Notes |
- Francisco Antonio Gallegos and Maria Paula Josefa Trujillo, Belen, 25 October-22 December 1806.
AHADĀ·362, f. 399-403.
Francisco Antonio Gallegos, 27, tJjJaRo4 was the legitimate son of Jose Marcelo Gallegos
and Juana Chaves, both deceased citizens of the puesto of Los Chaves in the Belen jurisdiction.
Maria Paula Trujillo, espanola. just over 16, was the legitimate daughter of Agustin Trujillo and
Lucia Montafio, citizens of the plaza of Los Bacas in the Belen jurisdiction. The couple was related
in the fourth degree of consanguinity. Maria Paula Josefa stated that she was a life-long resident of
the area and that she had her parents' permission to wed.
Witnesses: Toribio Garda Jurado, 75, citizen of Los Chaves.
Pedro Padilla, 75, citizen of E1 Sausal.
Santiago Trujillo, citizen of the plaza of Los Trujillos.
Juan Montano 1st degree brothers Jose Montano
Hemando Chaves 2nd dcgree 1st cousins Bemabe Montaiio
Juaru Chaves 3td degree 2nd cousins Lucia Montano
Francisco Antonio Gallegos 4th degree 3td cousins Maria Paula. Josefa Trujillo
In Belen on 25 October '1806, Father Bernal forwarded the proceedings to Durango, citing
angusti loci as the basis for a dispensation. On 22 December, Vicar General Milhin Rodriguez. granted a dispensation.
Baptismal Certificates
1. Tn Isleta Pueblo on 12 April 1779, fray Jose Perez Narro baptized e1even-day-old
Francisco Antonio. the legitimate son of Jose Gallegos and Juanica Chaves, espaffolu and citizens of
the puesto of Los Chaves. His godfather was Jose Ant~njo Chaves.
2. On 11 March 1790 in Isleta, Father Bernal baptized Mana Paula Josefa, born in Belen on
2 March, the legitimate daughter of Agustin Trujillo and Lucia Montaiio. Her godparents were
Lucas Antonio Baca and his wife, Maria Paula Chaves, citizens of Belen.