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- Mr. Luther Sprowles, 81, of 201 Underwood Street in Campbellsville,sonof the late Mr. George Alfred Sprowles and Mrs. Bettie JaneJohnsonSprowles, was born in Taylor County, March 3, 1890. He died at3:20p.m., Thursday, November 11, 1971, at the Taylor County HospitalinCampbellsville. He entered the hospital three weeks ago. Heprofessedfaith in Christ early in life and was a member of theCampbellsvilleBaptist Church. He was one of the best known and mostrespectedtraveling salesman in Central Kentucky. He united inmarriage to MissMittie Foley, October 4, 1909. She preceded him indeath, April 18,1967. To this union, one son was born, Dr. LeeSprowles, Professor atthe University of George at Athens, Ga. Besideshis son, he is survivedby one sister, Mrs. Pearl Chambers ofGreenwood, Ind.; sister-in-law,Mrs. Maggie Sprowles of Campbellsville;two nephews and one niece: Mrs.Richard Sublett and Mr. GeorgeSprowles, both of Campbellsville, and Mr.Forest ! Lee Chambers of Greenwood, Ind. Funeral services wereconductedSaturday afternoon, November 13, in the Parrott & RamseyFuneral Home byDr. J. Chester Badgett. Burial was in BrooksideCemetery. Pallbearerswere Billy Shirrell, John Minton Coakley, OwenJeffries, Buford Knifley,George Sprowles, and Forest Chambers.~Obituaries of Taylor County,Kentucky, Volume III, compiled by EuniceMontgomery Wright, p. 207