Matches 10,551 to 10,600 of 11,201
# | Notes | Linked to |
10551 | William Hodges, Taunton 1648, freeman 1652, married Mary Andrews daughterof Henry Andrews, had John Hodges, and Henry Hodges b. a.1652; d. 2 Apr.1654. William Hodges widow made her will soon after, I suppose, for shedesiresPeter Pitts, “in case I make him my husband, ” to perform itsconditionsin favor of the church. This name is printed in New EnglandGenealogicalRegister Volume 261. | Hodges, William (I42024)
10552 | William Ingram 1427-1435. By exch. Nov. 1427. Instal. 28 Nov. (Harding, AC f. 88b). Preb.ofHighworth 1435. From: 'Prebendaries: Torleton', Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae1300-1541:volume 3: Salisbury diocese (1962), pp. 91-3. | Ingram, William (I111028)
10553 | William Ingram, of Penkridge, in his 1729 will, named his sister Marytoadminister his will. | Ingram, William (I108501)
10554 | William is listed in the 1751 and 1752 Lunenburg County, Virginia Tithes lists, taken by Hugh Lawson. Sep. 1753 - Lunenburg, VA, Court Order Book 2 1/2 "A" - Pg 369, William Slaughter as a defendant. Suit was dismissed. April 1758 - Lunenburg, Virginia, Court Order Book 5 - Page 74, King of England versus William Slaughter, defendant. On indictment. The Sheriff of this County having returned that the defendant is no inhabitant, therefore the suit is abated. May 1760 - Lunenburg, Virginia, Court Order Book 6 - Page 107, William Phelps vs William Slaughter, defendant. William Slaughter didn't appear and William Phelps won the suit, which amounted to 4 pounds, 6 shillings current money. June 1762 - Lunenburg, Virginia, Court Order Book 8, Page 28, Ordered that Walter and Elizabeth Slaughter be bound out to Richard Leake, according to law. (This infers that William Slaughter and wife were deceased by June 1762, and raised by there grandparents) Orange County, North Carolina - 1784 Will of Richard Leake, William Slaughter is stated to have been married to a daughter of Richard Leake, but her name is not given. | Slaughter, William (I33990)
10555 | William is listed on the 1900 Herkimer County, Little Fallsfederalcensus. | Colony, William A. (I52840)
10556 | William is listed without Helen in the 1851 Burntisland, Fife, Scotland Census. | Horsburgh, Helen (I123619)
10557 | William J Salsman Enumeration District: 0079 Color: W Age: 54 Birth Place: Kentucky Visit: 0163 County: Larue Relation: Husband Relatives: Wife Julia 36, Kentucky Son Vanderbilt 20, Kentucky Daughter Stella B 18, Kentucky Daughter Sarah E 15, Kentucky Son Hobart 12, Kentucky Son Bernt 08, Kentucky Daughter Celia R 06, Kentucky Son Waller A 03, Kentucky | Salsman, William Jackson (I38256)
10558 | William J. Graham on Green County, Kentucky Order books, Page 229. Listed in the commonwealth versus Jeremiah Etherton on 27 May 1851. | Graham, William Johnson (I44311)
10559 | William Jones petitioned Prince George's court for 90 acres of land that was due his wife Mary Brown when Mary's father Jacob Brown died. The land was patented to William Jones on 29 September 1756. The land was known as "Stanleys Chance". This land was originally part of a 630 acre tract granted to a Edward Betson on 26 December 1688 in Calvert County, Maryland. John Stanley patented "Stanleys Chance" on 24 April 1689 in Calvert County, Maryland. The land became part of Prince George's county in 1695. John Stanley sold the land to John Brown for 6,000 pounds of tobacco on 18 August 1692. This land is very close to where Samuel Warren lived and also close to Stanley Creek, now called Swansons Creek. Samuel Warren was executor to the estate of Edward Jones, possibly related to William Jones. I have placed this family here as it is highly probable that there is a relationship. | Jones, William (I121412)
10560 | William L Beams Enumeration District: 0131 Color: W Age: 68 Birth Place: Kentucky Visit: 0152 County: Taylor Relation: Husband Relatives: Wife Lizzie 56, Kentucky Son Sarah L 29, Kentucky Daughter Bertha S 26, Kentucky Son Fielding T G 20, Kentucky Daughter Cora L 18, Kentucky | Beams, William Luellan (I37549)
10561 | William Lafayette Reed Obituary: (Local Washington, D.C. newspaper of April 20th, 1947) Washington Post ____________________________________________________________________________________ REED, WILLIAM LAFAYETTE. Sud- denly, on Friday, April 18, 1947, at his residence, 1005 23rd st. nw., WILLIAM LAFAYETTE REED, brother of T. Frank and James H. Reed and Jennie Reed, Funeral from the V. L. Speare Co., 1009 H st. nw., on Tuesday, April 22, at 9 a. m. Interment Arlington Na- tional Cemetery. | Reed, William Lafayette (I75110)
10563 | William lived in Flatonia, Fayette County, Texas. | Warren, Walter William (I31005)
10564 | William M. Bozes William M. Bozes 65 a former Stateline resident for 30 years, died in Rock Hill, South Carolina Thursday. Surviving are a son William of Palm Springs Calif, a daughter Christina Bozes of Palm Springs, a sister Mary Summersby of Rock Hill and a brother Joseph of Spring Hill, Florida. A graveside service will be held at 2:30pm today in the Garden Cemetery in Gardnerville. Walton's Chapel of the Valley in Carson City is in charge of arrangements. | Bozes, William M. Boleslaus (I30010)
10565 | WILLIAM M. WARREN - William M. Warren has been a resident ofIllinoissince 1833 and of Sangamon county for a half century. Asanagriculturist, lawyer and banker he has been prominently identifiedwiththe business life of the county and New Berlin owes much to hisactiveefforts in its behalf. In his business relations he isprogressive,energetic and straightforward, and he stands today as oneof the strongmen of his community, strong in his honor and his goodname, in hisfinancial position and in the regard of his follow men. Heis now livinga retired life and the rest which has been vouchsafed tohim is indeedwell merited. Mr. Warren was born in Scott county Kentocky May 27, 1828, and isofEnglish descent,the family having been founded in Virginia at anearlyperiod in the colonization of the new world. Barton Warren wasborn inVirginia in 1692 and was the father of William Warren, whosebirthoccurred in the same state in 1747. He in turn was the father ofWilliamM. Warren, who was born in Virginia in 1775 and was thegrandfather ofour subject. The father, William B. Warren, was born inScott county,Kentucky in 1802. William Warren removed from the OldDominion toKentucky shortly after the Revolutionary war. He settled inWoodfordcounty and there reared his family. His son, Judge William M.Warren, wasreared there and became a lawyer by profession. A man ofmarkedindividuality, of strong mentality and of earnest purpose, hewondistinction at the Kentucky bar and served on the bench of thecourt ofappeals. William B. Warren, the father of William M. Warren,was a man ofsuperior education and he, too, became a member of thebar. He practicedlaw in his native city for a number of years and hiscomprehensiveknowledge of the principles of jurisprudence and the ablemannor in whichhe handled litigated interests gained for him aprominent place as alegal practitioner. He was married in Kentucky toMiss Ann Price, who wasborn in Georgetown, Scott county, and in 1833he removed to Illinois,locating in Jacksonville, where he continued inthe practice of law. Atthe time of the Mexican war he became a soldierand served as major ofthe first regiment known as Hardin's Regiment,and succeeded to thelieutenant colonelcy at Hardin's death. He waselected and served asclerk of the supreme court of Illinois, being thefirst to fill thatposition under the constitution of 1849. He spenthis last years inJacksonville, this state, where he died in 1865. Hiswife survived himfor nine years passing away in 1874. William M. Warren was the oldest in a family, of four sons andsevendaughters, of whom two sons and two daughters are yet living.Hisbrother, Phil Warren, is now living retired in Springfield. Two ofhissisters, Mrs. Thomas Booth, a widow, and Mrs. V. M. Kenney, areresidentsof New Berlin. William M. Warren was a lad of about five summers when he came withhisparents to Illinois. The period of his minority was largely passedinJacksonville and he acquired the greater part of his educationthere. Inearly life he studied surveying and when but sixteen years ofage servedas deputy surveyor continuing in the position for severalyears. In I853he removed to Sangamon county, where he purchased atract of raw land,which he broke and improved, developing an excellentfarm of four hundredacres, upon which he lived for fifteen years. Hewas elected and servedfor two terms as county surveyor here anddischarged the duties of theoffice in connection with the managementof his farm. In 1868 he locatedin New Berlin, where he began thepractice of law and for twenty yearsfollowed that profession, securinga large clientage, which connected himwith much of the importantlitigation tried in the courts of the county.During that time Mr.Warren also became identified with bankinginterests. He establishedthe W. M. Warren Bank in 1877 and conducted itwith success until 1898.He made it one of the sound financialinstitutions of the county anddid a very extensive business in thatline. In all of his undertakingshe has prospered and yet the secret ofhis success is not hard to find.He has led a life of industry anddiligence, and his labors have beenguided by sound judgment, keendiscrimination and strong purpose.Moreover, he has ever been honorablein his relations with his fellowmen and business integrity is always oneof the safest foundations uponwhich to build business success. As hisfinancial resources haveincreased, Mr. Warren has likewise invested inproperty and has erecteda number of business houses and residences inNew Berlin, thuscontributing to the improvement of the town as well asto his personalprosperity. Mr. Warren was united in marriage while in Jacksonville in I849 toMissPriscilla Hitt, a native of Bourbon county, Kentucky who wastherereared. They had two children: Margaret J., the wife of O'BannonSmith,who is cashier of the State Bank of New Berlin, and they havetwochildren, Priscilla W. and O'Bannon; and Agnes, the wife of GeorgeW.Fraker, of Spray, North Carolina, by whom she has two daughters,Margaretand Priscilla. Mr. Warren lost nine children in infancy andearlychildhood, and his son William B. grew to mature years andmarried erecalled to his final rest. Sallie died in early womanhoodand John F. diedat the age of twenty six years. In 1896 Mr. Warren wasalso called uponto mourn the loss of his wife, who passed away in thatyear and was laidto rest in Island Grove cemetery. She was a mostestimable lady, who hadindeed been to him a faithful companion andhelpmate on life's journeyand her loss was deeply deplored, not onlyby her immediate family butalso by many friends throughout theCommunity. Mr. Warren has always been identified with the Democratic party andhetook a very active part in local politics at an earlier day. Hewaselected and served as supervisor and was chairman of the board forsixyears, acting in that capacity at the time the state house wasbuilt. Hehas, however, never been an aspirant for public office, buthis worth andability have led to his selection for local offices. Forten years hefilled the position of justice of the peace and thendeclined to servelonger. He belongs to the Masonic fraternity, whichhe joined inJacksonville, and later he became a charter member of thelodge at NewBerlin. He acted as its first master and has repeatedlybeen itsrepresentative in the grand lodge. His life has been inconsistentharmony with teachings of the craft, which include honorablemanhood,mutual helpfulness and kindness. Through seventy years he hasbeen aresident of the county and naught is said against his character,for hislife has been one Of uprightness and honor. His personalcharacteristicshave won for him the regard and friendship of thosewith whom he has beenassociated and no history of Sangamon countywould be complete withoutmention of William M. Warren, a most honoredresident of New Berlin. | Warren, William M. (I62757)
10566 | William Maye was living with Alexander and M. J. in 1870. Possiblyfatherof M. J. | Mary Jane (I98801)
10567 | William mentioned as the son of John Warren in the Will ofWilliamSargeant, written on 14 April 1683 in Rappahannock County, Virginia. William mentioned as the son of Rachel Warren, in her will, written on 18 September 1705 and probated on 11 February 1706, in Essex County, Virginia Virginia County Records SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY 1721-1800 DEED BOOK A 1722-1729, page 89, Nov. 5, 1722. Wm. Warren and Elizabeth his wife to Saml. Ham. 800 lbs. of lawful tobacco, 100 acres in Spotsylvania County on ye South Side of ye midle River of Mattapony-part of 1525 a. of land patented by John Rogers, Peter Rogers, John York, Edwd. Pigg and Thos. Gresham. Witnesses: Edward Franklin, Lawrence x Franklin. Rec. Novr. 6, 1722. | Warren, William (I6935)
10568 | William Moore birth / place info from Moore Family Bible in possession of Vicki Pack of Booneville, Arkansas. Baptized in Goshen, Orange County, New York, at the 1st Presbyterian Church. | Moore, William (I65821)
10569 | William Moore birth info from Moore Family Bible in possession of Vicki Pack of Booneville, Arkansas. | Moore, William (I65819)
10570 | William Morris Enumeration District: 0065 Color: W Age: 52 Birth Place: Kentucky Visit: 0130 County: Graves Relation: Husband Relatives: Wife Mary 49, Kentucky Son Hallie 22, Kentucky Son Emmett 19, Kentucky Daughter Gettio 16, Kentucky Son Floyd 14, Kentucky Son Jewel 09, Kentucky | Morris, William M. (I44131)
10571 | William moved with his parents to North Carolina from Virginia. He was an infant at that time. At the age of 10, he assisted his father and surveyor Christopher Beekman. He was quite literate and well respected. He performed many civic duties, including membership on a committee in the late 1790's to build the first road through the area. He bought and sold many tracts of land during his life. The 1800 tax list lists William as having 2 houses on 100 acres. William and his wife had at least 8 sons and 4 daughters, but no proven list of children. The 1790 census has him as married with 3 small sons. According to a book published in 1888 in Chicago, William lived to be 110 years of age. He was very spry in his old age and could read without glasses after the age of 100. | Warren, William (I103366)
10572 | William of Bromptons, son of Andrew of Bromptons--William de Bures,also of Bromptons, married Elizabeth Roos. Two sons were born of thisunion, to wit, William and Andrew. | Bures, William de (I110496)
10573 | William of Foxherd, elder son of William of Bromptons--William Bures, the younger, succeeded to the Bures estates. He held court atBromptons in 1480 and at Foxherd (or Foxearth) in 1486 It is stated in the inq. p.m. taken at Colchester 1529 after the deathofHenry Bures, grandson of William of Foxherd, that the manor and advowson of Foxherd reverted to Robert Bures, father of Henry, as cousin and heirof Avice (or Amicia), Countess of Wiltshire, who died in 1457, and that"he entered into the said manor as of fee tail" under the original granttohis ancestor [Sir] Andrew de Bures by Edmund le Boteler. This statementisnot born out by the facts, for it was William Bures, the younger, fatherofRobert, who first entered into the family inheritance. In 1486 William Buresthe younger "gives to the lord the King sixty shillings for leave toagreewith Thomas, Earl of Ormond, in a plea of covenant concerning the manors of Foxerth and Brokehall" etc., and in the same year he claims the manorofFoxherd "which Edward le Botiller gave to Andrew Bures and the heirs issuing from his body", from Thomas Mountgomery, Knight, John Hardyng, clerk, John Clopton, James Hobart, John Mordant, WilliamDunthorn,William Frost, Thomas Grene of Witham and Thomas Hobart, by right of descentfrom Andrew Bures, and gives a long pedigree to prove his contention.Theclaim was allowed and he entered into possession of the manor. In 1511William Bures, the younger, also claimed the manor of Acton, but the samepersons mentioned above, viz: Thomas Mountgomery, Knight, John Bukenell,Knight, John Hardyng, clerk, John Clopton, James Hobart, et al., demanded and recovered the manor of which they said they were seised in fee inthetime of Edward IV (viz: 1461-1483). William of Foxherd married Joan Marham and had issue: Robert, Andrew, Alice and Elizabeth | Bures, William de (I110069)
10574 | William P Bright Enumeration District: 0086 Color: W Age: 56 Birth Place: Kentucky Visit: 0043 County: Marion Relation: Husband Relatives: Wife Susan F 57, Kentucky Daughter Carrie 23, Kentucky | Bright, William P. (I42973)
10575 | William R Pierce Enumeration District: 0080 Color: W Age: 57 Birth Place: Kentucky Visit: 0194 County: Larue Relation: Husband Relatives: Wife Mary A 51, Kentucky Daughter Lona B 43, Kentucky Son Henry L 11, Kentucky Daughter Oklahoma 09, Kentucky Mother-in-law Nancy J Warren 70, Kentucky 1 non-relative | Skaggs, Nancy Jane (I42931)
10576 | William R Pierce Enumeration District: 0080 Color: W Age: 57 Birth Place: Kentucky Visit: 0194 County: Larue Relation: Husband Relatives: Wife Mary A 51, Kentucky Daughter Lona B 43, Kentucky Son Henry L 11, Kentucky Daughter Oklahoma 09, Kentucky Mother-in-law Nancy J Warren 70, Kentucky 1 non-relative | Pierce, William Monroe 'Rowe' (I79785)
10577 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Thornton, William Robert (I7098)
10578 | William Roundtree sources from Helen Cox Robinson Graves's Book. She lived at 707 Penna Ave., Clearwater, Fla. before her death. | Rountree, William (I43441)
10579 | WILLIAM SKAGGS D.A.R. William Skaggs born Dec. 20 1757 died Aug. 20, 18?? Married Mary Simpson 1778 then Polly Pierce Indian Spy for Virginia D.A.R. Vol 117 William H. Skaggs� married a Bellen Yancy, Culpepper Co. Va. ? date William Skaggs was listed with Richard Skaggs, David Skaggs and Joseph Skaggs receiving land grants in Barren County Kentucky south ofGreenRiver south of Lick Creek | Skaggs, William Squire (I42515)
10580 | William Skaggs died in Bell County, Texas. His death certificate stated his father was R. W. Skeggs and mother Elizabeth Underwood. Both parents of William A. Skaggs were listed as born in Kentucky. The informant to the death certificate was his wife, Elizabeth. William and Elizabeth (Warren) Skaggs had no children. They lived very close to the Felix Grundy Warren branch of the family, some who had moved from Taylor County, Kentucky to Bell County, Texas between 1883-1884. | Skaggs, William A. (I39422)
10581 | William Snider S/O Jacob Snider of Berkeley Co., West Va. William Snider's administration is in Probate Vol. C, p. 48. Administrators were Jacob Warner and Samuel Folkerth. Securities, Thomas Newman and David Hover (Case #227). The inventory and appraisal of the estate of William Snider was taken 16 Jan 1816 by appraisers, William Hart, David Miller, and Jacob Puterbaugh. No total was given [Montgomery Co OH Common Pleas, Probate Docket C-1, p. 112-114, Nov Term 1816). The public sale record occurred 26 Jan 1818 yet has a filing date of 18 Jan 1818? The first date was probably 1816. One of the many purchasers was John Overholser, his sister's (Susanna)husband [Montgomery Co Common Pleas, Probate Docket, Book C-1, p. 167]. There is an April 1819 guardianship for Susannah Snider, age 15 years, heir of William Snider, deceased, who chose Henry Brombaugh as her guardian; securities, John Baker and Jacob Warner [Montgomery Co Common Pleas, Probate Docket Book D-1, p. 71, case #367]. Henry Snider, age 13 years, Jacob Snider, age 11 years, Catharine Snider, age 9 years, and Daniel Snider, age 7 years, minor heirs of William Snider, had their guardian Samuel Folkerth appointed by the court. Securities were Henry Brombaugh and Jacob Warner (case #368, same page as above). In Ohio, a child could pick their guardian at age 14. On 21 Sep 1829, Daniel Snyder, age 17 years, an heir of William Snyder, deceased, chose John Mast as his new guardian. Security was Jacob Warner [Montgomery Co Common Pleas, Probate Docket Book D-1, p. 446, case #972). William Snider's children included: Susanna | Snyder, William (I122824)
10582 | William Stephen Sirak of King City, 70 William Stephen Sirak was born in Eerie, PA., Aug. 29, 1934. He died on Nov. 2 at his residence. He was 70. Mr. Sirak was a member of the VFW and local football pool. He is survived by his stepmother, Dorothy Sirak of Banning; wife, Sally Sirak of King City; son, Ted Sirak; four daughters, Annette (Paul) Hernandez, Mary Ruth (J.D.) Wells and Peggy (Gary) Dewitt all of King City, Elizabeth (Irving) Bresette of Bakersfield; two brothers, Richard Sirak of Parker, AZ and Steve Sirak of Branning; one brother-in-law, Nick Flower; 12 grandchildren. He was proceeded in death by his sister, Marian Flower. Memorials can be made to the American Heart Association and/or Cystic Fibrosis Association. Visitation was held on Nov. 5 at Whitehurst Grim Funeral Chapel, King City. Service under the direction of Whitehurst Grim Funeral Service. Family vehicle crushes man William Sirak, 70, killed while working on Volkswagen van By CLARISSA ALJENTERA Herald Staff WriterSally Sirak hadn't heard from her husband William for several hours when he went out to the couple's King City property to work on the family cars -- something he had done since his teens.She last saw him around 2 p.m. on Tuesday and went looking for him about three hours later. She then learned he was crushed beneath a Volkswagen Vanagon.Monterey County sheriff's deputies said Sally Sirak, 66, immediately tried to jack the van off her 70-year-old husband."The jack must have slipped or failed," said deputy Thomas Sparks.William Sirak was apparently killed instantly."It was tragic," said son-in-law Paul Hernandez. "Whatever he was doing he had done hundreds or thousands of times."Sirak had owned an repair shop and auto wrecking yard in King City for about 20 years. Sirak also had owned several area gas stations and an A&W Restaurant. After he sold the repair shop he continued working on family cars at home."He had the hands of a mechanic," Hernandez said. "He was a tough-hands guy."Sirak's life was dedicated to cars.Relatives described the 70-year-old father of five as a "jack of all trades.'""He just does stuff on the side to keep himself busy," said daughter Peggy DeWitt. "He was a workhorse. He was constantly being a workaholic."When his children were in school, Sirak coached his son's baseball teams and sponsored several girls' softball teams, said his daughter, Annette Hernandez."He was my go-to person," Annette Hernandez said. "I'll miss his sense of humor and a lot of times it was dry."Sirak spent his down time following the San Francisco Giants and playing card games such as Tripoli, Pedro or Rummy.Hernandez said that when her father broke out the cards, his wife would start walking the other way."He always played card games," she said.Neighbor Don Carroll described Sirak as a jolly fellow. Carroll said Sirak was always tinkering with cars."He was a likable guy," Carroll said. "He was outgoing and talkative."Sirak moved to Monterey County about 50 years ago. He had been stationed in San Diego with the Navy and had fought in the Korean War.He was born in Erie, Pa., and was raised in Phoenix, Ariz.In addition to his wife Sally of 43 years, he is survived by daughters Annette Hernandez, Lisa Bresset, Mary Ruth Wells and Peggy DeWitt; son Ted Sirak; brothers Richard and Steve Sirak and 12 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his sister Marion Flower. William Stephen Sirak of King City, 70 William Stephen Sirak was born in Eerie, PA., Aug. 29, 1934. He died on Nov. 2 at his residence. He was 70. Mr. Sirak was a member of the VFW and local football pool. He is survived by his stepmother, Dorothy Sirak of Banning; wife, Sally Sirak of King City; son, Ted Sirak; four daughters, Annette (Paul) Hernandez, Mary Ruth (J.D.) Wells and Peggy (Gary) Dewitt all of King City, Elizabeth (Irving) Bresette of Bakersfield; two brothers, Richard Sirak of Parker, AZ and Steve Sirak of Branning; one brother-in-law, Nick Flower; 12 grandchildren. He was proceeded in death by his sister, Marian Flower. Memorials can be made to the American Heart Association and/or Cystic Fibrosis Association. Visitation was held on Nov. 5 at Whitehurst Grim Funeral Chapel, King City. Service under the direction of Whitehurst Grim Funeral Service. | Sirak, William Stephen (I18418)
10583 | William T Skaggs Enumeration District: 0042 Color: W Age: 27 Birth Place: Kentucky Visit: 0185 County: Green Relation: Husband Relatives: Wife Nora E 20, Kentucky Daughter Mattie L 04, Kentucky Daughter Annie 03, Kentucky Son Earnest B 02, Kentucky Daughter Effie NR, Kentucky | Skaggs, William Thomas 'Willie' (I56142)
10584 | William Underwood Enumeration District: 0134 Color: W Age: 60 Birth Place: Kentucky Visit: 0232 County: Taylor Relation: Husband Relatives: Wife Sallie 50, Kentucky 1 non-relative | Underwood, William Thomas (I40791)
10585 | William W Underwood Enumeration District: 0131 Color: W Age: 45 Birth Place: Kentucky Visit: 0206 County: Taylor Relation: Husband Relatives: Wife Mary E 41, Kentucky Son Dee A 16, Kentucky Son Leroy 15, Kentucky Son John W L NR, Kentucky | Underwood, William Woodson (I80178)
10586 | William Warren was deeded 148 acres by father James Warren on 27 July 1795 in Caswell County, North Carolina. William was co-executor of his father, James Warren estate in 1816. | Warren, William (I34120)
10587 | William was a constable in Halifax County, Virginia in 1768. Witnessed father (John Warren - b 1707) deed of lands to brothersTimothyand Hackley on 20 July 1768. William paid 5 pounds on 13 August 1776 for 70 acres of land, which he purchased from his father. The land located by Holts Mill Creek onthesouth and Dry Creek on the east, and Alexander Shaws land on the North and West. May 1777, listed as giving 6 pounds for soldiers clothing, most likely3for himself and 3 for one of his brothers. His brother James, paid 3poundsfor his own soldier clothing. Listed as buying land on October 1787 in Caswell County, NorthCarolina. The lands were located near the Cobb Creek area of what later became Person county in 1791. William moved here shortly after buyingthisland. Sold his 70 acres of land in Halifax County, Virginia on July 20,1789,which was located on Holts Mill and Dry Creek. This was land was obtainedfrom his father in 1772. Listed on Person County, North Carolina tax records 1794-1799. Listed on 1800 Person County Federal Census, listed as over 45 yearsofage. January 1801, sold 150 acres of land in Person County, NorthCarolina.His son Starling Warren witnessed this deed. 8 February 1802, William sold 100 acres of land in Person County,North Carolina to son Starling Warren. This land was located on the watersof the south Hico and Cobb creeks. Sons Vincent and Starling listed on Person County, North Carolina Tax lists in 1801 and 1802. Will of William Warren, Prepared 22 April 1802, Person CountyProbateCourt Records. Listed on 1810 Person County, North Carolina Federal Census. The list showed Willam and wife Ann living in the county, owning one slave, and having in their household one male between 16-26 and one femal under the age of 10. These were most likely grandchildren. William died in late 1815 or early 1816. The Will was probated inPersonCo., North Carolina in February 1816. Named in the will were wife,Ann,daughters Nancy and Leah, and sons Starling and Vincent. Ann was bequeathedaNegro man, Starling a feather bed and furniture, and Vincent 5 silverdollars. | Warren, William (I65743)
10588 | William was a horseman and raised Clydesdales. He was kicked in theheadby oneof the horses and died of the trauma. 1860 census record living with parents in Lacon and PattonsburgP.O.Marshall, Illiois 1880 Census recorded living inLinn, Woodford,Illinois | Corbin, William (I4785)
10589 | William was brought from Scotland to Virginia and was apprenticed asacarpenter in Richmond, Virginia. He later moved to Buckingham County,Virginia,married and had 3 sons. He died the year the Revolutionary War began in 1776 | McGlasson, William (I52405)
10590 | William was in Jamestown, Virginia between 1632 and 1640. Was the fifth son of Edward Warren and Anne Davenport. Speaker of the House, House Of Burgess in 1633-35. His Half brother, Ratcliffe (Radcliffe) Warren was killed in a raid on Maryland from the Isle of Kent in 1635. When it was heard that Governor Harvey approved, there was a meeting at William Warren's house in Yorktown and as a result Governor Harvey was ousted. There is a sworn statement made by William Cleyboure, commander of Lt. Ratcliffe Warren in the Army of Virginia, that Lt. Ratcliff returned to Kent Island. This deposition was made 16 April 1638. Thomas Warren, brother of Ratcliff and half-brother to William was in Old Rappahannock County, Virginia. | Warren, William (I114701)
10591 | William was listed as father of Peter Elmore in 1859 death record. Source: Green Co Ky Vital Statistics Died Of Heart Disease - 31 Dec 1859 | Elmore, Peter (I16389)
10592 | William was never married. | Warren, William L. (I34696)
10593 | William Whitney, of Groton, and Lydia Perham, of Chelmsford, enteredinto a covenant of marriage before Mr. Thomas Clark, Mar., 1700 [the restofthe date is torn off, but suppose it to be 1699-1700. Hon. S. A. Green].Thefamily record has it 1700. Lydia (Perham) Whitney was admitted to theGrotonchurch Aug. 5, 1716. He was born in Groton, where he resided until his marriage. His wifewas from Chelmsford, in which place they were married. She died andwasburied in Groton. His second wife was probably from Newton, for he wasmarried there. Apr. 4, 1710, he purchased land in Killingly, Conn., ofJamesCorbin of Woodstock. He removed to Plainfield, Conn., about 1720, where he afterward resided. His will is dated Oct. 15, 1751. In 1754 he gavetheheirs of his sister Abigail Hutchings property by deed. | Whitney, William (I36569)
10594 | WILLIAM WYATT, farmer; P. O. Newmansville; was born in Fayette County, Ky., Feb. 22, 1828. When two years of age he was brought to Illinois by his parents, who located in Morgan County, on what was once called "Golden Prairie;" in 1846 they came to Newmansville, and five years later moved to the present residence of A. E. Wyatt. Our subject's parents, James and Sarah (Stephenson) Wyatt were natives of Kentucky, and had five children: Walter, deceased; John M., deceased; Andrew E.; William, and Elizabeth Jane, wife of Hugh Sherrer, of Lincoln, Logan County, Ill. William moved to his present place of residence about the year 1851; he has made a success of the stock business, in which he engages quite extensively. He married in this county, April 27, 1851, Nancy Jane Nance; born in Green County, Ky., June 13, 1836, who has bone him four children: John Hardin, born April 26, 1852, died May 21, 1876; Fanny, born June 26, 1854, wife of Walter M. Thompson; Alice Mabel, born March 10, 1859, wife of James Struble, of Newmansville; and James Judy, born Jan. 31, 1862, at home. Mrs. Wyatt is a daughter of Ottawa B. and Sarah (Danields) Nance, natives of Kentucky; he, deceased, she, living, aged eighty-four years, hale and hearty. Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt are members of the M. E. Church; he is a Republican. | Wyatt, William M. (I108182)
10595 | WILLIAM DEAREN, Sr. and his wife Rachel? (Revised 6 June 1997) William Dearen, Sr. was born ca. 1745-1750, almost certainly in Amelia County, VA; for records indicate his father was in Amelia by 1746.William died after April 1820, when his attorney John Jeter sold some of William's Virginia land. But he had died by 2 Oct 1822 according to a court record concerning a debt of his son Coleman (of which his son Rowlett was security). William, Sr. died in Green County, KY. His son William Dearen, Jr., who had remained in Amelia County, is recorded as being the administrator of his father's estate. We do not have a marriage record for William, Sr., so do not know the name of his wife. As witnesses to a will, which was proven 22 Jan 1795, William Dearen and Rachel Dearen signed their "X". It is very possible, perhaps even highly likely, that Rachel was William's wife. One idea of his wife's maiden name is provoked by the fact he had a son name Rowlett.There were many Rowletts in the adjoining county of Chesterfield. And in Amelia in 1830 were two Rowlett men about the age of Rowlett and William Dearen, Jr. Perhaps they were their cousins? Could they have been perpetuating her family name by naming a son Rowlett? William, Sr. was the son of Richard Dearen. We do not have Richard's marriage record; so we don't know the name of William, Sr.'s mother.There was a Jemima Dearing who was the administrator of the deceased Richard's estate in Bedford County, VA in 1792. Was she a widowed favorite daughter-in-law? Or what is more likely is that she might have been Richard's second much younger wife, but Jemima had children who married between 1801 and 1812. She almost certainly was not William,Sr.'s mother, for William was listed in the 1790 census in his own household. CENSUS & OTHER RECORDS In the 1782 census, there was a William Dearen of Amelia County, VA,with 7 "white souls" in the household. Richard was listed in that censusas having 4 "white souls" in his household. Dearen, William State: VA County: Amelia Co. Page #: 13 Census/Enumeration year: 1782 Age ranges in household: 07-00 Then in the 1785 census William Dearran is listed with 7 members inhis household, with no outbuildings. Richard now has 5 members inhishousehold, 2 dwellings and 1 outbuilding. In 1787 William is the only Dearen taxed in Amelia County. His father Richard and brother John had already probably moved to Bedford Co.,VA. William is listed as charged with tax for: 1 black under 16; 1horse,mare, colt, or mule; and 15 cattle. Again on page 82 we believe a clerical error listed the samefamilies,same statistics. Why was Richard listed in 1790 but not in 1787?Williamlisted no blacks in 1790. The statistics indicate that there were probablyhis wife and five children by 1790, with William, Sr. perhaps 35-40yearsold. White males over 20 Slave An 1800 tax list shows: Dearen, William 2 1 The 1810 census index shows William and Rowlett Dearen, both on page 243of the census of Amelia Co. Was William, Jr. younger and still in the household of his father? Jemimah, Joel, Lewis and Richard are all in Bedford Co., pages 458 & 459. LAND RECORDS in AMELIA COUNTY, VA Deed Book 9, p. 353: 25 Mar 1768 from Joseph Nobles of A[melia], to William Dearing of A, for 16 £ , a certain tract of land in A containing about 83 acres of land onthe north side of the Walnutt Branch joining William Compton, Robert Singleton, Joseph Hawkins, Henry Nelson, John Cook, James League. Signed - Joseph Nobles. Witnesses: Thos Bedle, Joel Motley, David Ellington, Recorded 23 Jun 1768. On 16 April 1771, William, Sr. sold 83 acres on Walnut branch of Sandy Creek, Nottaway Parish of Amelia County, VA to William Pillow of said county and parish, for "ten pounds current money of Virginia...(the land) joining Aaron Seague, James Seague, William Mullins, Obediah Hendrick, Stephen Johnson and John Singleton." Then 26 April 1803 William, for one hundred current dollars ofVirginia, sold to James Atkinson twenty-five acres, lying "on the head of a branch of Sailers Creek in the county Amelia and bounded...Roach Spring thence to the corner peech [sic] tree thence to the red oak corner...Booker Foster's line..Mitchels line...corner maple on Atkinsons line..." William signed this deed with an X. On the same day 26 April 1803 William sold 115 acres to John MOTTLEY for one hundred and seventy pounds current money of Virginia. The land lay,"on the head of a branch of Saylors Creek in the county of Amelia...bounded...sweat [sic] gum at Atkinsons line...below the spring upon Fosters Mottleys...Atkinsons line..." IN GREEN COUNTY, KENTUCKY By 17 Nov 1819 William Dearen, Sr. was in Green County, KY. On that date William, Sr. empowers John JETER to sell 320 acres to Jacob A.LOCKETT for fourteen hundred and fifty-nine dollars and twenty cents current money of Virginia. This land bordered: "Est of Wm Meriweather, decd, Ism Clements & others". John Jeter is mentioned as the attorney for William, Jr. On the same day 17 Nov 1819 another land sale was made-- but because there was only one witness--this deed was not recorded until the April Court 1820. John Jeter, lawful attorney for William, Sr., sold 116 acres of land to Thomas M. Cobbs, for the sum of "four hundred and sixty foure [sic] dollars current money of Virginia...(The land was bounded) on the Est of Zachh Morriss, Worsham Foster & others". GREEN COUNTY, KY CENSUSES Also in Green Co. by 1820 census were Daniel and Richard,surelygrandsons of William, Sr. but we do not know who their father(s) was. The 1830 Green Co. census lists Coleman, Daniel and Will with no township listed. Then Richard, William B. and William J. Dearing are listed in Campbell township. We do not know the ancestry of these "Dearings",with the exception that we know Coleman was William, Sr.'s son. EDUCATION William, Sr. apparently could neither read nor write, for he signedhis deeds with his mark, an X. THEIR CHILDREN (All probably born in Amelia County) Until more census records are checked, we do not know the birth orderof these siblings or have a good idea of birth year. Below birth yearsare educated guesses. The 1790 census showed perhaps 5 children, but wehave records for only 4. ROWLETT Rowlett, born about 1782, was probably the eldest of William, Sr.'ssons, for he is the only other Dearen listed in the 1810 census as head of a household. Was he one of the two "White males over 20" listedonWilliam, Sr.'s tax listing in 1800? Rowlett married: (1) Jane ALLEN on 24Mar1808. Surety was Samuel Allen. p. D-2. Rev. John Skurry performedtheceremony; (2) Searcy PERIN on 3 Oct 1818, Walter B. Hughes, Security. The 1810 census index of Virginia lists Rowlett in Amelia County onpage 243, as is William(Sr.?). Rowlett sold livestock and household items (beds and bedding) in 1819, possibly preparing to move some distance. Because his father andbrother Coleman moved to Green County, KY, at about that time, that would be a likely place to check later censuses for Rowlett. However, Rowlettisnot found in the 1820 census index of KY. A Rowlett Dearing is listed in the 1830 census of Nottoway County, just adjacent to Amelia County. Rowlett is back in Amelia County in the 1840 census. Was this anactual move or was there a change in county lines? In that census both he and the one female listed appear to be in their late middle-ages, and theyhaveno one else in the home. Rowlett served in the War of 1812, commanded by Brig. Gen. William Chamberlayne, 28 Aug to 16 Nov 1814. Where is this record to be found? WILLIAM, Jr. William, Jr. was born about 1785, He died in Amelia in late 1830 or early 1831, for he is listed in the 1830 census. The appraisement and inventory of his personal estate was taken on Wednesday, 18 May 1831. We don't know who William, Jr.'s first wife was but on 28 Nov 1814 he married Elizabeth DICKERSON. Rev. John Skurry performed the marriage ceremony to Elizabeth. He had possibly two children by the first wife and probably four by Elizabeth. William was guardian for Mary Richison and even after his death, his estate account was charged in 1834 for medical care by Dr. T.C. Overton of Mary. She is believed to have been his niece, and probably the 4th young female listed in his household in the 1830 census. FRANKEY Frankey was born about 1786. She married Elisha Richardson in Nov 1806. Mary Richison, for whom William, Jr. was guardian, is likely their orphaned child. COLEMAN Coleman was born about 1788. He is not listed in the 1810 census index of Virginia, so he may have still been in his father's household duringthat census. He is not listed in the 1820 census index of Kentucky and that is puzzling. This writer wonders if Coleman and Rowlett moved somewhere for a very brief time; then Rowlett returned to Amelia and Coleman went to Green Co., KY. Coleman was in Kentucky by Oct 1822, for we see the record in the deed book. Green Co., KY, Marriage Bk. B, p. 39, lists his marriage to Elizabeth MARSHALL on 18 Dec 1823 by Rev. John HOWE, in Green County. Ann Marshall was listed on the Consent papers, so possibly was Elizabeth's mother. A witness was Warren ELMORE. The 1830 KY census index lists Coleman in Green County on p. 23,notownship listed. DANIEL? Was Daniel the son of William, Sr.? He could just as easily be John's son. Daniel was not found in the 1810 census index of VA. But Daniel Dearing married Anna MITCHELL on 27 Dec 1804. J.C. Mitchell consents. Witnessto consent, Moses Mitchell and Polley Mitchell, "mother of the daughter." Surety was Coleman Wills. p. D-2. Where was this young couple in the1810 census? Check KY. Daniel is listed in Green Co., "62-20", in the 1820 KY census index.What do those numbers mean? The 1830 KY census index lists Daniel in Green Co., on p. 22, notownshipis listed. RICHARD Richard is listed in Green Co., "59-40", in the 1820 KY census index. We are sure the Green County Richard is not the son of John of Bedford Co., for Richard's widow's claim for a War of 1812 pension lists a first marriage to Jane or Janet CRADDOCK and a second marriage to herself Mary HUTCHASON on 31 Jan 1837 in Green Co. The Richard of Bedford County married Elizabeth THURMAN. The WC-32448 states that Richard served in Elmore's KY Militia. According to the pension application, Richard died 14 Aug 1870 in Taylor County, KY. Perhaps he lived in that part of Green that became Taylor in 1848. The 1830 KY census index lists Richard in Green Co., Campbell township, p. 64. | Dearen, William (I44241)
10596 | William, fourth son of Sir Robert--William de Bures the fourth son ofSir Robert, was a priest. | Bures, William de (I111865)
10597 | Willie G Vance Enumeration District: 0071 Color: W Age: 31 Birth Place: Kentucky Visit: 0099 County: Hart Relation: Husband Relatives: Wife Alma 29, Kentucky Son Ivan E 05, Kentucky | Vance, Willie Grand (I97007)
10598 | Willie married the niece of his step-mother Avice Weed on July 25,1885 | Sprague, William 'Willie' (I66005)
10599 | Willis H Underwood Enumeration District: 0080 Color: W Age: 35 Birth Place: Kentucky Visit: 0188 County: Larue Relation: Husband Relatives: Wife Florence E 35, Kentucky Son Roy M 15, Kentucky Son Freddie C 13, Kentucky Daughter Nannie E 06, Kentucky Son Elijah G 04, Kentucky Son Johney H 02, Kentucky Mother-in-law Martha E Purris 62, Kentucky | Underwood, Willis H. (I57494)
10600 | Wilson Davis Enumeration District: 0083 Color: W Age: 52 Birth Place: Kentucky Visit: 0181 County: Larue Relation: Husband Relatives: Wife Joan 47, Kentucky Daughter Zurada 16, Kentucky Daughter Dana 06, Kentucky Daughter Rochella 09, Kentucky | Davis, Wilson (I65851)
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