Notes |
- 1840:
Listed as Jesse Crumpton, and residing in Spartanburg, South Carolina.
Jesse listed between 30-40, wife between 30-40, 2 female children
between 1830-1840, and 1 male child between (1830-1840).
Listed as J. Campton, and residing in Spartanburg, South Carolina.
Jesse listed as born 1804, Martha as born 1806. Children listed
in this census were, M.(artha)-born 1832 SC, James-born 1834
SC, Susan-born 1834 SC, Julia-born 1836 SC, Emily-born 1840
SC, Reuben-born 1842 SC,
Listed as Jesse Compton (born 1804); was residing in Laurens County, South Carolina in 1860.
Also listed was wife Martha (born 1800 SC); children Martha, Susan, and Julia.
Listed as Jesse Compton (born 1805 NC); was residing in Fairview, Greenville County, South
Carolina in 1870. Also listed was wife Martha (born 1803 SC); and children, Martha W.,
Susanna N., and Julia R.
Listed as Jessie Compton (born 1805, NC); was residing in Belton, Anderson County, SC in
1880. Also listed was wife Martha (born 1803, SC); and children Martha W. and Julia R.