Ingram and Related Family History

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
Villa de Guadalupe > Santa María de Guadalupe
Información matrimonial 1882-1914 > image 771 of 3111 
Family: Romulo Mendoza / Juana Hernandez, (Hernandez Gomez) (F50654)
Armadillo de los Infante > Santa Isabel
Información matrimonial 1860-1867
image 163 of 926 
Family: Jose Sipriano "Cipriano" Moreno / Maria Paula "Paubla" Rendon (F53410)
Armadillo de los Infante > Santa Isabel
Información matrimonial 1860-1867
image 396 of 926
On pre marriage information, Felix listed his name as Jose Ynes Gonzales.
Armadillo de los Infante > Santa Isabel > Matrimonios 1859-1879
image 101 of 820
On actual marriage record groom was listed as Felix Gonzales and
bride as Florencia Sanchez. 
Family: Jose Felix "Jose Ynes Felix" Gonzales / Maria Florencia Sanchez (F53411)
Matehuala > Inmaculada Concepción > Matrimonios 1720-1796
image 604 of 609
Matehuala > Inmaculada Concepción > Información matrimonial 1795
image 616 of 757 
Family: Jose de la Luz Lucio Mendoza / Maria Gregoria de la Merced Sanchez (F50658)
Armadillo de los Infante > Santa Isabel > Bautismos 1833-1840
image 619 of 941
Cerritos > Matrimonios 1869-1872 > image 319 of 590
Civil Marriage Record for Gertrudes Munos and Maria Petra Moreno
Important record, as the marriage record names the paternal and maternal
paternos (grand-fathers) of both the bride/groom.
Gertrudes Munos was listed as age 22 (born ca 1849), and was listed as
the legitimate son of Zeferino Munos and Maria Francisca Ruiz. 
His paternal grandfather was listed as Benito Munos and maternal
grandfather was listed as Jose Maria Ruiz.
Maria Petra Moreno was listed as age 20 (born ca 1851), and was listed as
the legitimate daughter of Hermengildo Moreno and Matea Castillo. 
Her paternal grandfather was listed as Zaragoza Moreno and maternal
grandfather was listed as Roman Castillo. 
Moreno, Maria Petra (I141430)
Armadillo de los Infante > Santa Isabel > Bautismos 1833-1840
image 161 of 941
Note: Baptism record swapped the surnames of mother/father. 
Moreno, Jose Sipriano "Cipriano" (I140837)
Venado > San Sebastián > Matrimonios 1857-1873 > image 507 of 550 
Family: Jose Ysabel Hernandez / Epitacia Leos, (Leos Puente Cariaga) (F50657)
Salvatierra > Salvatierra > Matrimonios 1752-1785 > image 128 of 511 
Family: Francisco Vicente Cornejo / Maria Petra Carabajal (F51390)
Salvatierra > Salvatierra > Información matrimonial 1832-1833
image 170 of 328 
Family: Jose Bartolome "Bartolo" Luis Rojas / Maria Luisa "Lucia" Apolonia Contreras (F51378)
San Diego de la Unión > San Diego de la Unión
Información matrimonial 1849-1851
image 112 of 436 
Family: Jose Emeterio de Jesus Garcia / Maria Manuela Reveles, (Reveles Rivera) (F50937)
Guadalcázar > San Pedro > Matrimonios 1707-1828 > image 98 of 435 
Family: Francisco Fernandes, (Fernandes de Acuna) / Maria de San Juana Requena (F54946)
Guadalcázar > San Pedro > Matrimonios 1707-1828
image 294 of 435
Jose Ylario Requena noted as Espanol
Juana Maria Posadas noted as Espanola 
Family: Jose Ulalio "Ylario" Requena / Juana Maria Margarita Posadas (F53406)
Jasper County, Georgia Marriage records - 3 December 1881
Image 427 of 536
Marriage record for Rufus Homer Smith and Nancy Dillard 
Family: Rufus Homer Smith / Nancy Bethia "Nannie" Dilliard (F55221)
Cerritos > Matrimonios 1882-1884
image 464 of 478 
Family: Ramon Roman Perez / Catarina Martinez (F55192)
Cerritos > Nacimientos 1894-1898 > image 495 of 679
Note: This record is important because it names the grandparents of Francisca
Gonzales Moreno. 
Gonzales, Francisca (I140841)
Cedral > Nacimientos 1875-1878 > image 58 of 594 
Hernandez, Juana (Hernandez Gomez) (I135449)
Güémez > Matrimonios 1925-1930 > image 103 of 289 
Family: Juan Requena / Maurilia Garcia (F50474)
Matamoros > Matrimonios 1878-1881 > image 345 of 666

Also married to Refugio Torres in Cameron County, Texas on
31 October 1887. 
Family: Jose De Los Santos Martinez / Maria del Refugio Torres (F51407)
Death certificates > 1951 > Vol 034, certificates 016501-017000,
Apr, Atascosa-Bosque counties > image 167 of 513 (Bexar County)

1910 Federal Census - Justice Precinct 3, Wilson County, Texas 
Garza, Francisco "Frank" "Pancho" (I144571)
Cayuga > General index 1799-1919 A-K > image 178 of 664
Cayuga > Wills 1838-1844 vol D-F > image 602 of 852
Will of Thomas Colony: (my comments in parenthesis) The last will and
testament of Thomas Colleny of Locke, Cayuga County &  State of New
York. I Thomas Colleny considering the uncertainty of this mortal life,
and being of sound mind & memory do make & publish this my last will &
testament in manner as from following that is to say:

First, I give to my wife Martha one hundred dollars together with all the
household furniture excepting two beds and I give her also the privilage
of residing in the house & having provisions found her for a time not
exceeding one year, and when she wishes to move to be carried with
her effects to the canal, all of which is to be in lieu of dower.

Second, I give to my son John Colleny twenty five dollars.

Third, I give to the heirs of my son Samuel Colleny, deceased, fifty dollars
to be divided equally among them & paid to each respectively as they
become of age.

Fourth, I give to my son Oliver Colleny Three Hundred Dollars.

Fifth, I give to my son George Colleny Fifty Dollars.

Sixth, I give to my son Walter Colleny Twenty Five Dollars.

Seventh, I give to my son Drake Colleny Three Hundred Dollars.
(Wilson Drake Colleny)

Eight, I give to my Abram A. Colleny One Hundred Dollars.

Ninth, I give to my daughter Eliza Night Fifty Dollars & one bed.

Tenth, I give to the heirs of my daughter Polly Fish, deceased Fifty Dollars.

11th, I give to my daughter Priscilla Knapp, Fifty Dollars.

12th, I give to my daughter Lucy Ann Rice, Fifty Dollars.

13th, I give to my daughter Cordelia Wilcox, Fifty Dollars.

The above legacies to be paid as soon as may be after the sale of
my real estate together with the net proceeds of their respective shows up
to the time of said sale.  And  I hereby empower & direct my Executors
hereinafter named to  be at the discretion all of my real estate & execute titles
therefore according to the statute in such case provided. In case the said real
estate should sell for more than the above named legacies the said over plus is
to be paid to each of the above named heirs. (excepting the said Martha) in
proportion to the respective legacies in case it should sell for less to be
deducted from the said legacies in the same way.  And last, I appoint my son,
John Colleny & Richard Smith the executors of this my last will & testament.
I further direct that the said executors may their discretion pay the said Martha
out of the avail(ble) of the personal property.  In witness whereof I have
hereunto set my hand and seal this Thomas Colleny.

May be the same Thomas Colony (Coleny) listed in Dutchess County, New
York records.

COLLENY, Thomas Old Village Cem Locke, Cayuga Co NY 57 
Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots, Vol.1, p. '97   
-- Serial: 12172; Volume: 4
Cayuga > Letters of administration, Letters of testamentary 1830-1845
vol A2-B2 > image 481 of 642
Cayuga > Estate papers 1799-1905 box 16 > image 1049 of 1599 
Colony, Thomas (I50977)
Georgia > Jasper County > Thompson and Barnes > ED 75
image 12 of 12
25 June 1880
Listed as Boykins Smith, single, white, age 21, farm laborer,
born Georgia, and parents born Georgia.

1890, was listed on property Tax listing (Thompson and Barney district)

In 1900, a Boykin A. Smith is living in Bulloch County, Georgia, listed
on the 1900 federal census as born May 1858 in Georgia.  He is married
to Lula, and stated on census to have been married in 1890. 
Smith, Boykin A. (I144896)
Tenango del Valle > Matrimonios 1878-1885 > image 591 of 624
(Civil Marriage record)
Tenango del Valle > Matrimonios 1878-1885 > image 563 of 624
(Civil Marriage record) 
Family: Calixto Rodriguez / Rita Felicitas Maya, (Maya Hernandez) (F49184)
Juárez > Defunciones 1868-1894
image 545 of 2478 
Trujillo, Maria Francisca (I145731)
Lerma > Matrimonios 1867-1874 > image 22 of 297
Lerma de Villada > Santa Clara > Información matrimonial 1850-1869
image 681 of 732 
Family: Francisco Rodriguez / Sabina Gonzales (F51361)
Zaragoza > Matrimonios 1891-1948 > image 272 of 1702 
Family: Pedro Alvarez / Maria Paula "Pabla" Rubio (F55109)
Tenango del Valle > Defunciones 1882-1886 > image 175 of 574

Note: 1893 Civil marriage record of son Pedro Rodriguez listed parents of
Francisco Rodriguez and Sabina Gonzales. 
Rodriguez, Francisco (I137078)
Marín > Defunciones 1861-1890 > image 11 of 571 (1861) 
Gonzales, Antonio Candido (I136437)
Mexico, Nuevo León, Civil Registration, Marín
Defunciones 1861-1890  Image 291 of 571 (1880) 
Martinez, Juan Francisco (I131313)
Marín > Defunciones 1861-1890 > image 557 of 571 (1890) 
Gonzales, Maria Catarina "Catalina" (I131314)
Linares > Defunciones 1911-1912 > image 63 of 413
Death record listed husband Emilio Hernandez and parents Rafael Martinez
(deceased) and Pilar Valdes (widow age 55 - born ca 1856) 
Martinez, Adelaida "Adela" (I140811)
Santiago > Matrimonios 1887-1895 > image 307 of 660
25 June 1891 Civil marriage of German Garcia and Alejandra Solis.
Note that these two individuals were married in the catholic church on
28 October 1875.   In this 1891 civil marriage record, it stated that
German Garcia was a widow when he married Alejandra Solis,
previously married to Maria Antonia Arenas. German listed his parents
in this marriage record as Juan Garcia and Maria del Pilar Aleman.
Alejandra Solis listed her parents in this marriage record as Antonio
Solis and Dionicia Fuentes (Sifuentes). 
Family: German Garcia / Alejandra Solis, (Solis de Garcia) (F50647)
Santiago > Matrimonios 1887-1895 > image 602 of 660 
Family: Jose Teodoro "Teodocio" Gonzales / Maria Amada Aleman (F48197)
Monterrey > Matrimonios 1909 > image 264 of 811 
Family: Thomas Andrew / Maria Josefina Martinez (F49777)
Monterrey > Matrimonios 1921-1922 > image 143 of 1215
Listed as the widow of Teodocio Gonzalez, and marrying Donaciano
Family: Donaciano Garcia / Maria Amada Aleman (F50643)
Marín > Nacimientos 1861-1880 > image 391 of 615
Important document, as this record listed paternal/maternal grandparents
of Amado Montemayor.  Baptism record indicated he was born on 13
Sep 1868, and baptised on 16 Sep 1868. Civil record indicates he was
born 15 Sep 1868. 
Montemayor, Amado (I137207)
Guadalupe > Matrimonios 1861-1880 > image 206 of 493 
Family: Cayetano Flores / Maria Margarita Martinez (F51399)
Cananea > Matrimonios 1929-1949 > image 907 of 1764 
Family: Pedro Montoya / Maria Cruz Mange (F55872)
Texas > Gonzales > Not Stated > image 58 of 105 (1860 Federal Census)
James and Nancy listed in this census.  James first name appears to read
Ivo (but really undetermined); and if so, would have been a clerical error
by census taker.
Gonzales county > 1861 > image 29 of 39
Tax listing for 1861.  J. B. Warren listed on this record.  No taxes on
land that was listed, but did pay Poll, State, and County taxes. 
Warren, James "Jim' Buck" Buchanan (I31000)
Tarimoro > San Miguel Arcángel > Información matrimonial 1885-1887
image 35 of 533 
Family: Cirilo de Jesus "Ciro" Rojas / Celerina Ortiz (F51375)
Matehuala > Inmaculada Concepción > Bautismos 1813-1823
image 120 of 242
Martinez, Jose Felipe de Jesus (I135908)
Salvatierra > Salvatierra > Bautismos 1859-1862 > image 620 of 720 
Rojas, Cirilo de Jesus "Ciro" (I137106)
Matehuala > Inmaculada Concepción > Bautismos 1795-1812
image 286 of 505 
Mendoza, Jose Roman "Romauldo" (I135465)
Matehuala > Inmaculada Concepción > Bautismos 1848-1852
image 49 of 635 
Martinez, Victor Modesto de Jesus (I135902)
Guadalcázar > San Pedro > Bautismos 1893-1898 > image 46 of 397
Andrea Requena was listed on her baptism record as Andrea Torres, the
daughter of Leandra Torres. Her baptism date was 22 December 1893
in San Pedro, Guadalcazar, San Luis Potosi, Mexico.  She was listed
as 23 days old when baptized, placing date of birth as 29 November 1893
in El Pozo, Guadalcazar, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Her father was not
listed, normally meaning that Antonio Requena and Leandra Torres were
not yet married.  Her father was named much later on, on her civil
marriage record and also her social security record.

Believe on Andrea's 1966 Texas death record that her date of birth was incorrectly
stated/transcribed. She was listed in the Texas death record as being born on
4 Feb 1896 in Mexico.  Death records can be off in both date and location of birth.

Her 1911 marriage record listed her age as 18 in 1911, placing her birth circa 1893.
Apolonio "Pablo" Hernandez was married twice, first to Adela Martinez between
1906-1910, with two children born by this marriage, and then Andrea Requena.

Her social security claims record stated her parents to be Antonio Requena and
Andrea Torres.  The marriage record stated her parents to be Antonio Requena
and Leandra Torres.  Perhaps the full name of her mother is Andrea Leandra
Torres.  Social security records also claim her birth in Linares, but very few
Requena families are listed in Linares.  Her marriage record stated she was born
in El Poza de Acuna, Guadalcazar (Estado de San Luis Potosi).  I believe the
person filling out the death record got this incorrect, as it appears only her
husband was born in Linares, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

Andrea listed her immigration year in 1914; and is listed as alien status in 1920
Andrea is listed as 26 years old on 1920 federal census, placing her birth year
at 1894.
Andrea is listed as 45 years old on 1930 federal census, placing her birth year
at 1885.
Andrea is listed as 36 years old on 1933 birth certificate of son Candalario,
placing her birth year at 1899.
Andrea is listed as 40 years old on 1940 federal census, placing her birth
year at 1900. 
Requena, Andrea (Requena Torres) (I128414)
Guadalcázar > San Pedro > Matrimonios 1818-1826 > image 99 of 348 
Family: Jose Santa Ana "Santana" Requena / Susana Olvera (F50602)
Guadalcázar > San Pedro > Bautismos 1708-1822 > image 32 of 551 
Requena, Juana Estefania (I144145)
Guadalcázar > San Pedro > Bautismos 1708-1822 > image 38 of 551 
Requena, Antonia Gertrudis (I144143)
Villa de Reyes > San Francisco > Bautismos 1860-1862
image 65 of 306 
Cerda, Maria Santiago Petra de Jesus (I136235)
Guadalcázar > San Pedro > Información matrimonial 1753-1764
image 334 of 422 
Family: Diego Florencio Coronado / Anna Ygnacia Maldonado (F50578)
Guadalcázar > San Pedro > Bautismos 1708-1822 > image 61 of 551 
Requena, Crespin de los Dolores (I144147)

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