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- Loise Eskew Tacker
Loise Eskew Tacker was born on June 22, 1919, to Arvelle A. andMary(McDonald) Eskew. She died on Monday, September 13, 2004, at theCornHeritage Village at the age of 85 years, 2 months and 21 days.
She taught elementary school for more than 35 years including SedanandGotebo schools.
She was preceded in death by he parents and a brother in infancy.
Her children are: Frankie and Darla Tacker of Wynnewood, OK; MarvinandMary Cheryl Tacker of rural Mountain View, OK; grandchildren:Travis,Jill, Jason, Justin, Lori Beth and Bradley, also 4 greatgrandchildren.Sister, Iris and husband Gloyd Huckabee of Arkadelphia,Arkansas.Brother, Lee and wife Lois Eskew of Penalosa, Kansas.Sister-in-lawGladys Tacker of Wellston, OK. All other relatives andfriends.
Funeral services were held at the Sharon Baptist Church, Lake Valley,at10:00 a.m. on Thursday, September 16, 2004, with Rev. DenverMcGuireofficiating. Interment followed in the Sharon Cemetery.Pallbearers wereSteven Black, Bill Tate, Barton Tate, Ricky Zimmerman,Haydon Battles andJim Crabb. Services were under the direction of theMcClure Funeral Homeof Cordell.