Ouche Jr., cutter.  Recorded 12 Nov 1792. (appears to be recording several transactions of previous years to straighten out the title of property [Philadelphia Co., PA, DB D 34, pg 319 dated 22 Jul 1758]

Society of Friends,Philadelphia Monthly Meeting 29 Dec 1758 Nathan Bewley, wife and son, Isaac, received under certificate, Abington Monthly Meeting, dated 28 Aug 1758

Society of Friends, Philadelphia Monthly Meeting 27 May 1863 Nathan Bewley and wife granted certificate to Abington Monthly Meeting

7 May 1766...Will of Nathan BEWLEY of Township of Abington Co., of Philadelphia & province of PA land in Abington & Whitemarsh Twp., Philadelphia Co. Wife Mary, property on Race Street in City of  Philadelphia & 200 pounds and personal items; the remainder to be divided equally between my 4 children (being Isaac, George, Mary & Sarah).  Eldest son Isaac, to have 100 pounds less than the others.  Son George to be apprenticed out at a suitable age.  Witnesses: Nicholas Austin, John Evers 7 William Hallowell, probated 7 May 1766.

Children of NATHAN BEWLEY and MARY KNIGHT are:

5.                   i.    ISAAC5 BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1740; d. Abt. 1773.

6.                  ii.    MARY BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1742; d. Aft. 1801.

                    iii.    GEORGE BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1755; d. 22 Feb 1794, Northern Liberties, Philadelphia, Bucks Co, PA; m. HANNAH KNIGHT.



[Wills: Abstracts, Book X 30 - Part I: 1794 - 1795: Philadelphia Co, PA]

BEWLEY, ISAAC.   March 13, 1773.   P.380.   Book P

BEWLY, NATHAN.   May 7, 1766.   N.491.   Book N

[Wills: Index to Abstracts, A-B Surnames: 1682 - 1825: Philadelphia Co, PA]

7th Co.,4 Batt.1785; Will, William Lt. Col.; Esterly,George,Capt.

Bewley, George

[Military: Post Rev War: Philadelphia City Muster Rolls, Philadelphia Militia, 4th Battalion, 1783-1790 Pa. Archives, Vol. III-6th Series, pp. 1097-1141.]

                   iv.    REBECCA BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1756; d. 03 Aug 1758.


3 Aug 1758...Rebecca BEWLEY, dau of Nathan BEWLEY died 3 Aug 1758.[Philadelphia Monthly meeting, Encyclopedia of Quaker Genealogy by William Hinshaw, Vol 2. p.396)

                    v.    SARAH BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1758; m. MATHEW FITZWATER, 25 Nov 1772, Abington Twp, Montgomery Co, PA.


28 Mar 1794 Sarah Bewley received under certificate to Abington Montly Meeting, dated 27 Jan 1794

31 Jul 1801 Sarah Bewley granted certificate Gwynedd Monthly Meeting

                   vi.    NATHAN BEWLEY, b. 1760; d. 16 Aug 1761.


16 Aug 1761 Nathan Bewley died, age 1 [Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy by Hinshaw Vol II]

4.  JOHN4 BEWLEY (GEORGE ANTHONY3, JOHN2, UNKNOWN1) was born Abt. 1718, and died Abt. 1800.  He married ANN KIMBLE 29 Mar 1739 in Christ Church, Philadelphia, Bucks Co, PA, daughter of ANTHONY KIMBLE and MATILDA MORREY.  She was born Abt. 1720.

Notes for JOHN BEWLEY:

John BEWLEY married Anne KIMBLE at Christ Church, Philadelphia [pg 20 of Record of Pennsylvania Mariages Pior to 1810, Vol 1, Pennsylvania Archives 8, 9, 1880]

"among the early settlers in Buckingham, Matilda KIMBLE then a widow, inherited from her brother Thomas MORREY, in 1735, 400 acres of land on the Neshanny in Buckingham, adjoining the Wrightstown and Warrick lines, which descended to her children, Anthony and William KIMBLE; and daughters Ann BEWLEY, wife of John BEWLEY; Rosa, wife of Josiah WILKINSON and Mary, wife of Charles HICKST.  In addition to the 400 acres, Richard MORREY, the father of Matilda, and Humphrey MORREY, her uncle, conveyed several additional tracts to the children of Matilda KIMBLE at about the same date.  The KIMBLES were the first settlers on this land, a large tract of which is still owned and occupied by Charles KIMBLE, a brother of the subject of this sketch.  Humphrey MORREY, the grandfather of Matilda KIMBLE, was the first mayor of Philadelphia." [History of Bucks Co., Pa. Vol 1, by Davis] .

John and Ann BEWLEY inherited land in Bucks County, Pa. when Matilda KIMBLE died.  Orphan Court Book A1, page 140, Bucks Co., Pa. 1749/50, 13th day of June.  Division of the land of Matilda KIMBLE, after her death, Anthony KIMBLE and William KIMBLE; Ann BEWLEY wife of John; Rosa, wife of Josiah WILKINSON; Mary wife of Charles HICKST; they inherited 26 acres and 6 perches.  There should be records of this in Philadelphia Co, Pa.

2 Aug 1746: John and Ann BULEY, of Warwick Twp., Bucks Co., Pa. yeoman to William Gilbert of Worminister, Bucks Co., Pa. yeoman, 103 acres in Buckingham Twp., Bucks Co., Pa.  [Recorded 15 Nov 1746, Bucks Co., Pa. DB 7, pg 286.]

18 Nov 1749: John & Bilhah EVERS of Warwick Twp., Bucks Co., Pa and John BEWLEY of Warwick Twp., Bucks Co., Pa. on one part to Robert STEWART of Warwick Twp., Bucks Co., Pa. of the other part. By indenture on 18 Nov 1747, John EVERS and John BEWLEY were selling 200 acres to Steard, Philadelphia Co., Pa. [DB 1, pg 221]

The only BEWLEY listed in the 1775 Tax list of Warwick, Bucks Co. Pa. was Jesse BEWLEY.  He is also found in the 1779 tax records.  200 acres, 4 houses, 4 cattle.

In the PA Archives: (John BEWLEY may have moved to Chester Co., Pa.)

John BEWLEY-Upper Marion Twp., Pa 1769...2 horses, 2 cattle, 1 servant

John BEWLEY-Radnor Twp., Chester Co., 1774...90 acres, 2 horses, 2 cattle

Jno BULEY-Radnor Twp., Chester Co., Pa 1779...95 acres, 2 horses, 2 cattle

John BULEY-Radnor Twp., Chester Co., Pa 1780...95 acres, 2 horses, 2 cattle, 1 servant

John BEWLEY-Chester Co., Pa 1781...94 acres, 2 horses, 2 cattle


  Anthony BEWLEY of Bucks Co., Pa and Green Co., TN.

  George BEWLEY.  We find his name in the SAR records as a Rev War Soldier

  Nathan BEWLEY of Fauqier Co., Va, Bedford Co., Va., Hardin Co., Ky.

  Isaac BEUGHLY of Bedford Co., Va., Hardin Co., Ky

  John BEWLEY of Tennessee

  Jesse Bewley of Bucks Co., Pa 1782 Census

The Easton road begins at Willow Grove. In 1721, Sir William Keith,  Governor of the Province, purchased 800 acres on the county line, in Horsham and Warrington, where he built a country house, still known as  Graeme Park, and a mill. In March, 1722, he asked the council to open a road through the woods from his settlement to Horsham, and from there down to the bridge at Round Meadow run, now Willow Grove, which was laid out April 23d, confirmed the 28th of May, and surveyed by Nicholas Scull. In 1723 a road was laid out from Dyer's mill, now Dyerstown, two miles above Doylestown, down to Governor Keith's plantation, making the second link in the Easton road. (5)  An effort was made in 1736 to have the course of the road changed between the Neshaminy and alms-house hill, because it ran through the middle of John Beuley's [Bewley's*] farm, but it was not successful. In 1738 the Dyer's mill road was extended through Plumstead, commencing at Danborough, to which place it had already been laid out, to the Delaware at Enoch Pearson's landing, now Point Pleasant, to meet a road coming to the river on the New Jersey side. The road to Point Pleasant was afterward extended westward to Whitehallville to meet the Butler road, and is known as the Ferry road. It was surveyed by John Chapman. This was called Dyer's mill road for many years, and was only changed to Easton road when it was extended to the Lehigh. It was turnpiked from Doylestown to Willow Grove in 1839 or 1840, and some years subsequently the turnpike was continued up to Plumsteadville under a new charter. After the York and Easton roads were opened, the want of a road from the Delaware across the county toward the Schuylkill was felt. This was met in 1730 by opening one from what is now Centreville, although it is said to have commenced at Buckingham meeting-house, to the Montgomery line, at Ross Gordon's corner, to which point a road had already been opened from the Schuylkill. When the State road was opened from New Hope to Norristown in 1830, it was laid on the bed of the old road as far as it extended, and is now known as the Upper State road. [THE HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, CHAPTER XLVIII, ROADS.from the discovery of the Delaware to the present time by W. W. H. Davis, A.M., 1876 and 1905* editions. Chapter XLVIII]

BEWLEY, GEORGE. Upper Merion. January 7, 1799. Isaac Bewley, adm.

BEWLEY, JOHN. Upper Merion. January 7, 1799. Isaac Bewley, adm.

[Wills: Administrations 1784-1821: Montgomery Co, PA]

Peter Penn-Gaskell, son of Peter Gaskell and Christiana Gulielma Penn, came,as stated, to this country about 1785. He married, 1793, Elizabeth, daughterof Nathan Edwards, of Radnor, Delaware County, Pennsylvania. He died July 16,1831, as stated by the inscription on his tombstone in the Baptist Church ofLower Merion, Pennsylvania, which adds that his age was sixty-eight years,thus fixing his birth as in 1763. He purchased, 1796, three years after hismarriage, of John Bewley, a tract of land and residence in Radnor (near thepresent railway station, Villa Nova), which he called "Ashwood," and whichremained in the family possession until 1888. In 1823, upon the decease ofhis brother Thomas Penn-Gaskell, he came into succession as owner of theIrish property, and he was thereafter known as "of hangarry." He assumed,"by royal license," May 31, 1824, "in compliance with the testamentaryinjunction of his brother," the additional surname of Penn,1 and the familyname has since so continued. [Family History: Chapters XI-XII, Jenkins', The Family of William Penn, 1899: PA]

Notes for ANN KIMBLE:

Colonial Records of Pennsylvania Vol II

8-8-1744 Richard Morley (Morrey) conveyed to John Bewley of Bucks Co, and Ann, his wife 40 acres of land, and whereas 6-24-1745 John Buley of Bucks Co, and Ann, his wife, conveyed to George Buley Jr. the said 40 acres of land.  [Morrey was an uncle of Ann Kimble's)

History of Bucks Co., PA Vol 1 by Davis "among the early settlers in Buckingham, Matilda Kimble then a widow, inherited from her brother Thomas Morrey, in 1735, 400 acres of land on the Neshanny in Buckingham, adjoining the Wrightstown and Warrwick lines, which descended to her children, Anthony and William Kimble; and daughters Ann Bewley, wife of John Bewley; Rose, wife of Josiah Wilkinson and Mary, wife of Charles Hickst.  In addition to the 400 acres, Richard Morrey,  the father of Matilda, and Humphrey Morrey, her uncle, conveyed several additional tracts to the children of Matilda Kimble at about the same date.  The Kimbles were the first settlers on this land, a large tract of which is still owned and occupied by Charles Kimble, a brother of the subject of this sketch.  Humphrey Morrey, the grandfather of Matilda Kimble, was the first mayor of Philadelphia."

John and Ann inherited land in Bucks Co, PA when Matilda Kimble died.

Orphan Book A1 p.140, Bucks Co, PA 1749/50 13 day of June.  Division of the land of Matilda Kimble, after her death, Anthony Kimble and William Kimble; Ann Bewley, wife of John; Rosa, wife of Josiah Wilkinson; Mary wife of Charles Hickst, they inherited 26 acres and 6 perches. 

Children of JOHN BEWLEY and ANN KIMBLE are:

7.                   i.    GEORGE ANTHONY5 BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1745, Philadelphia, Bucks Co, PA; d. 16 Nov 1835, Greene Co, TN.

                     ii.    JOHN GEORGE BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1747.


George BEWLEY was born 1755; m. 7 Nov 1775 by Pa license to Hannah PAUL, d. bef 22 Feb 1794, Northern Liberties, City of Philadelphia, Pa.

29 APr 1776 William & Martha SHOEMAKER, of the manor of Moorland, Philadelphia Co., Pa to George BEWLEY of the manor, Philadelphia Co., Pa DB 1-16 p 246.

16 Mar 1784, George BEWLEY & Hannah, late of the manor of Moorland Philadelphia Co., Pa., now on a voyage to sea, blacksmith, to Abraham REXOF, Germantown, Philadelphia Co., Pa. DB D 9 pg 472.

25 Aug 1787, Benjamin & Rebecca VANHORn, city of Philadelphia, laborer to George BEWLEY, gent, of the city of Philadelphia, lot on east side of Delaware 4th St. in Northern Liberties, City of Philadelphia, recorded 28 Oct. 1788, DB D-21, p 472.

WILL: 6 Jan 1794, George BEWLEY, of Northern Liberties, City of Philadelphia, estate to wife but if she should remarry, only 1/2 estate to devolve to her children.  The other half of estate to my children; Elizabeth, James, Hannah, Mary & George all under 21. Dated Jan 1794,WB X, pg 30.

24 Apr 1801, Hannah BEWLEY and Isaac KNIGHT, executor of will of George BEWLEY late of Northern Liberties, City of Philadelphia, son of sd. Nathan BEWLEY, the elder, deceased, Philadelphia Co., Pa. DB EF6, pg 504

John George Bewley found in SAR records as a Revolutionary War soldier

                    iii.    NATHAN BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1749; d. Abt. 1807.


res of Fauqier and Bedford Co, VA and Hardin Co, KY.  This is probably the Nathan who m'd Hannah Paul 07 Nov 1775 PA.  The will for a Nathan Bewley of Montgomery Co dated 24 Nov 1807 and proved 14 Dec 1809 mentions wife Hannah and four children: Mary, Isaac, Hannah, John

Friends Meeting House, Horsham, Montgomery Co, PA

Mary b. 23 Aug 1795

Isaac b. 15 Jul 1798

Hannah b. 16 Nov 1800

son, John b. after 1800

The will for a James Paul of Warrington Twp, Bucks Co, dated 18 June 1790 and proved 22 Jan 1791 mentions a daughter, Hannah, wife of George (Nathan?) Bewley, in addition to his sons, Joseph, James, John, Jonathan, Thomas and Caleb.

                   iv.    ISAAC BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1751.

8.                 v.    JOHN BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1753.

                   vi.    JESSE BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1755.


1775 shown in Warwich Twp, Bucks Co, PA tax records; 1782 also in Bucks Co.  This may be the Jesse Buley who m'd Mary Fenton 17 Nov 1799 at the Reformed Netherland Church, Southhampton, Bucks Co.  There was also a Jesse Bewley who m'd Mary Huckaby 29 Sep 1802 Bedford Co, VA.

9.               vii.    CHRISTOPHER BEWLEY, b. 06 Apr 1756, Loudon Co, VA; d. 20 Aug 1839, Breckenridge Co, Ky.

Generation No. 4

5.  ISAAC5 BEWLEY (NATHAN4, GEORGE ANTHONY3, JOHN2, UNKNOWN1) was born Abt. 1740, and died Abt. 1773.  He married RACHEL CLIFTON 24 Nov 1761 in Philadelphia, Bucks Co, PA.


Isaac BEWLEY was born c 1740.  He married Rachel CLIFTON 24 Nov 1761 at Philadelphia Monthly Meeting, Philadelphia, Pa.  She was the daughter of John CLIFTON, pg 464, Hinshaw, Vol 2.  He died

d. after 13 Aug 1772 and before 20 Jan 1773 as his will was probated at that time.

Will: Isaac BEWLEY, township of Abington, County of Philadelphia. wife: Rachel, yearly increase of 1/2 of the produce of all my lands. 5 children: Nathan, John, Isaac, Sarah & George, all under 21 years of age.  Mentions his deceased father Nathan BEWLEY; mentions land called Pire Land in twp of Upper Dublin, County of Philadelphia.  Nathan to be bound under care of his grandmother (to mother) John & Isaac to be bound among the people called Quakers and then to be apprenticed.  Sarah & George to remain under the care of their mother.  Executor: John SHOEMAKER.  Will dated
13 Aug 1772.  Codical: Personal items to wife, Rachel; brother-in-law, William CLIFTON of Philadelphia dated 20 day, 1st month, 1773.  Probated 13 Mar 1773.  WB. P; pg 389, Philadelphia, Pa.

BEWLEY, ISAAC.   Abington. Phila. Co.   March 13, 1773.   P.380.  [Wills: Abstracts, Book P: 1770 - 1774: Philadelphia Co, PA]

24 Apr 1801, Philadelphia Co., Pa. DB EF 6, pg 504:  Isaac BEWLEY left 5 children: Nathan, John, Sarah, Isaac, the 4 partners of the 1st part and George, who died without issue with his property being

devised to his 4 brothers and sisters.


Nathan & Hannah BEWLEY of Upper Dublin, Montgomery Co., Pa,  blacksmith;

John & Rachel BEWLEY of Abington Twp, Philadelphia Co., Pa, taylor:

Sarah BEWLEY (single woman) of Upper Dublin, Montgomery Co., Pa;

Isaac & Ann BEWLEY of Upper Dublin, Montgomery Co., Pa, carpenter,  living & only surviving heirs of Isaac BEWLEY deceased.


10.                 i.    NATHAN6 BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1763; d. Abt. 1808, Upper Dublin Twp, Montgomery Co, PA.

                     ii.    JOHN BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1765; m. RACHEL TYSON, Bef. 1801.

Notes for JOHN BEWLEY:

John m'd Rachel before 1801.  In his father's will he was to be bound among Quakers and then apprenticed.  In 1801 he was a taylor of Abington Twp, Philadelphia Co, PA.  Rachel was probably a Tyson.

Will Book 4, pg 318, Montgomery Co, PA, Susanna Austin of Upper Dublin dated 16 May 1813; sisters Mary Kirk and Mary Hallowell, neph Isaac Tyson; daughters Elizabeth, wife of Anthony Williams, Agness Craft; niece, Rache Bewley, wife of John Bewley, etc.

11.               iii.    ISAAC BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1767.

                   iv.    SARAH BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1768.

                    v.    GEORGE BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1770; d. Bef. 1801.


1-7-1799 Estate of George Bewley of Upper Merin, Montgomery Co, PA was Administered by Isaac Bewley.1-7-1799 Estate of George Bewley of Upper Merin, Montgomery Co, PA was Administered by Isaac Bewley.

6.  MARY5 BEWLEY (NATHAN4, GEORGE ANTHONY3, JOHN2, UNKNOWN1) was born Abt. 1742, and died Aft. 1801.  She married ISAAC KNIGHT 30 Mar 1772.

Notes for MARY BEWLEY:

Mary BEWLEY m. Isaac KNIGHT, Co-executor of will of George BEWLEY. Mary's brother in 1801, (George d 1794).  Living in Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., Pa.  Only child, daughter Elizabeth KNIGHT, unmarried in 1801.


                      i.    ELIZABETH6 KNIGHT, b. Abt. 1774.

7.  GEORGE ANTHONY5 BEWLEY (JOHN4, GEORGE ANTHONY3, JOHN2, UNKNOWN1) was born Abt. 1745 in Philadelphia, Bucks Co, PA, and died 16 Nov 1835 in Greene Co, TN.  He married SARAH PHILLIPS Abt. 1767 in Loudon Co, VA, daughter of JOHN PHILLIPS.  She was born Abt. 1747.


Bewley Roots Newsletter Vol 7 No 4 December 1986 p174-175

   The Bewleys were early settlers to East Tennessee when the area was still a frontier.  In 1783, at the end of the Revolutionary War, Anthony Bewley obtained a grant of 100 acres in what is now East Tennessee. Anthony paid 50 shillings or 2 1/2 pounds plus an annual fee for the land.  The land Anthony acquired was located at this point a "little below the Lick (Creek) running into the Nolichucky" (River).  Shortly afterwards, probably in 1785, Anthony Bewley, his wife Sallie Phillips and their four children moved from Virginia to their land in East Tennessee.

   In 1786 Anthony decided to move his family again; this time 40 miles South of Knoxville to what is now Blount County, Tennessee, living most of the time in a fort near the Little Tennessee River.  Knoxville had not been established by 1786; in that same year James White built his fort as the first settlement in what we now know as Knoxville.

   On August 8, 1788, Anthony's eldest son Rev. George Bewley was killed on the Little Tennessee River in a battle with the Cherokees.  After this happened the family returned to the Nolichucky River presumably to the land Anthony had acquired from the State of North Carolina.

   It is interesting that the land grant originally acquired in 1783 by George Anthony Bewley is found under the listing Anthony in most records and was not registered in Tennessee until 1792.  By this time his son John (Rev. John G. Bewley) had acquired land in the same area.  Five years later in 1797 Anthony sold his land to son John.  If as the land grant registration stated Anthony paid 2 1/2 pounds plus an annual fee for the land he made a handsome profit in selling the land to his son for 100 pounds.

   The Rev. John G. Bewley and his wife Catherine Hunter lived on this land until his death in 1830.

Anthony was the third son of John.  He emigrated to Loudon County, Virginia as a young man.  He married Sallie Phillips of the same county. Her father was French and her mother was Scotish or Welsh.

Anthony emigrated with two children to Henry County, Virginia and then to Tennessee with six children where they settled on the Chuckey River in Greene County.  From there they moved to Blount Co., Tennessee where they stayed for two years.  They stayed mostly in the fort until it was attacked by Indians.  In an attempt to get back some of the women prisoners the eldest son George was killed.

They left Blount Co and moved back to Greene County where Jacob was born.  From Greene County he moved to Washington County and finally back to the Little Chuckey in Greene County where he lived until his death.

John was raised a Quaker but later changed to Methodist

Sallie was raised a Baptist but later changed to Methodist.


Received from researcher, John Ferris:

John Philips Will -

In the name of God Amen!  I, John Philips of Rowan County and State of N. Carolina, being well in health and sound mind and memory thanks be to God, do make and ordain this to be my last Will and Test:  In manner and form following, that is to say.

I lend unto my beloved wife the use of my whole estate, both real and personal, during the time she remains single and living as hereater reserved.

It is my will and desire that in case my wife should hereafter marry, then and in that case, I give and bequeath to her the sum of one hundred silver dollars and also her bed and furniture to her, her heirs and assigns forever.

I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Philips the sum of five shillings (a shilling was 17 cents in Old English money) to him his heirs and assigns forever.

I give and bequeath to my son John Philips the sum of fifty shillings to him his heirs and assigns forever.

I give and bequeath to my son Gabriel Philips the sum of fifty shillings to him his heirs and assigns forever.

I give and bequeath to my son Ezra Philips the sum of fifty shillings to him and his heirs and assigns forever.

I give and bequeath to my son Jonathan Philips the sum of forty pounds currency of this State to him his heirs and assigns forever.

I give and bequeath to my son Robert Philips the sum of five pounds to him his heirs and assigns forever.

I give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Buyley the sum of five shillings to her her heirs and assigns forever.

I give and bequeath unto my daughter Ruth Spiers the sum of five shillings to her her heirs and assigns forever.

I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Viny the sum of five shillings to her her heirs and assigns forever.

I give and bequeath to my daughter Ann Cummis the sum of forty shillings currency of the State of her her heirs and assigns forever.

I give and bequeath to my daughter Rebecca Williams the sum of forty shillings to her her heirs and assigns forever.

I give and bequeath to my three sons (to wit) James, Elijah, Stephen Philips the whole of my lands to be equally divided between them in quality and quanity at the death or marriage of my wife aforesaid to them their heirs and assigns forever reserving as hereafter reserved.

I give and bequeath unto my four children (to wit) Daughter, Mary Philips, James, Elijah and Stephen Philips the whole of the remainder or balance of my personal estate after the legacies above and before named being paid out by my executor hereafter named to their heirs and assigns forever at the death or marriage of my wife aforesaid reserving as hereafter reserved.

It is my will and desire that either of my three sons aforesaid (to wit) James, Elijah and Stephen Philips should die before they arrive to the age of twenty-one years old without having lawful living sons that then and in case I give and bequeath their part or share of my land to the survivors to them their heirs and assigns forever.

It is my will and desire that if either of my four children (to wit) my daughter Mary Philips and my three sons James, Elijah and Stephen Philips should  die before they arrive to the age of twenty-one years old or marries that what I hath given them of my personal estate that then and in that case I give and bequeath their part of share to be equally divided between them as specified in this clause at the death or marriage of my wife.

It is further my will and desire that my four children (to wit) Mary Philips, James, Elijah, and Stephen Philips be decently supported and schooled out of the profits of my estate which sum I reserve out of the use of my estate as before mentioned to my wife.

And I hereby make and ordain my beloved wife Diannah Philips and my friend Lewis Hicks my executors of this my last will and test:  In witness whereof I the said John Phillips have to this my last will and testament set my hand and seal this 8 day of November 1800.

Signed sealed and declared in the presence of us

John B. Palmer

John Hick

His John X Phillips mark

[When I researched this will I found that it came from Rowan County, NC, from Will Book F, pp. 43-44.  See FHL film 303,801.]

Phillips Researcher: Richard Hayes Phillips offers information on the Phillips line on his website:


                      i.    GEORGE6 BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1769, Loudon Co, VA; d. 08 Aug 1788, Monroe Co, Tn.


Rev. George Bewley.

Anthony moved his family to Blount Co., Tennessee where they stayed for two years.  They stayed mostly in the fort until it was attacked by Indians.  In an attempt to get back some of the women prisoners the eldest son George was killed.

12.                ii.    JOHN G. BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1771, Loudon Co, VA; d. 25 Sep 1830, Lick Creek, Greene Co, TN.

13.               iii.    ANTHONY BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1775, Loudon Co, VA; d. 1847, Warrensburg, Greene Co, TN.

14.              iv.    MAHLON BEWLEY, b. 1776, Henry Co, VA; d. 04 Dec 1831, Boiling Springs, Pope Co, Ark.

15.               v.    LIVI ANN BEWLEY, b. 01 Jan 1778, Henry Co, VA; d. 06 Dec 1850, Bulls Gap, Hawkins Co, TN.

16.              vi.    CALVIN F. BEWLEY, b. 1780, Henry, Franklin Co, VA; d. 19 Jan 1848, Polk Co, MO.

17.             vii.    MATILDA BEWLEY, b. 1781, Greene Co, TN.

18.            viii.    SARAH BEWLEY, b. 1783, Greene Co, TN; d. 10 Dec 1860, Cleveland, Bradley, TN.

19.               ix.    BARBARA BEWLEY, b. 1784, Greene Co, TN.

20.                x.    JACOB MURPHY BEWLEY, SR., b. 07 Feb 1795; d. 19 Feb 1867, Jefferson Co, TN.

21.               xi.    HANNAH BEWLEY, b. 1791, Warrensburg, Greene Co, TN; d. Aft. 1870, Warrensburg, Greene Co, TN.

22.              xii.    POLLY BEWLEY, b. 1793, Greene Co, TN; d. Abt. 1822, Greene Co, TN.

8.  JOHN5 BEWLEY (JOHN4, GEORGE ANTHONY3, JOHN2, UNKNOWN1) was born Abt. 1753.  He married RACHEL TYSON 08 Jun 1797 in Abington Twp, Montgomery Co, PA.

Notes for JOHN BEWLEY:

probably same John Bewley who m'd Rachel Tyson 08 Jun 1797 Abington, Montgomery Co, PA.

Abington Friends Meeting House

Isaac b. 24 Mar 1798

Sarah b. 09 Jul 18??

The will of Susanna Austin of Upper Dublin, Montgomery Co, PA dated 16 May 1813 and proved 13 Jan 1817 mentions her niece, Rachel Bewley, wife of John Bewley.  It also mentions her nephew, Isaac Tyson and Sarah and Thomas Tyson, relationships unstated.probably same John Bewley who m'd Rachel Tyson 08 Jun 1797 Abington, Montgomery Co, PA.

Children of JOHN BEWLEY and RACHEL TYSON are:

                      i.    ISAAC6 BEWLEY, b. 24 Mar 1798.

                     ii.    SARAH BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1800.

                    iii.    ELIZABETH BEWLEY.

                   iv.    AGNES BEWLEY.

                    v.    ELIZABETH BEWLEY.

9.  CHRISTOPHER5 BEWLEY (JOHN4, GEORGE ANTHONY3, JOHN2, UNKNOWN1) was born 06 Apr 1756 in Loudon Co, VA, and died 20 Aug 1839 in Breckenridge Co, Ky.  He married NANCY AGNES PATTERSON 16 May 1782 in Bedford Co, VA.  She was born 06 Mar 1765 in VA, and died 15 Sep 1822 in Hardin Co, KY.


                      i.    SARAH6 BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1783.

                     ii.    MATILDA BEWLEY, b. 20 Feb 1785, Bedford Co, VA; d. 02 Jun 1860, Hardin Co, KY; m. JONATHAN MARTIN, 25 Jan 1813, Bedford Co, VA; b. 04 Nov 1790, Bedford Co, VA; d. 02 Jun 1875, Hardin Co, KY.

                    iii.    ESTHER BEWLEY, b. 1789; m. HENRY COFFMAN, 05 Jan 1819.

                   iv.    JOSEPH BEWLEY, b. 1790, Bedford Co, VA; d. Bef. 24 Feb 1865, Hardin Co, KY; m. MARY DOWELL, 29 Apr 1818; b. VA; d. Aft. 1865, Hardin Co, KY.

                    v.    JOHN BEWLEY, b. 19 Feb 1794, VA; d. 21 May 1866; m. ELIZABETH DENT, 13 Mar 1820.

                   vi.    NANCY BEWLEY, b. 1795, Va.

                  vii.    CHRISTOPHER KIMBLE BEWLEY, b. 10 Aug 1799, Va; d. 06 Jul 1855; m. ELLEN DUVALL, 22 Dec 1836.

                 viii.    MARY BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1800, Va; d. 25 Oct 1873, Hardin Co, KY; m. HIRAM M. TABER, 26 Mar 1829, Hardin Co, KY; b. 06 Nov 1808, Hardin Co, KY; d. 12 Nov 1881, Hardin Co, KY.

                    ix.    PHOEBE BEWLEY, b. 1804, VA; m. TURNER ROBERTS, 15 Mar 1830.

                     x.    KIMBLE BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1808, VA; d. Bef. 1847; m. SUSAN LAWSON, 09 Oct 1832.

                    xi.    WILLIAM BERRYMAN CAIN BEWLEY, b. 1813, VA; m. MARY RICHMOND HUMPHREY, 17 Dec 1835.

                   xii.    SARAH BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1783.

                  xiii.    JOHN BEWLEY, b. 19 Feb 1794, VA; d. 21 May 1866; m. ELIZABETH DENT, 13 Mar 1820.

                  xiv.    MARY BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1800, Va; d. 25 Oct 1873, Hardin Co, KY; m. HIRAM M. TABER, 26 Mar 1829, Hardin Co, KY; b. 06 Nov 1808, Hardin Co, KY; d. 12 Nov 1881, Hardin Co, KY.

Generation No. 5

10.  NATHAN6 BEWLEY (ISAAC5, NATHAN4, GEORGE ANTHONY3, JOHN2, UNKNOWN1) was born Abt. 1763, and died Abt. 1808 in Upper Dublin Twp, Montgomery Co, PA.  He married HANNAH.


Nathan m'd before 1801 to Hannah ( ).  He was bound to his grandmother, Mary Bewley in 1773.  Both were living 24 Apr 1801 in Montgomery Co, PA. Nathan was a blacksmith of Upper Dublin.  He died sometime between 11th mo 24th day 1807 and 12-14-1809 in Upper Dublin Twp., Montgomery Co, PA. Will dated 11-24-1807 of Nathan Bewley, Upper Dublin Twp, Montgomery Co, PA.  He was a farmer, wife Hannah, youngest son, John who is under 7 years of age.  Other children: Mary, Isaac, Hannah.  Executor, George Fitzgerald; Witnesses: Ebenezer McDowell, Josiah Wood.  Probated 14 Dec 1809, Montgomery Co, PA.  Will Book 3, p. 176.Nathan m'd before 1801 to Hannah ( ).  He was bound to his grandmother, Mary Bewley in 1773.  Both were living 24 Apr 1801 in Montgomery Co, PA.  Nathan was a blacksmith of Upper Dublin.  He died sometime between 11th mo 24th day 1807 and 12-14-1809 in Upper Dublin Twp., Montgomery Co, PA.  Will dated 11-24-1807 of Nathan Bewley, Upper Dublin Twp, Montgomery Co, PA.  He was a farmer, wife Hannah, youngest son, John who is under 7 years of age.  Other children: Mary, Isaac, Hannah.  Executor, George Fitzgerald; Witnesses: Ebenezer McDowell, Josiah Wood.  Probated 14 Dec 1809, Montgomery Co, PA.  Will Book 3, p. 176.

8.33. Benjamin Doan, Upper Makefield Twp.

November 1, 1808. Codicils November 7, 1808 and November 11, 1808. Proved March 18, 1809. Son Amos, son-in-law John Tomlinson and cousin Thomas Story exrs. Son Amos Plantation whereon I live, adj. Benjamin Wiggins, Abraham Smith and others, provided my son Ephraim lives with him as he now does.   Plantation bought of Isaiah Keith to be sold, proceeds to son Ephraim and daus. Patience Kirk, Cynthia Tomlinson and Mercy Wilson and gdsn. Hugh Worstall, son of dau. Jemimah Worstall.  Jonathan Kinsey and Mary Doan "ch. of my December'd. wife" £150. Residue of Personal Estate to Gdsns. Benjamin Wilson son of dau. Mercy Wilson and Benjamin Doan.

Wits: Edmund Smith, Abram Smith, Ezra Smith, Nathan Bewley. [Wills: Abstracts: Book 8: Bucks Co, PA  1808-1815]

Children of NATHAN BEWLEY and HANNAH are:

                      i.    MARY7 BEWLEY.

                     ii.    ISAAC BEWLEY.

                    iii.    HANNAH BEWLEY.

                   iv.    JOHN BEWLEY.

                    v.    MARY BEWLEY.

                   vi.    ISAAC BEWLEY.

                  vii.    HANNAH BEWLEY.

                 viii.    JOHN BEWLEY.

11.  ISAAC6 BEWLEY (ISAAC5, NATHAN4, GEORGE ANTHONY3, JOHN2, UNKNOWN1) was born Abt. 1767.  He married ANN DANCE.


Married Ann (Dance?).  In 1801 he was a carpenter of Upper Dublin, Montgomery Co, PA.  In father's will he is to be bound among Quakers and then apprenticed.

23 Mar 1795. Montgomery Co, PA. Deed Book 9 p. 210; John Davis and Jane of Morristown Twp, to Isaac Bewley of Radnor Twp of Berks Co., PA 65 acres in Upper Merion Twp.

14 Jan 1800 Montgomery Co, PA Deed Book 14 p. 194; Henry Zook and Barbara of Upper Marion, Montgomery Co, PA to Isaac Bewley a carpenter of Upper Merion Twp, 21 1/2 acres.

Will, Montgomery Co, PA dated 21 Sep 1829, Children: George, Isaac, Cliffton, William, Gilbert, Rachel probated 02 Oct 1829.

Horsham Friends Meeting House, Montgomery Co, PA

Mary b. 24 Sep 1794

George b. 25 Jan 1797

Isaac b. 01 Jul 1799

Will of Isaac Bewley of Gwynedd, Montgomery Co, PA was dated 21 Sep 1829 and proved 02 Oct 1729.  He left $5 to his son, George, and the remainder of his estate to his children equally.  Executors were his sons, Isaac and Clifton.

The will of Joseph Dance of Gwynedd, Montgomery Co, PA dated 06 Aug 1797 and proved 02 Oct 1797 mentions his wife, Mary, and four children: Gilbert, John, Joseph and Ann Bewley.

Montgomery Co will records include wills for a George Bewley and a John Bewley of Upper Merion administered 07 Jan 1799 by Isaac Bewley.

Children of ISAAC BEWLEY and ANN DANCE are:

                      i.    CLIFFTON7 BEWLEY.


Encylopedia of American Quaker Genealogy by Hinshaw Vol II

23 Oct 1827 Clifton received on certificate from ND montly meeting

31 Jan 1828 Clifton disowned mou

                     ii.    RACHEL BEWLEY.

                    iii.    WILLIAM BEWLEY.


Encylopedia of American Quaker Genealogy by Hinshaw Vol II

23 Oct 1827 William, minor, received on certificate from ND monthly meeting[

                   iv.    MARY BEWLEY, b. 24 Sep 1794.

                    v.    GEORGE BEWLEY, b. 25 Jan 1797.

                   vi.    ISAAC BEWLEY, b. 01 Jul 1799.

                  vii.    GILBERT BEWLEY, b. 1813; d. 12 Nov 1836.


Encylopedia of American Quaker Genealogy by Hinshaw Vol II

23 Dec 1834 Gilbert received on certificate from ND monthly meeting

                 viii.    MARY BEWLEY, b. 24 Sep 1794.

12.  JOHN G.6 BEWLEY (GEORGE ANTHONY5, JOHN4, GEORGE ANTHONY3, JOHN2, UNKNOWN1) was born Abt. 1771 in Loudon Co, VA, and died 25 Sep 1830 in Lick Creek, Greene Co, TN.  He married CATHARINE HUNTER Abt. 1793 in Cherokee Creek, Washington Co, TN, daughter of JOHN HUNTER and BARBARA BOWMAN.  She was born 27 Oct 1776 in Rockham Co, VA, and died 11 Mar 1858 in Brighton, Polk Co, MO.

Notes for JOHN G. BEWLEY:

Will probated 24 Jan 1831 in Greene Co, TN and his estate was divided 14 Oct 1833.  His widow, in 1837, went to live with her daughter, Catherine Ayers in MO where she died 11 Mar 1858.

Some of My People by W.I. Ayres--
       "John Bewley, my great-grandfather was born and lived his whole life in Tennessee.  He was a farmer and a Methodist preacher.  He located in the fertile valley of the Nolichuckey River at the mouth of Lick Creek, not far from the foothills of the Great Smokey Mountains, which forms the easterly boundary of Tennessee.  Securing his land from one Robert Hill."

        "He gave the land, furnished the labor and material and built a church so the people of his early day community would not be neglected in a spritual way.  This church was built with lumber which he had provided for the family and doubtless had looked forward to the new home and the additional living space it would afford, but this sacrifice was made for the need of a church and the good of the community."

        "There is a book entitled `The Crossing' by Winston Churchill, in which he describes the gorge, in the great Smokies, through which the Nolichuckey River flows, the beautiful mountain scenery, the trees, the birds and flowers and the rough and rocky road along which many of the early pioneers traveled, on their trek westward, ending by saying that Bishop Francis Asbury, the `Prophet of the Long Road,' had passed down this road many times.  When I read it I said to myself `Where was Asbury going, but to John Bewley's Church, to preach and perhaps to stop at John Bewley's home. I have heard my grandmother speak of him so often.  One of the Bewley boys was named Asbury, after the Bishop."

        "This little church has long since crumbled to dust and the exact spot on which it stood is not known.  The community is largely Baptist now, and they have a church near this same location."

        "John Bewley died in 1830.  Three years later five Commissioners were appointed to divide the estate among his heirs, which they did on October 14, 1833.  The tract on which the church was located fell to Anthony Bewley, who like his father became a Methodist preacher."

        "There is a Methodist Church located three miles east of Warrensburg, Tennessee, known as `Bewley's Chapel'.  The land on which is stands was deeded to the Trustees of this church in 1889 by Phillip M. Bewley, who was a Methodist preacher."

        "The Nolichuckey River on which John Bewley lived, speeds its way northward through a deep rocky gorge in the Great Smokey Mountains then bends westward running through this fertile valley to meet the French Broad River, near the westerly corner of Green County, near the Bewley Place.  I have often heard my grandmother tell of the caravans and droves of stock traveling this river road, which passed her home, and how many of these travelers became angry and complained because someone was not kept constantly at the roadside with fresh water, to quench the thirst of these weary travelers."
       p.19 "John Bewley, my great grandfather was born in and lived his whole life in Tennessee.  He had a mixture of English, Welsh, and French blood in his veins.  He was a Methodist preacher, he furnished the labor and material and built a church on his own land, so the people of the community would not be neglected in a religious way.  He died of river fever in 1830."


went to TN in 1779

joined Methodist Church in 1799

after death of her husband in 1833 she remained inTN until 1837 when she went to live with her daughter, Catherine Ayers in MO.


                      i.    REBECCA7 BEWLEY, b. 12 Oct 1795, Cherokee Creek, Washington Co, Tn; m. (1) THOMAS SMITH, 12 Dec 1816, Washington Co, TN; m. (2) THOMAS SMITH, 12 Dec 1816, Washington Co, TN.

23.                ii.    GEORGE BEWLEY, b. 01 Apr 1797, Cherokee Creek, Washington Co, Tn; d. 06 Aug 1847, Russellville, Hamblen Co, TN.

24.               iii.    JOHN WILLIAM BEWLEY, b. 05 Apr 1799, Cherokee Creek, Washington Co, Tn; d. 15 Dec 1847, Sandy River on Oregon Trail, OR.

                   iv.    MARY BEWLEY, b. 28 Aug 1802, Cherokee Creek, Washington Co, TN; d. 30 Aug 1843, Brighton, Polk Co, MO.

25.               v.    ANTHONY BEWLEY, b. 22 May 1804, Cherokee Creek, Washington Co, TN; d. 13 Sep 1860, Fort Worth, Tarrant Co, TX.

26.              vi.    WELLS C. BEWLEY, b. 17 Oct 1806, Cherokee Creek, Washington Co, TN; d. 1858, Gordon, GA.

27.             vii.    ISAAC WILKINSON BEWLEY, b. 19 Jun 1808, Cherokee Creek, Greene Co, TN; d. 11 May 1880, Sheridan, Yamhill Co, OR.

28.            viii.    SARAH ELIZABETH BEWLEY, b. 30 Jul 1810, Cherokee Creek, Greene Co, TN; d. 08 Jan 1891, Yamhill Co, OR.

                    ix.    WESLEY BEWLEY, b. 19 Feb 1814, Cherokee Creek, Greene Co, TN; d. 04 Nov 1834, TN.

29.                x.    FRANCIS ASBURY BEWLEY, b. 07 Jul 1816, Cherokee Creek, Greene Co, TN; d. 01 Aug 1845, Fanin Co, TX.

30.               xi.    CATHARINE AXLEY BEWLEY, b. 15 Nov 1818, Warrensburg, Greene Co, TN; d. 05 Jul 1918, Topeka, KS.

                   xii.    MANERVA D. BEWLEY, b. 10 May 1821, Cherokee Creek, Greene Co, TN; d. 31 Oct 1835.

13.  ANTHONY6 BEWLEY (GEORGE ANTHONY5, JOHN4, GEORGE ANTHONY3, JOHN2, UNKNOWN1) was born Abt. 1775 in Loudon Co, VA, and died 1847 in Warrensburg, Greene Co, TN.  He married SARAH FINCH 22 May 1804 in Greene Co, TN.  She was born Abt. 1779 in Jonesboro, Washington Co, TN, and died Abt. 1820 in Greene Co, TN.


                      i.    MATILDA7 BEWLEY, b. 1806, Greene Co, TN; d. 12 Apr 1861, IL; m. SOLOMON HARRISON, 03 Jun 1829, Greene Co, TN; b. Abt. 1807, VA.

                     ii.    JOHN ANTHONY GEORGE BEWLEY, b. 13 Aug 1808, Jefferson Co, TN; d. 18 Feb 1850, Russellville, Hamblen Co, TN; m. MARINA HARRELL, 08 Nov 1837, Hawkins Co, TN; b. 14 Jul 1820, TN; d. Aft. 1880.

                    iii.    CALVIN P. BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1810, Greene Co, TN.

                   iv.    ELIZABETH E. BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1812.

                    v.    MARTHA J. BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1812.

                   vi.    MARY L. BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1814, Greene Co, TN.

                  vii.    SARAH MOORE BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1814; m. WILLIAM FARRIS, 02 Jun 1846, Greene Co, TN.

                 viii.    JACOB M. BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1815.

                    ix.    SINAI BEWLEY, b. 1816, Greene Co, TN; m. WILLIAM WALKER, 21 Mar 1839, Greene Co, TN.

31.                x.    WILLIAM CARTER BEWLEY, b. 16 Jul 1820, Greene Co, TN; d. 06 May 1868, Anderson Co, SC.

14.  MAHLON6 BEWLEY (GEORGE ANTHONY5, JOHN4, GEORGE ANTHONY3, JOHN2, UNKNOWN1) was born 1776 in Henry Co, VA, and died 04 Dec 1831 in Boiling Springs, Pope Co, Ark.  He married JANE REED Abt. 1801 in Boiling Springs, Pope Co, Ark, daughter of NELSON REED.  She was born 1779 in MD, and died 1838 in Boiling Springs, Pope Co, Ark.

        MAHLON BEWLEY comes to Arkansas: Rev. Mahlon Bewley, Methodist Minister came to Pope Co., AR from Virginia, then Alabama between 1826 and 1830. Arkansas, at the time was in need of "regular conference members who could give full time to preaching. Most of these had to be recruited outside the state ... Among them in these years we find ... the Bewleys (Nelson, Mahlon, Robert), from Tennessee. In the fall of 1830 Mahlon Bewley was appointed to serve the Arkansas Circuit; but he became ill (and died) during the year, and his son, Robert a local preacher, was secured to take his place. Robert is quoted  as saying later : The only church in the place [Little Rock] was a log cabin belonging to the Presbyterians. It was in this house [in 1831] that the first Methodist society was organized, and worshipped for a long time." (Methodism in Arkansas, 1816-1976)

It is said that during these early years Mahlon Bewley and his sons, Nelson and Robert, pioneered Methodism in the northwestern part of Arkansas.  He settled in Boiling Springs. "One of the first settlements in Pope County was the Boiling Springs community which was located about a mile west of where the city of Hector now stands. A  large camp meeting was held at Boiling Springs in the early 1830's. As an outgrowth of this meeting, the first Methodist  church in Pope County was established by Rev. Mahlon Bewley and  his four preacher sons: John M., Robert S., George W., and  Nelson R. The church was organized and a log building erected in 1832. [The church and church records burned. A brush arbor and huts were built in this area for camp meetings but were burned during the Civil War. In 1970 the cemetery had 514 unidentified graves with native stone markers but no names.] (Courier Democrat 8/31/1988)

        Rev. Bewley is alsocredited with naming Boiling Springs. The name was given because the water seemed to just boil up out of the ground for no apparent reason and created a pretty good size branch. Boiling Springs is also called Boiling Springs Campground and by some simply Campground.

        Rev. Mahlon Bewley opened the first school in the area. The  school was first held in his home and later in the church building. Teachers were Rev. Bewley, his son, Robert, and his son-in-law Benjamin Langford." (History o f Pope County,  Arkansas, v.1)

         It is also written that Boiling Springs was  actually several small streams that boiled up through pure white  sand. The spring provided natural filtration for the water. And that the Boiling Springs Cemetery was not a regular burying place until the Civil War, as in those pioneer times, only a few families resided in this area.

(Letterwritten to Mrs. Ira  Sparks, Russellville)

        Many Bewley descendants still live in the area today. He died c1831and is buried in the Bewley Cemetery in Scottsville,  Arkansas. There are "27 graves with sandstone markers, no names or dates. There are 6 pen rocks. The following information is  from the memory of Jake Garrigus.." (Cemeteries of the Buck Mountain, Pine Hill and Scottsville Communities in Pope County, Arkansas, by James & Alta Ballardand C.L. & Lina Boyd.)

"The following reference to the pioneer epoch is from the pen of Hon. John R. Homer Scott, of Russellville: ...I look back to the good  old days with wonder, astonishment and sadness at the change ...that we might again realize and enjoy the blessings ... which were once very pleasant ... and have with us again ... such grand, congenial noble men for fellowship as ... Benjamin Langford ... Mahlon and John M. Bewley ... fondly remembered, but now no more, whose smiles, presence, company and counsel served to enliven, cheer and gladden our hearts. Peace to their  ashes." (Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Western Arkansas, 1891)

        Arkansas Gazette February 16, 1836

            ADMINISTRATION NOTICE-- The undersigned having obtained, on the 22d day of December, A. D. 1835, from the Clerk (in vacation) of the County Court of Pope county, and Territory of Arkansas, Letters of Administration on the estate of Mahlon Bewley, late of said county, deceased, hereby gives notice to all persons having claims against said estate, to present them to him, properly authenticated, according to law, within one year from the date of said Letters, or they may be precluded from.deriving any benefit from said estate ; and if said claims be not presented, within five years from the date of said letters, they will be ever barred.  Said estate is probably insolvent.  All persons indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment to the subscriber.

            ROBERT S. BEWLEY, Adm'r of the estate of Mahlon Bewley, deceased. Pope county, Feb. 4, 1836.

Children of MAHLON BEWLEY and JANE REED are:

32.                 i.    JOHN MAHLON7 BEWLEY, b. Abt. 1802, Washington, D.C.; d. 1880, Griffin, Pope Co, AR.

                     ii.    ROBERT SANDERS BEWLEY, b. 1804, Washington, D.C.; d. 1883; m. (1) SARAH BUNFIELD, Abt. 1824, Pope Co, AR; m. (2) EVELINA LANGFORD, 1829, Scottsville, Greenville Co, SC; b. 1807, Greenville Co, SC; d. Abt. Jan 1910, Pope Co, AR; m. (3) ELIZABETH JANE DAVIS, 20 Mar 1864, Pope Co, AR; b. 1837; d. 1879.

                    iii.    NELSON R. BEWLEY, b. 1806, VA; d. 13 Apr 1836, Warren, MO; m. SILVIA JANE MILLINGTON, 16 Jan 1835, Warren, MO; b. Abt. 1808, Warren Co, MO.

                   iv.    JANE BEWLEY, b. 1810, Jackson, Ark; m. THOMAS MOSS, 01 Feb 1832, Pope Co, AR; b. 1808.

                    v.    GEORGE WASHINGTON BEWLEY, b. 02 May 1810, Fairfax, VA; d. 05 Nov 1846;  
Buley, Nathaniel (I33338)
Mexico, Nuevo León, Civil Registration,
General Zuazua Matrimonios 1867-1890
Image 207 of 511 
Family: Jose Sotero Martinez / Maria de Refugia Martinez (F49016)
Name of Deceased:       Irene Scott
Age at Death:       80
Death Date:       11 Mar 2006
Obituary Date:       14 Mar 2006
Newspaper Title:       Times Journal, The
Newspaper Location:       Jackson, OH, US
Birth Date:       abt 1926
Locations Mentioned in Obituary:      
Lamar, Clarksville, Clarksville, Fort Collins, Fort Collins, Brunswick, GA, GA Brunswick
Other Persons Mentioned in Obituary:
Leon Warren
Dewey Edward
Amos Pledger
Billy Sutton Wayne
John Wesley
Lewis Warren
Lester Warren
Loren Scott L.
Mildred Park
Manford Warren
Margie Allwine
Merle Barnett
Lula Warren Mae Graves 
Warren, Irene W. (I16152)
Name:      Karl Tannheimer
Gender:      männlich (Male)
Birth Year:      1888
Place of Origin:      Schattwold, Tirol, Österreich (Austria)
Last Residence:      Neudorf St Fiden, St. Gallen, Schweiz (Switzerland)
Departure Date:      February 1913
Port of Departure:      Havre
Port of Arrival:      New York
Source:      Auswanderungsamt und Auswanderungsbüro. Überseeische Auswanderungen aus der Schweiz, 1910-1953. Schweizerisches Bundesarchiv. E 2175 - 2, Band 8.

Other records note he arrived in the U.S on 16 February 1913, and was naturalized as a U.S. Cititzen
on 5 March 1928 in Saint Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri.

1915 - Listed in 1915 Yankton, South Dakota State Census.  Noted as born in Switzerland, as well as parents. 
Tannheimer, Carl Frank (I144245)
She was listed in 1925 South Dakota State Census as age 25, born in Minnesota.

Listed Middle name as Patrina.

Listed marriage year as 1918.

Her mother listed as from Iowa and Father from Norway. 
Hanson, Christine Patrina (I106432)
13 1925 South Dakota State Census list Fred John Mueller as age 33.

He was a listed as a carpenter and owned is own house or farm.

He listed his wifes maiden name as Hanson. 
Mueller, Fred John (I106433)
14 Eva P. Burson Eva Pauline Burson, 80, of Liberty, MO, died Wednesday, September 15, 2004, at the Liberty Hospital. Memorial services will be 11 a.m. Saturday, September 18, 2004, at the Liberty Christian Church, 427 E. Kansas St., Liberty, MO. Friends may call at the church from 10-11 a.m. Saturday. Private interment of her cremains will follow the service. Mrs. Burson loved children, and her family wishes to honor her by suggesting memorial contributions to St. Jude's Children's Hospital, in care of the Fry-Runyan Funeral Home, PO Box 520, Kearney, MO 64060. Mrs. Burson was born February 26, 1924 in Excelsior Springs, MO, the daughter of John and Gertrude Hockensmith Porter. She was reared in Excelsior Springs and had lived in several places in Missouri, among them, Lawson, Lathrop, La Clede, North Kansas City and Smithville, before moving to Liberty six years ago. Mrs. Burson was a devoted wife, mother and grandmother. She was a member of the Liberty Christian Church. She was preceded in death by her parents, an infant son, Larry James Burson, two brothers and a sister. She is survived by her husband of 61 years, Joseph Burson, of the home; a son, Kenneth Burson, Seattle, WA; two daughters, Eva Joe Cummins, Kearney, MO and Suzanne M. Kratzer, Kent, OH; a sister, Anne Pierce, Springfield, MO; seven grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren. (Arr: Fry-Runyan Funeral Home, Kearney, MO (816) 628-4411) Published in the Kansas City Star on 9/16/2004. Porter, Eva Pauline (I22457)
15 note in the Waldrop papers owned by Tom Waldrop in Fla. says Lucinda was
born 1805 in SC and married Benjamin Wood in 1831, Fayette Co.,GA.
Benjamin Wood and moved to Dade Co., GA.
(See 1860 census, #446, p. 60) 
Waldrop, Lucinda (I135786)
16 October 13, 1709, Diego Trujillo, native of New Mexico living in El Paso del Norte,
son of Sargento Cristóbal Trujillo and Micaela Archuleta, natives of New Mexico, and
María Herrera, 16, native of New Mexico, daughter of Miguel de Herrera and
Mariana García, deceased. Witnesses: Baltasar Trujillo and his wife, Nicolasa de
Espinosa. (AASF, Roll 60, frs. 571-574, DM 1709, October 7, no. 14, Santa Cruz;
AASF, Roll 60, frs. 592-596, DM 1709, no. 21, Santa Cruz; and Chávez, "New
Mexico Roots," 1926) 
Family: Diego Trujillo / Maria Herrera (F31427)
17 Pension application of James Elkin W8803 Martha fn45Va
Transcribed by Will Graves rev'd 5/30/09
[Methodology: Spelling, punctuation and/or grammar have been corrected in some instances for ease of reading and to facilitate searches of the database. Also, the handwriting of the original scribes often lends itself to varying interpretations. Users of this database are urged to view the original and to make their own decision as to how to decipher what the original scribe actually wrote. Blanks appearing in the transcripts reflect blanks in the original.]
State of Kentucky, Clark County
On this 26th day of November 1832 personally appeared in open court before the County Court of Clark aforesaid now sitting James Elkin resident of said County and State aforesaid aged Seventy seven years who being first duly [sworn] according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the Benefit of the act of Congress passed 7th of June 1832.
That he entered the service of the U.S. under the following named officers and served as herein stated.
He states that he was born on the 16th day of April 1755. In the State of Virginia in Henry County & moved from thence to the waters of New River in the County of Botetourt. He states that from this County he mounted a campaign against the Indians on the frontiers of Western Virginia as a picked man for a tour of one month under Captain Cloyd1 [could be Clay-name is written over] in the year 1775 [could be 1776 - number written over]. Sometime in the Summer we marched down New River some distance thence across to Cole River and so on to Paint Lick. And from thence back to whence we started having acted as a spy and ranger under the above Captain and a Colonel by the name of Preston. The next tour was from same County as a volunteer for one month to guard Blackmore's Fort on Clynch [Clinch] River under Captain Boan [Boone? or Bowen?]. He thinks in the same year. The next was a tour of one month as a volunteer to guard Carter's Station at Rye Cove under Captain William Boan in the year 1777. Sometime in the latter part of the Summer. The next was another tour of one month as a volunteer under a Lieutenant by the name of Micarmack [McCormick?] at a fort called James Roger's Fort. The next was at old Mr. Whittin's Fort for a tour of three months in the fall of 1777. From Russell County Virginia under Captain James Maxwell as a volunteer on this tour we ranged some through the Country but the principal part of our time we were guarding the above forts at the end of the time he states he received a discharge for three months by his Captain. The next was a tour of seven months from same County as a volunteer under Captain Joseph Lock. On a campaign called Mactintosh's [McIntosh's] campaign early in the fall of 1778. He states they rendezvoused on Holston [River], where they got their horses for on this campaign he states he was put in the pack service. From thence we went through the County seat of Botetourt, and so on across James River and on to Stanton in Augusta [County, Virginia] where we loaded with Lead and flour and from thence to the South branch of Potamack [Potomac River] and from thence to the North branch of Potomac from thence across the Allegheny to Monongahela thence to Fort McIntosh - and delivered our Load and was ordered back a place called Shirtee on the waters of the Monongahela to feed and take care of our horses until further orders. We were then order[ed] to return to Fort McIntosh. Here we Loaded with flour and whisky from thence to Fort Larance [sic, Lawrence?] at which place we delivered our Load in the now State of Ohio. We were then ordered back to the above place to feed and take care of our forces as above - And at this place we were discharged Sometime in the month of March in the year 1779 having served a tour of seven months and was discharged for that time by Captain Lock. The next was a tour of three months in the spring of 1779 under Captain
1 The War Department read this name as "Clay." Thomas Martin & Colonel Shelby from same County. We went on to Holston here we rendezvoused. And marched or rather descended the River to Tennessee and so on down the Tennessee to something like 8 miles above the boiling pot [sic, Boiling Pot] here we landed and the Indians fled and we destroyed their Towns and burned their corn killed some Indians & after accomplishing the object of the expedition the most of our men went on down the River to Illinois and he states he with some others returned back from whence they started. He states he well recollects that his Captain was very sick on his return so much so that we had to let him rest frequently we however got home sometime in the summer and was discharged for that time having served a tour of three months. The next was a tour of three months as a volunteer under Captain Reece Boan [sic, Reece Bowen] and Colonel Edmonson [Edmondson] on an expedition to King's Mountain in the year 1780 (he thinks) the time of year not recollected but he well remembers that it was some very short time before the Battle at King's Mountain. He states they rendezvoused on Holston marched across the yellow Mountain and so through North Carolina thence through South Carolina. And some short time before we got to the Mountain battle was over we obtained information of the success of the American Army. Somewhere near the Cherokee Ford of Broad River we had prisoners after the Battle put under our care several prisoners which we guarded some time and was ordered to return to the wounded which we did and on our return received a discharge for three months.
Here he states his Revolutionary Services in the month ended having served a term of twenty months and received discharges for all the above tours but states that never having expected any law by which he would be entitled to draw anything from the government he has lost or mislaid them and cannot now find them or any of them he states he has a record of his age at home in his Bible.
He says the times and places when he went into the service is the same as stated in His declaration.
He also states that the capacity in which he served is also set forth above. He states he moved from Russell County Virginia to the now State of Kentucky Clark County and now resides in said County. Having lost all his discharges he has no documentary evidence neither does he know of any living witness by whom he can prove it. He states that [many words obliterated] Geo G. Boan residing in Fayette & Thomas Lowery Gentleman residing in the County of Clarke and in my neighborhood can testify as to my character for veracity and my reputation as a soldier of the revolution.
He hereby relinquishes all and every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any State.
Sworn to and subscribed the day & year aforesaid.
S/ James Elkin, X his mark
[Geo. G. Boon and Thomas Lowry gave the standard supporting affidavit.]
[fn p. 13: on the July 18, 1839 in Estill County Kentucky, Martha Elkin, 74, applied for a widow's pension under the 1838 act stating that she is the widow of James Elkin a pensioner of the United States for his services in the revolution; that she married him somewhere on the frontier of Virginia but she does not recall the name of the County; that the marriage took place September 23, 1782; that her husband died June 6 1836 and that she remains his widow.]
[fn p. 16]
family record
Katharin Elkin Daughter of James Elkin and Martha his wife was married August the 25, 1801
Mary Elkin Daughter of the aforesaid was married December the 15th 1808
Darcos [sic, Dorcas] Elkin Daughter of the aforesaid was married September 13, 1810
Martha Elkin Daughter of the aforesaid was married February the 8 1810
[illegible first name] Elkin was married September the 10 1818
Rhoda Elkin Daughter of the aforesaid was married June the 17 1819
[illegible first name] Elkin Son of the aforesaid was married December the 5 1822
James Elkins [sic] Son of the aforesaid was married December 12, 1822
Nancy Elkins [sic] Daughter of the aforesaid was married March the 8, 1824
Katharin Elkin Daughter of James Elkin and Martha his wife was born June the 2, 1784
Mary Elkin was born June the 14, 1786
Dorcas Elkin was born June the 20.], 1788
Martha Elkin was born August 9, 1791
Jean [or Jane] Elkin was born January 15, 1793
Rhoda Elkin was born March the 7, 1796
Nancey Ekin was born February the 23, 1799
James Elkin son of the aforesaid was born May the 19, 1801
Zacheus [or Zachariah] son of the aforesaid was born October the 12 1803
William Elkin was born December the 30th 1805
Sibbe Elkins was born August the 11, 1808
Elisabeth Elkin was born Aprin [sic] the 17 1812
William Perry Elkin was born January the 31 first 1824
James Mic Elkin was born January the 17, 1826
James Elkins Senr. was April the 16 1755
Martha Jackson Alias Elkin was Born Febr. the 6, 1765
Luvica Elkin was born January the 7 1828
Thomas B. Elkin was born oct. the 31 1831
William Elkin son of James Elkin and Martha his wife deceased November the 6 1807
Katharin White daughter the aforesaid deceased December of the aforesaid Deceased December the 18th 1824 aged 40 yrs
[James Crow, son-in-law of the veteran was 38 years old in 1839 when he filed an affidavit authenticating the family record and supporting his mother-in-law claim to a widow's pension. The name of his wife is not given.]Also mentioned in family Bible were:

William Perry Ekin born 31 January 1824 James M. Elkin born 27 January 1826 Levica Elkin born 7 January 1828 Thomas B. Elkin born 31 October 1831 
Elkin, James (I32453)
18 Pension application of Johnson Elkins S39494 fn21SC
Transcribed by Will Graves 12/11/08
[Methodology: Spelling, punctuation and grammar have been corrected in some instances for ease of reading and to facilitate searches of the database. Also, the handwriting of the original scribes often lends itself to varying interpretations. Users of this database are urged to view the original and to make their own decision as to how to decipher what the original scribe actually wrote. Blanks appearing in the transcripts reflect blanks in the original.]
South Carolina Camden District: In the court of Equity June Term 1818
Johnson Elkins appeared & and on being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God, deposeth that about the month of June in the year 1777 he enlisted as a private soldier in Captain Uriah Goodwin's Company of the 3rd Regiment of Continental Troops of the State of South Carolina. -- That he continued in service until the month of May 1780 when he was made prisoner at the fall of Charleston where he remained until about the 15th of June following man with several others he effected his Escape. -- The term of his enlistment having expired he subsequently performed several tours of duty with the militia of this State during the revolutionary war. -- That he never could obtain his regular discharge owing as he presumes to the circumstance of his being captured by the Enemy & kept in confinement. -- This deponent further states that from his advanced period of life & from his infirmities, having been wounded at the siege of Savannah he stands in need of the aid of a pension.
S/ Johnson Elkins
20th June 1818
Sworn to before
S/ J. Carter S/ Wm D. James 
Elkin, Johnson (I14834)
19 Surrey Wills Abstracts

SW/12_48 Humphrey Shalcrosse of Tandridge, yeoman 14 Feb 1630/1 [nuncupative] all to my wife Elizabeth Shalcrosse, exec. Overseers: friends John Lambert of Carshalton and Robert Ockley of Coulsdon, gentleman Witnesses: Robert Ockley; Thomas Hoore Proved: 10 May 1631 to exec.

SW/13_601 Michael Comport (X) of Sanderstead, yeoman, weak 27 Apr 1643 (to be buried in the church for a new pulpit 10s) to my wife Ann Comport a bedstead, featherbed, two feather bolsters, two feather pillows, three blankets and a coverlet in the ground chamber of my house, a wainscot chest and all the linen therein in same chamber, a joined table in the same room, a brass kettle, a brass skillet and a warming pan; to my son in law William Edlyn 1s; to my daughter Joan Edlyn wife of William Edlyn 5s; residue to my son in law Richard Shalcrosse, exec. Witnesses: King Atwood Proved: 13 Sep 1643 to exec. 
Shalcrosse, Leonard (I56545)
20 !Vital Records of Hingham, Plymouth, MA (FHL #423520) Church Records of Hingham, Plymouth, MA (FHL #425526) George Lincoln, History of the Town of Hingham, Plymouth Co., MA (FHL #974.48/H1 H2h) John A. Church, Descendants of Richard Church of Plymouth, MA (FHL #003930) Church, Mary (I23976)
21 "'hard shell" Baptist Elmore, Jerome Humphrey (I20159)
22 "Art" Willett, William Arthur (I4328)
23 "Gen. Records of Henry & Ulalia Burt," Roderick H. Burnham, 1892, pg. 52 Burt, Aaron (I39789)
24 "Gen. Records of Henry & Ulalia Burt," Roderick H. Burnham, 1892, pg.52
Franklin > Northfield
Births, marriages, deaths 1713-1839
image 132 of 274
Northfield, Franklin County town records, listed as the children born to
Hezekiah Elmer and wife Miriam Elmer.
Miriam Elmer noted as born 31 Jan 1722. 
Elmer, Miriam (I20142)
25 "Genealogical Memoir of the Leonard Family," NEHGS "Register," Vol 5, pg.414.5 & "Gen. Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England,"JamesSavage, 1860-1862 & "Henry Andrews of Taunton...," NEHGS "Register," Vol52, pg. 20 Hodges, John (I19833)
26 "Harry" Colony married Lottie Marquis on 10-17-1896 in DeltaCounty,Michigan. (Book B, page 97)

Timeline: 1869 - Born November 11, 1869 in Pittsfield, Brown County, Wisconsin 1875 - Living in Oconto County, Wisconsin with parents 1880 - Living in Pittsfield Township, Brown County, Wisconsin 1896 - Living in Delta County, Michigan (Married to Lottie Millington) 1905 - Living in Duluth, Saint Louis County, Minnesota 1910 - Living in Nahma Delta County, Michigan 1911 - Living in Sagola, Dickinson County, Michigan 1912 - Living in Mansfield Township, Iron County, Michigan 
Colony, Henry "Harry" (I53183)
27 "Holy Bible" Old and New Testaments,by The American Bible Society,NY,1858. Large volume measures approx. 10" by 7" by 3 1/2" in brownleatherbinding. OT 1,026 pages, NT 320 pages. Two pages of inscribed Family history beginning with: Capt. Zebulon White, born May 5th 1758 and MissAliceChase, born July 22nd 1753. Also noted are ties with the Field andAtkinsfamilies up to 1836. White, Zebulon (I48580)
28 "Hopestill, Dea., occupied the homestead which his father purchased ofThomas Holbrook... m. Abigail Hill, Nov. 5, 1678, who d. Oct. 5, 1689; and2d,Patience Holbrook, his cousin, who d. Oct. 5, 1740. He d. Aug. 19,1729..."History of the Towns of Sherborn & Holliston," by Rev. Abner Morse, Boston, Mass.1856.

There is more information in this book on Hopestill & his descendants.

Note: Patience was the daughter of Thomas and Margaret (Bouker) Holbrook. Hopestill Sr. was the son of Henry, brother of Thomas's first wife, Experience Layland (Leland) 
Leland, Hopestill (I41517)
29 "I, Francis Dollarhide, of the County of White and State of Illinois of sound mind and memory - do make this my last will and testament with regard to my personal estate, that is to say, it is my will that David Adamson have the north half (that is 20 acres) of the lot of 40acres ofland on which I reside - on his paying Daniel Hay twenty-five dollars together with interest due and relieving said lot from a mortage held by said Hay.  I appoint David Adamson and my wife Winney Dollarhide my executors and provided the said Adams on will pay all my just debts and maintain my wife comfortably in her lifetime - it is my desire that he shall have all my estate real and personal without any appraisement or public sale of the same. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my handand seal this 13 day of August 1837 in the presence of Peter S. Burrell, Daniel May (Hay?). Proven 15 Dec 1837.Signed: Francis (X his mark) Dollarhide In White County court, David Adamson and Ward Burrell swore that Francis Dollarhide departed this life 30 Aug 1837, leaving a widow Winney Dollarhide.

1776, Living in Rockingham County, North Carolina

Listed in the 1794 Caswell County, North Carolina tax lists.

Listed in the 1800 Rockingham County, North Carolina Federal Census.

Listed in the 1810 Mercer County, Kentucky Federal Census.

Revolutionary War Pension application stated he also lived in Indiana, before moving to Illinois. 
Dollarhide, C. Francis (I39189)
30 "México, Nuevo León, registros parroquiales, 1667-1981," images, FamilySearch (,45388002,45870801 : accessed 9 January 2015), Marín > Nuestra Señora de la Asunción > Matrimonios 1857-1922 > image 60 of 506; Parroquias de la Iglesia Católica, Nuevo León [Catholic Church parishes, Nuevo León]. Family: Jose Francisco Montemayor / Maria Sabina Martinez (F49497)
31 "Norah" on headstone; half-brother to Claude Skaggs, WW I vet. Etherton, Nora Angus (I44046)
32 "The Ogden Family," by William O. Wheeler, 1907, says the nameOgdenmeans "the oak valley," and in the early records is variouslyspelled deHoughton, de Hoton, de Oketon, Ocktone, Oakden, etc. 1.ROBERT OKEDEN in1453, appears as a witness to a grant of land inNutley Hampshire,England. His wife's name was apparently Joan. Hisson, 2. RICHARD OKEDEN,married before March 8, 1503, Mabel, daughterof Johannes de Hoogan ofthe parish of Lyndhurst, Hants. The son, 3.WILLIAM OKEDEN, married May9, 1539, Abigail, daughter of HenryGoodsall of Bradley Plain. He diedbefore July 19, 1569. Their son, 4.EDWARD OKEDEN, born at Bradley PlainSeptember 6, 1540, married thereDecember 16, 1563, Margaret, daughter ofRichard and Margaret Wilson.Their son, 5. RICHARD OGDEN, born at BradleyPlain May 15, 1568,married May 2, 1592, Elizabeth, daughter of SamuelHuntington andMargaret Crane (the latter being an aunt of the JasperCrane, Sr., ofNew Haven and Newark (290). Their son, 6. JOHN OGDEN, bornat BradleyPlain Hampshire, England, September 19, 1609, is theprogenitor of theElizabethtown Ogden family. Ogden, Edward (I61534)
33 "The Samuel you listed as 1675 is the son of Samuel Scripture Sr whowas(b)abt 1649 in Shropshire England. Was indentured and went to Nevisfor 4years and then was sent to Groton MA where he was indentured foranotherthree years to Samuel Davis. He then was made a freeman and 9residentseach gave him an acre of ground to get started. He alsofought in KingPhillips war. Samuel Jr (b)1675 married to #1 MaryPierce Green, widow ofJohn Green and #2 to Elizabeth Lund Spaulding.(Frank Scripter) hasprovided a tentative list of brothers and sistersof Sam'l Sr and theirprobable father and mother in Shropshire. He wasquite young when he cameto US as he declared he was 19 when he wasmade freeman. The Knapps livednext door to Samuel Davis is probablyhow that marriage came about." Scripture, Samuel (I13442)
34 #Start
Dispensas matrimoniales, Caja 025, 1713-1720
Image 223 of 662 (March 1714)
Marriage dispensation for Alferez Joseph de la Garza and
Micaela Sanchez de la Barrera.
(Alferez) Joseph de la Garza was listed as a widow, previously
married to Nicolasa de la Garza.
Micaela Sanchez de la Barrera was the daughter of Tomas
Sanchez and Maria Barrera.
The bride/groom bride/grooms widow were distantly related
as follows:
1st distant relationship:
Pedro de la Garza and Alonso de Trevino were brothers.
Pedro de la Garza was the father of Pedro de la Garza, who was
the father Nicolasa de la Garza, deceased 1st wife of Joseph de
la Garza (groom).
Alonso de Trevino was the father of Beatris ?, who was the
mother of Maria (Barrera?), who was the mother of Micaela
Barrera (bride).

2nd distant relationship
Blas de la Garza and Alonso de Trevino were brothers.
Blas de la Garza was the father of Juan de Garza, who was
the father of Joseph de la Garza (groom).
Alonso de Trevino was the father of Beatris ?, who was the
mother of Maria Barrera, who was the mother of Micaela
Barrera (bride).

3rd distant relationship:
Beatris Gonzales and Anastacia Gonzales were sisters.
Beatris Gonzales was the mother of Juan de la Garza,
who was the father of Joseph de la Garza (groom).
Anastacia Gonzales was the mother of Beatris ?, who
was the mother of Maria Barrera, who was the mother
of Micaela Barrera (bride).
Family: (Alferez) (Capitan) Joseph "Juan Joseph" de la Garza, (Garza Falcon Montemayor) / Micaela Sanchez, (Sanchez de la Barrera) (F52024)
35 #Start
Dispensas matrimoniales, Caja 024, 1707-1712
Image 588 of 875 (1711 - Monterrey)
Dispensation for Francisco Montes de Oca and Maria Rosa de la Garza
Francisco Montes de Oca was listed as Espanol, and the son of Alferez
Antonio Montes de Oca and Juana Barrera.
Maria Rosa de la Garza was listed as Espanola. Her parents were not
initially name at the beginning of this dispensation (as typical), but
through Consanguity tree of relationships, listed her father as Juan
de la Garza and mother as Maria Ayala.
The bride/groom were distantly related as follows:
Relation 1:
Blas de la Garza and Alonso de Trevino were brothers.
Blas de la Garza was the father of Juan de la Garza, who was the
father of Juan de la Garza, who was the father of Maria Rosa de
la Garza (bride).
Alonso de Trevino was the father of Mariana Trevino, who was the
mother of Juana Barrera, who ws the mother of Francisco Montes
de Oca
Relation 2:
Joseph de Ayala and Diego de Ayala were brothers.
Joseph de Ayala was the father Luisa de Ayala, who was the mother
of Antonio Montes de Oca, who was the father of Francisco Montes
de Oca
Diego de Ayala was the father of Maria de Ayala, who was the mother
of Maria Rosa de la Garza.
Montes, Francisco (Montes de Oca) (I138111)
36 #Start
Dispensas matrimoniales, Caja 024, 1707-1712
Image 588 of 875 (1711 - Monterrey)
Dispensation for Francisco Montes de Oca and Maria Rosa de la Garza
Francisco Montes de Oca was listed as Espanol, and the son of Alferez
Antonio Montes de Oca and Juana Barrera.
Maria Rosa de la Garza was listed as Espanola. Her parents were not
initially name at the beginning of this dispensation (as typical), but
through Consanguity tree of relationships, listed her father as Juan
de la Garza and mother as Maria Ayala.
The bride/groom were distantly related as follows:
Relation 1:
Blas de la Garza and Alonso de Trevino were brothers.
Blas de la Garza was the father of Juan de la Garza, who was the
father of Juan de la Garza, who was the father of Maria Rosa de
la Garza
Alonso de Trevino was the father of Mariana Trevino, who was the
mother of Juana Barrera, who ws the mother of Francisco Montes
de Oca (groom).
Relation 2:
Joseph de Ayala and Diego de Ayala were brothers.
Joseph de Ayala was the father Luisa de Ayala, who was the mother
of Antonio Montes de Oca, who was the father of Francisco Montes
de Oca (groom).
Diego de Ayala was the father of Maria de Ayala, who was the mother
of Maria Rosa de la Garza.
Garza, Maria Rosa de la (I138112)
37 #Start
Dispensas matrimoniales, Caja 024, 1707-1712
Image 588 of 875 (1711 - Monterrey)
Dispensation for Francisco Montes de Oca and Maria Rosa de la Garza
Francisco Montes de Oca was listed as Espanol, and the son of Alferez
Antonio Montes de Oca and Juana Barrera.
Maria Rosa de la Garza was listed as Espanola. Her parents were not
initially name at the beginning of this dispensation (as typical), but
through Consanguity tree of relationships, listed her father as Juan
de la Garza and mother as Maria Ayala.
The bride/groom were distantly related as follows:
Relation 1:
Blas de la Garza and Alonso de Trevino were brothers.
Blas de la Garza was the father of Juan de la Garza, who was the
father of Juan de la Garza, who was the father of Maria Rosa de
la Garza (bride).
Alonso de Trevino was the father of Mariana Trevino, who was the
mother of Juana Barrera, who ws the mother of Francisco Montes
de Oca (groom).
Relation 2:
Joseph de Ayala and Diego de Ayala were brothers.
Joseph de Ayala was the father Luisa de Ayala, who was the mother
of Antonio Montes de Oca, who was the father of Francisco Montes
de Oca (groom).
Diego de Ayala was the father of Maria de Ayala, who was the mother
of Maria Rosa de la Garza.

Dispensas matrimoniales, Caja 044, 1728-1789
Image 336 of 1029
Guadalajara > Diócesis de Guadalajara > Matrimonios 1689-1698, 1796
image 519 of 614  (Year noted - 1696)
Marriage dispensation of Diego Trevino and Isabel (Ysabel) Rosa Martinez
Key info:
Diego de Trevino listed as the son of Melchor de Trevino and Laureana
Dias, of Valle del Carrisal, Nuevo Leon. Diego was noted to be 25
years old, placing birth year circa 1668.
Isabel Rosa Martinez listed as the daughter of Joseph Martinez and
Ynes de la Garza, of Valle del Carrisal, Nuevo Leon. Isabel was noted
to be 20 years old, placing birth year circa 1673.
The dispensation appears to be in the 4th-3rd degree as follows:
Pedro de la Garza (married to Ines Rodrigues) and [Marcos] Alonso
Trevino (married to Anastacia Gonzales) were brothers. (Noted
as Bis-Abuelos to Bride/Groom).
Pedro de la Garza (married to Ines Rodrigues) was the father of Pedro
de la Garza (married to Maria [Luisa] Rocha, who was the father of
Ynes de la Garza (Married to Joseph [Ignacio] Martinez, who was
the mother of Isabel Rosa Martinez (Bride).  Related in 4th degree.
[Marcos] Alonso Trevino (married to Anastacia Gonzales) was the father
of Melchor Trevino (married to Laureano Diaz), who was the father
of Diego Trevino (Groom). Related in the 3rd degree.
Guadalajara > Diócesis de Guadalajara > Matrimonios 1713-1715
image 125 of 936
1713 dispensation for Pedro Montalvo and Luisa Guajardo (Guajardo Martinez).
Key info:
Pedro Montalvo had been married 2 times prior to this marriage to Luisa
Guajardo. He listed his first marriage to Mariana de la Vera, and 2nd
to Maria Barrera. It was stated in the dispensation that Maria Barrera was
distantly related to Luisa Guajardo.
Pedro Montalvo did not list his parentage, which was typical in many
dispensations in which it was a second (or 3rd marriage).  He did list
his age as 50 in 1713, placing his year of birth circa 1663.
Luisa Guajardo listed her parents as Alonso Guajardo and Juana de
la Cadena. Her age was listed as 15 in 1713, placing her year of birth
circa 1798.
The bride/and the groom previous wife, Maria Barrera were distantly
related as follows:
Blas de la Garza and Alonso de Trevino were brothers.
Blas de la Garza was the father of Luisa de la Garza, who was the
mother of Juana de Cadena, who was the mother of Luisa Guajardo
Alonso de Trevino was the father of Mariana Trevino, who was the
mother of Francisca Barrera, who was the mother of Maria Barrero
(2nd wife of Groom) 
Trevino, (Capitan) Alonzo "Marcos Alonzo" (Alonzo y Trevino de la Garza) (I130601)
38 #Start
Dispensas matrimoniales, Caja 024, 1707-1712
Image 588 of 875 (1711 - Monterrey)
Dispensation for Francisco Montes de Oca and Maria Rosa de la Garza
Francisco Montes de Oca was listed as Espanol, and the son of Alferez
Antonio Montes de Oca and Juana Barrera.
Maria Rosa de la Garza was listed as Espanola. Her parents were not
initially name at the beginning of this dispensation (as typical), but
through Consanguity tree of relationships, listed her father as Juan
de la Garza and mother as Maria Ayala.
The bride/groom were distantly related as follows:
Relation 1:
Blas de la Garza and Alonso de Trevino were brothers.
Blas de la Garza was the father of Juan de la Garza, who was the
father of Juan de la Garza, who was the father of Maria Rosa de
la Garza (bride).
Alonso de Trevino was the father of Mariana Trevino, who was the
mother of Juana Barrera, who ws the mother of Francisco Montes
de Oca (groom).
Relation 2:
Joseph de Ayala and Diego de Ayala were brothers.
Joseph de Ayala was the father Luisa de Ayala, who was the mother
of Antonio Montes de Oca, who was the father of Francisco Montes
de Oca (groom).
Diego de Ayala was the father of Maria de Ayala, who was the mother
of Maria Rosa de la Garza.

Dispensas matrimoniales, Caja 044, 1728-1789
Image 462 of 1029
Guadalajara > Diócesis de Guadalajara > Matrimonios 1713-1715
image 125 of 936
1713 dispensation for Pedro Montalvo and Luisa Guajardo (Guajardo Martinez).
Key info:
Pedro Montalvo had been married 2 times prior to this marriage to Luisa
Guajardo. He listed his first marriage to Mariana de la Vera, and 2nd
to Maria Barrera. It was stated in the dispensation that Maria Barrera was
distantly related to Luisa Guajardo.
Pedro Montalvo did not list his parentage, which was typical in many
dispensations in which it was a second (or 3rd marriage).  He did list
his age as 50 in 1713, placing his year of birth circa 1663.
Luisa Guajardo listed her parents as Alonso Guajardo and Juana de
la Cadena. Her age was listed as 15 in 1713, placing her year of birth
circa 1798.
The bride/and the groom previous wife, Maria Barrera were distantly
related as follows:
Blas de la Garza and Alonso de Trevino were brothers.
Blas de la Garza was the father of Luisa de la Garza, who was the
mother of Juana de Cadena, who was the mother of Luisa Guajardo
Alonso de Trevino was the father of Mariana Trevino, who was the
mother of Francisca Barrera, who was the mother of Maria Barrero
(2nd wife of Groom)
Monterrey > Catedral > Matrimonios 1667-1800
image 36 of 732
Guadalajara > Diócesis de Guadalajara > Matrimonios 1681-1687
image 18 of 341  (1687 - Monterrey)
Marriage Dispensa for Alonso Martinez Guajardo and Juana de la
Cadena Vergara
Key info:
Alferez Alonso Martinez Guajardo (Residing in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon),
listed that he was the widow of Felipa Munos y Serrano de Pamplona.
Alonso named his father Juan Martinez Guajardo when detailing how the
Groom and Bride were distantly related.
Juana de la Cadena Vergara was listed as the daughter of Antonio de la
Cadena Vergara and Luisa de la Garza Falcon.
The bride/groom were distantly related as follows:
Ynez Rodriguez Navarro and Mariana Navarro were sisters.
Ynez Rodriguez Navarro (married to Francisco Martinez Guajardo)
was the mother of Juan Martinez Guajardo, who was the father of
Alonso Martinez Guajardo (groom).
Marianna Navarro (married to Marcos Gonzalez Hidalgo), who was
the mother of Beatriz Gonzales Hidalgo (married to Blas de la Garza
Falcon), who was the father of Luiza de la Garza Falcon (married to
Antonio de la Cadena), who was the mother of Juana de  Cadena
Vergara (Bride).
Guadalajara > Diócesis de Guadalajara > Matrimonios 1681-1687
image 201 of 341 (1684 - Monterrey)
Marriage Dispensation of Thomas Garcia and Maria de la Garza
Key info:
Capitan Thomas Garcia was listed as the son of Capitan Lucas
Garcia and Juliana de Quintanilla, a widow, previously married
to Isabel de Arredondo who had died about 2 years prior (1681).
His age appeared to read 50 anos (born circa 1634).
Maria de la Garza was listed as the daughter of Capitan Lazaro de la
Garza and Petronila (Rodriguez) Montemayor, a widow, previously
married to General Diego de Ayala. Her age appeared to read 30
anos (born circa 1654).
Blas de la Garza and Beatriz Gonzales were mentioned as the parents
of Capitan Lazaro de la Garza, and grand-parents of Maria de la Garza.
The bride/Groom widow were distantly related as follows:
Capitan Diego Rodriguez and Capitan Lucas Garcia were brothers
Capitan Diego Rodriguez was the father of Monica Rodriguez (married to
Capitan Miguel Montemayor), who was the mother of Petronila Montemayor,
who was the mother of Maria de la Garza (bride).
Lucas Garcia (married to Juliana de Quintanilla) was the father of Capitan
Thomas de Garcia (groom).
Other 1st cousin relationships were noted between groom/bride, some of
which were from previous marriages of both.
Guadalajara > Diócesis de Guadalajara > Matrimonios 1700-1705
image 221 of 625  (1701 - Monterrey - Nuevo Leon)
Marriage dispensation for Manuel de la Garza and Maria Fernandez de
Bride/Groom distantly related as follows:
Pedro de la Garza and Blas de la Garza were brothers.
Pedro de la Garza was the father of Ana de la Garza, who was the
mother of Joseph Cavazos, who was the father of Maria Fernandez
de Castro (Bride).
Blas de la Garza was the father of Lazaro de la Garza, who was the
father of Manuel de la Garza (Groom).
Guadalajara > Diócesis de Guadalajara
Matrimonios 1690-1695, 1707, 1709
image 84 of 620 (1694 - Monterrey - Nuevo Leon)
Marriage Dispensation for Jacinto de la Garza and Maria (Catalina) (Ayala)
Jacinto de la Garza listed his parents as Miguel de la Garza and Gertrudis
Renteria.  Jacinto listed Blas de la Garza as his grand-father.
Maria de Trevino lister her parents as Alonzo de Trevino and Maria
Cathalina Ayala. Maria de Trevino listed Joseph de Ayala as her
Bride/Groom were distantly related in 3rd degree of Consanguity as
Alonzo de Trevino and Blas de la Garza were brothers.
Beatris Gonzales and Anastacia Gonzales were sisters.
Blas de la Garza (married to Beatris Gonzales) were the parents of
Miguel de la Garza (married to Gertrudis Renteria), who were the
parents of Jacinto de la Garza (Groom).
Alonzo de Trevino (Married to Anastacia Gonzales) were the parents
of Alonzo de Trevino (Married to Maria Catarina Ayala) were the
parents of Maria de Trevino (Bride)
First cousin 1 relationship also noted as follows:
Blas de la Garza and Joseph de Ayala were first cousins.
Blas de la Garza (married to Beatris Gonzales) were the parents of
Miguel de la Garza (married to Gertrudis Renteria), who were parents
of Jacinto de la Garza (Groom).
Joseph de Ayala (married to Ana de Benavides) were the  parents of
Cathalina Ayala (married to Alonzo de Trevino), who were the parents
of Maria Trevino (Bride).
First cousin 2 relationship also noted as follows:
Anastacia Gonzales and Ysabel Martinez were 1st cousins.
Anastacia Gonzales (married to Alonzo de Trevino) were the parents
of Alonzo de Trevino (Married to Maria Catarina Ayala), who were the
parents of Maria de Trevino (Bride).
Ysabel Martinez (Married to Francisco Baez de Benavides) were the
parents of Ana Benavides (Married to Joseph Ayala), who were the
parents of Maria Cathalina Ayala (married to Alonzo Trevino), who
were the parents of Maria Trevino (bride). 
Garza, (Capitan) Blas Maria de la (Garza Falcon) (I136448)
39 #Start
Dispensas matrimoniales, Caja 024, 1707-1712
Image 588 of 875 (1711 - Monterrey)
Dispensation for Francisco Montes de Oca and Maria Rosa de la Garza
Francisco Montes de Oca was listed as Espanol, and the son of Alferez
Antonio Montes de Oca and Juana Barrera.
Maria Rosa de la Garza was listed as Espanola. Her parents were not
initially name at the beginning of this dispensation (as typical), but
through Consanguity tree of relationships, listed her father as Juan
de la Garza and mother as Maria Ayala.
The bride/groom were distantly related as follows:
Relation 1:
Blas de la Garza and Alonso de Trevino were brothers.
Blas de la Garza was the father of Juan de la Garza, who was the
father of Juan de la Garza, who was the father of Maria Rosa de
la Garza (bride).
Alonso de Trevino was the father of Mariana Trevino, who was the
mother of Juana Barrera, who ws the mother of Francisco Montes
de Oca (groom).
Relation 2:
Joseph de Ayala and Diego de Ayala were brothers.
Joseph de Ayala was the father Luisa de Ayala, who was the mother
of Antonio Montes de Oca, who was the father of Francisco Montes
de Oca (groom).
Diego de Ayala was the father of Maria de Ayala, who was the mother
of Maria Rosa de la Garza.
Ayala, (General) Diego (Trevino Ayala) (I136676)
40 #Start
Dispensas matrimoniales, Caja 024, 1707-1712
Image 588 of 875 (1711 - Monterrey)
Dispensation for Francisco Montes de Oca and Maria Rosa de la Garza
Francisco Montes de Oca was listed as Espanol, and the son of Alferez
Antonio Montes de Oca and Juana Barrera.
Maria Rosa de la Garza was listed as Espanola. Her parents were not
initially name at the beginning of this dispensation (as typical), but
through Consanguity tree of relationships, listed her father as Juan
de la Garza and mother as Maria Ayala.
The bride/groom were distantly related as follows:
Relation 1:
Blas de la Garza and Alonso de Trevino were brothers.
Blas de la Garza was the father of Juan de la Garza, who was the
father of Juan de la Garza, who was the father of Maria Rosa de
la Garza (bride).
Alonso de Trevino was the father of Mariana Trevino, who was the
mother of Juana Barrera, who ws the mother of Francisco Montes
de Oca (groom).
Relation 2:
Joseph de Ayala and Diego de Ayala were brothers.
Joseph de Ayala was the father Luisa de Ayala, who was the mother
of Antonio Montes de Oca, who was the father of Francisco Montes
de Oca (groom).
Diego de Ayala was the father of Maria de Ayala, who was the mother
of Maria Rosa de la Garza.
Guadalajara > Diócesis de Guadalajara > Matrimonios 1727-1729
image 363 of 616 (1729 - Monterrey - Nuevo Leon)
Marriage dispensation for Domingo Miguel (Martinez) Guajardo
and Anastacia de la Garza
Domingo Miguel (Martinez) Guajardo was a widow, previously
married to Maria Josefa Cabellero.  His age was listed as 26, placing
his year of birth circa 1703, and originally of Monterrey.
Anastacia de la Garza was listed as the daughter of Ysidro de la
Garza and Antonia Gonzales. Her age was listed as 18, placing her
year of birth circa 1709.
The bride and grooms previous wife were distantly related as
Juan de la Garza and Ines (Ynes) de la Garza were brother/sister.
Juan de la Garza was the father of Clara de la Garza, who was
the mother of Ysidro de la Garza, who was the father of Anastacia
de la Garza (Bride).
Ines (Ynes) de la Garza was the mother of Margarita (Rodriguez),
who was the mother of Juan Caballero, who was the father of
Maria Josefa Caballero (deceased previous wife of Groom).
Maria de Ayala and Catarina de Ayala were sisters.
Maria de Ayala was the mother of Maria Josefa Montes, who
was the mother of Juana Ballesteros, who was the mother of
Maria Josefa Caballero (deceased previous wife of Groom).
Catarina de Ayala was the mother of Anastacia (Trevino), who
was the mother of Antonia Gonzales, who was the mother of
Anastacia de la Garza (Bride). 
Garza, Juan de la (Garza Falcon Gonzales Hidalgo Trevino) (I136898)
41 #Start
Dispensas matrimoniales, Caja 024, 1707-1712
Image 588 of 875 (1711 - Monterrey)
Dispensation for Francisco Montes de Oca and Maria Rosa de la Garza
Francisco Montes de Oca was listed as Espanol, and the son of Alferez
Antonio Montes de Oca and Juana Barrera.
Maria Rosa de la Garza was listed as Espanola. Her parents were not
initially name at the beginning of this dispensation (as typical), but
through Consanguity tree of relationships, listed her father as Juan
de la Garza and mother as Maria Ayala.
The bride/groom were distantly related as follows:
Relation 1:
Blas de la Garza and Alonso de Trevino were brothers.
Blas de la Garza was the father of Juan de la Garza, who was the
father of Juan de la Garza, who was the father of Maria Rosa de
la Garza (bride).
Alonso de Trevino was the father of Mariana Trevino, who was the
mother of Juana Barrera, who ws the mother of Francisco Montes
de Oca (groom).
Relation 2:
Joseph de Ayala and Diego de Ayala were brothers.
Joseph de Ayala was the father Luisa de Ayala, who was the mother
of Antonio Montes de Oca, who was the father of Francisco Montes
de Oca (groom).
Diego de Ayala was the father of Maria de Ayala, who was the mother
of Maria Rosa de la Garza.
Family: Francisco Montes, (Montes de Oca) / Maria Rosa de la Garza (F51888)
42 #Start
Dispensas matrimoniales, Caja 053, 1745-1773
Image 273 of 1365
1750-1751 (Valle de las Salinas)
Marriage dispensation for Joseph Rodriguez de Montemayor and Maria de Jesus Sanchez.
Joseph Rodriguez de Montemayor was listed as a widow, previously married to Maria
Zaragoza Ruiz de Ocon. He was listed as originally of the valle de Guajuco (Nuevo Leon).
His age listed in 1750 was 50, placing his year of birth circa 1700. His mother was not
mentioned in this dispensation, but his father was noted to be Joseph Rodriguez.
Maria de Jesus Sanchez was listed as the daughter of Thomas Sanchez (deceased by 1750)
and Maria Josefa de la Garza. She was listed as originally of Valled de Carrizal (Nuevo
Leon).  Her age listed in 1750 was 16, placing her year of birth circa 1734.
The bride/groom and bride/grooms previous wife were distantly related as follows:
Garza Family:
Juan de la Garza and Ynes (Ygnes) de la Garza were brother/sister.
Juan de la Garza was the father of Josefa de la Garza, who was the mother of Maria
de Jesus Sanchez (bride).
Ynes (Ygnes) de la Garza was the mother of Joseph Rodriguez, who was the father
of Joseph Rodriguez de Montemayor (groom).
Ayala (Trevino) Family:
Diego Ayala and Maria Ayala were brother/sister.
Diego Ayala was the father of Vicente Ayala, who was the father of Micaela Ayala,
who was the mother of Maria de Zaragoza Ruis de Ocon (deceased wife of groom).
Maria Ayala was the mother of Maria Josefa de la Garza, who was the mother
of Maria de Jesus Sanchez (bride).
Rodriguez, Joseph (Rodriguez de Montemayor) (I139153)
43 #Start
Dispensas matrimoniales, Caja 053, 1745-1773
Image 273 of 1365
1750-1751 (Valle de las Salinas)
Marriage dispensation for Joseph Rodriguez de Montemayor and Maria de Jesus Sanchez.
Joseph Rodriguez de Montemayor was listed as a widow, previously married to Maria
Zaragoza Ruiz de Ocon. He was listed as originally of the valle de Guajuco (Nuevo Leon).
His age listed in 1750 was 50, placing his year of birth circa 1700. His mother was not
mentioned in this dispensation, but his father was noted to be Joseph Rodriguez.
Maria de Jesus Sanchez was listed as the daughter of Thomas Sanchez (deceased by 1750)
and Maria Josefa de la Garza. She was listed as originally of Valled de Carrizal (Nuevo
Leon).  Her age listed in 1750 was 16, placing her year of birth circa 1734.
The bride/groom and bride/grooms previous wife were distantly related as follows:
Garza Family:
Juan de la Garza and Ynes (Ygnes) de la Garza were brother/sister.
Juan de la Garza was the father of Josefa de la Garza, who was the mother of Maria
de Jesus Sanchez
Ynes (Ygnes) de la Garza was the mother of Joseph Rodriguez, who was the father
of Joseph Rodriguez de Montemayor (groom).
Ayala (Trevino) Family:
Diego Ayala and Maria Ayala were brother/sister.
Diego Ayala was the father of Vicente Ayala, who was the father of Micaela Ayala,
who was the mother of Maria de Zaragoza Ruis de Ocon (deceased wife of groom).
Maria Ayala was the mother of Maria Josefa de la Garza, who was the mother
of Maria de Jesus Sanchez (bride).
Sanchez, Maria de Jesus (I128753)
44 #Start
Dispensas matrimoniales, Caja 053, 1745-1773
Image 273 of 1365
1750-1751 (Valle de las Salinas)
Marriage dispensation for Joseph Rodriguez de Montemayor and Maria de Jesus Sanchez.
Joseph Rodriguez de Montemayor was listed as a widow, previously married to Maria
Zaragoza Ruiz de Ocon. He was listed as originally of the valle de Guajuco (Nuevo Leon).
His age listed in 1750 was 50, placing his year of birth circa 1700. His mother was not
mentioned in this dispensation, but his father was noted to be Joseph Rodriguez.
Maria de Jesus Sanchez was listed as the daughter of Thomas Sanchez (deceased by 1750)
and Maria Josefa de la Garza. She was listed as originally of Valled de Carrizal (Nuevo
Leon).  Her age listed in 1750 was 16, placing her year of birth circa 1734.
The bride/groom and bride/grooms previous wife were distantly related as follows:
Garza Family:
Juan de la Garza and Ynes (Ygnes) de la Garza were brother/sister.
Juan de la Garza was the father of Josefa de la Garza, who was the mother of Maria
de Jesus Sanchez (bride).
Ynes (Ygnes) de la Garza was the mother of Joseph Rodriguez, who was the father
of Joseph Rodriguez de Montemayor (groom).
Ayala (Trevino) Family:
Diego Ayala and Maria Ayala were brother/sister.
Diego Ayala was the father of Vicente Ayala, who was the father of Micaela Ayala,
who was the mother of Maria de Zaragoza Ruis de Ocon (deceased wife of groom).
Maria Ayala was the mother of Maria Josefa de la Garza, who was the mother
of Maria de Jesus Sanchez (bride).
Sanchez, Tomas (Sanchez de la Barrera) (I138015)
45 #Start
Dispensas matrimoniales, Caja 053, 1745-1773
Image 273 of 1365
1750-1751 (Valle de las Salinas)
Marriage dispensation for Joseph Rodriguez de Montemayor and Maria de Jesus Sanchez.
Joseph Rodriguez de Montemayor was listed as a widow, previously married to Maria
Zaragoza Ruiz de Ocon. He was listed as originally of the valle de Guajuco (Nuevo Leon).
His age listed in 1750 was 50, placing his year of birth circa 1700. His mother was not
mentioned in this dispensation, but his father was noted to be Joseph Rodriguez.
Maria de Jesus Sanchez was listed as the daughter of Thomas Sanchez (deceased by 1750)
and Maria Josefa de la Garza. She was listed as originally of Valled de Carrizal (Nuevo
Leon).  Her age listed in 1750 was 16, placing her year of birth circa 1734.
The bride/groom and bride/grooms previous wife were distantly related as follows:
Garza Family:
Juan de la Garza and Ynes (Ygnes) de la Garza were brother/sister.
Juan de la Garza was the father of Josefa de la Garza, who was the mother of Maria
de Jesus Sanchez (bride).
Ynes (Ygnes) de la Garza was the mother of Joseph Rodriguez, who was the father
of Joseph Rodriguez de Montemayor (groom).
Ayala (Trevino) Family:
Diego Ayala and Maria Ayala were brother/sister.
Diego Ayala was the father of Vicente Ayala, who was the father of Micaela Ayala,
who was the mother of Maria de Zaragoza Ruis de Ocon (deceased wife of groom).
Maria Ayala was the mother of Maria Josefa de la Garza, who was the mother
of Maria de Jesus Sanchez (bride).
Garza, Maria Josefa de la (I138017)
46 #Start
Dispensas matrimoniales, Caja 053, 1745-1773
Image 273 of 1365
1750-1751 (Valle de las Salinas)
Marriage dispensation for Joseph Rodriguez de Montemayor and Maria de Jesus Sanchez.
Joseph Rodriguez de Montemayor was listed as a widow, previously married to Maria
Zaragoza Ruiz de Ocon
. He was listed as originally of the valle de Guajuco (Nuevo Leon).
His age listed in 1750 was 50, placing his year of birth circa 1700. His mother was not
mentioned in this dispensation, but his father was noted to be Joseph Rodriguez.
Maria de Jesus Sanchez was listed as the daughter of Thomas Sanchez (deceased by 1750)
and Maria Josefa de la Garza. She was listed as originally of Valled de Carrizal (Nuevo
Leon).  Her age listed in 1750 was 16, placing her year of birth circa 1734.
The bride/groom and bride/grooms previous wife were distantly related as follows:
Garza Family:
Juan de la Garza and Ynes (Ygnes) de la Garza were brother/sister.
Juan de la Garza was the father of Josefa de la Garza, who was the mother of Maria
de Jesus Sanchez (bride).
Ynes (Ygnes) de la Garza was the mother of Joseph Rodriguez, who was the father
of Joseph Rodriguez de Montemayor (groom).
Ayala (Trevino) Family:
Diego Ayala and Maria Ayala were brother/sister.
Diego Ayala was the father of Vicente Ayala, who was the father of Micaela Ayala,
who was the mother of Maria de Zaragoza Ruis de Ocon (deceased wife of groom).
Maria Ayala was the mother of Maria Josefa de la Garza, who was the mother
of Maria de Jesus Sanchez (bride).
Zaragosa, Maria (Zargosa Ruiz de Ocon Ayala) (I139158)
47 #Start
Dispensas matrimoniales, Caja 053, 1745-1773
Image 273 of 1365
1750-1751 (Valle de las Salinas)
Marriage dispensation for Joseph Rodriguez de Montemayor and Maria de Jesus Sanchez.
Joseph Rodriguez de Montemayor was listed as a widow, previously married to Maria
Zaragoza Ruiz de Ocon. He was listed as originally of the valle de Guajuco (Nuevo Leon).
His age listed in 1750 was 50, placing his year of birth circa 1700. His mother was not
mentioned in this dispensation, but his father was noted to be Joseph Rodriguez.
Maria de Jesus Sanchez was listed as the daughter of Thomas Sanchez (deceased by 1750)
and Maria Josefa de la Garza. She was listed as originally of Valled de Carrizal (Nuevo
Leon).  Her age listed in 1750 was 16, placing her year of birth circa 1734.
The bride/groom and bride/grooms previous wife were distantly related as follows:
Garza Family:
Juan de la Garza and Ynes (Ygnes) de la Garza were brother/sister.
Juan de la Garza was the father of Josefa de la Garza, who was the mother of Maria
de Jesus Sanchez (bride).
Ynes (Ygnes) de la Garza was the mother of Joseph Rodriguez, who was the father
of Joseph Rodriguez de Montemayor (groom).
Ayala (Trevino) Family:
Diego Ayala and Maria Ayala were brother/sister.
Diego Ayala was the father of Vicente Ayala, who was the father of Micaela Ayala,
who was the mother of Maria de Zaragoza Ruis de Ocon (deceased wife of groom).
Maria Ayala was the mother of Maria Josefa de la Garza, who was the mother
of Maria de Jesus Sanchez (bride).
Ayala, Vicente (Ayala Trevino) (I139441)
48 #Start
Dispensas matrimoniales, Caja 053, 1745-1773
Image 273 of 1365
1750-1751 (Valle de las Salinas)
Marriage dispensation for Joseph Rodriguez de Montemayor and Maria de Jesus Sanchez.
Joseph Rodriguez de Montemayor was listed as a widow, previously married to Maria
Zaragoza Ruiz de Ocon. He was listed as originally of the valle de Guajuco (Nuevo Leon).
His age listed in 1750 was 50, placing his year of birth circa 1700. His mother was not
mentioned in this dispensation, but his father was noted to be Joseph Rodriguez.
Maria de Jesus Sanchez was listed as the daughter of Thomas Sanchez (deceased by 1750)
and Maria Josefa de la Garza. She was listed as originally of Valled de Carrizal (Nuevo
Leon).  Her age listed in 1750 was 16, placing her year of birth circa 1734.
The bride/groom and bride/grooms previous wife were distantly related as follows:
Garza Family:
Juan de la Garza and Ynes (Ygnes) de la Garza were brother/sister.
Juan de la Garza was the father of Josefa de la Garza, who was the mother of Maria
de Jesus Sanchez (bride).
Ynes (Ygnes) de la Garza was the mother of Joseph Rodriguez, who was the father
of Joseph Rodriguez de Montemayor (groom).
Ayala (Trevino) Family:
Diego Ayala and Maria Ayala were brother/sister.
Diego Ayala was the father of Vicente Ayala, who was the father of Micaela Ayala,
who was the mother of Maria de Zaragoza Ruis de Ocon (deceased wife of groom).
Maria Ayala was the mother of Maria Josefa de la Garza, who was the mother
of Maria de Jesus Sanchez (bride).
Family: Joseph Rodriguez, (Rodriguez de Montemayor) / Maria de Jesus Sanchez (F48298)
49     Alicia Diane Hawkinson (Age 47)
    Danny Lee Miller (Age 48)
    Larry Scott Miller (Age 36) 
Miller, Danny Lee (I70812)
50     Mexico, Nuevo León, Catho...Church Records, 1667-1981
    Nuestra Señora de la Asunción
    Bautismos 1852-1871
     Image 491 of 697 
Martinez, Maria Serapia (I130795)

      1 2 3 4 5 ... 225» Next»

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