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- Joseph Odgers baptism record indexed in some records as Joseph Audgers.
Birth date from family bible of family member of Thomas Odgers.
Birth location and baptism from Saint Teath baptism records.
Minister of Methodist Episcopal Church. His final tribute included below.
Rev. Joseph Odgers
Joseph Odgers was born on the 28th day of May, 1828, in the county of Cornwall. His parents were earnest Christians and members of the Wesleyan Methodist Church. From childhood he was taught; his duty to God, and at ten years of age united with the church as a seeker. For two years he remained faithful to that relation. For sometime after Brother Odgers seemed to have been wanting in earnestness, but in 1849, during a season of revival, he was soundly-converted and immediately became an active Christian worker.
In 1853 he received an exhorter's license, and July 4th of the same year left England, arriving in the United States August 27. He settled in Jo Daviess county, and immediately connected himself with the Council Hill Circuit of the Methodist Episcopal Church by certificate. He was pressed into service, and at once found himself holding the same relation to the church of his new home as that he held in his native land.
January 1, 1855, he was united in marriage to Angeline Clark the only daughter of George and Milcah Clark of Galena, Illinois. Of this union there have been born seven children, four daughters and three son, one of whom is a successful minister and member of this his father's, beloved Conference. In 1856 he was recommended for and received local preacher's orders, also, admission to the Annual Conference. It August of the same year he was received into the West Wisconsin Conference. In 1858 he was ordained deacon and in 1860 elder. His appointments in the West Wisconsin Conference were Plainfield Circuit, Jamestown Mission, Spring Grove, Elk Grove, State Line. In 1862-3 he supplied Apple River, and united with the Rock River Conference in the fall of 1863. Since joining this Conference he has served the following charges: Apple River, Warren, Mt. Carroll, First Church, Rockford; First Church, Belvidere; Warren, Harlem, Lena, Rockford Circuit, Rockford, Ninth Street, Dakota, Halstead Street, Chicago; Fulton Street, Chicago; Asbury, and for two years he was manager at financial secretary of Wesley Hospital.
The last appointment of Brother Odgers was Mt. Carroll, which he was serving the second time when he was stricken and died. His last illness was of three months duration. Neither himself nor friends anticipated a fatal termination. The afternoon before the morning of death he and his son held a prolonged conversation, neither alluded to the probability of death, as neither had premonition of its hasty approach. On the morning of May 4, 1896, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. H.A, Butcher, he died, and his remains were laid away in beautiful cemetery of Rose Hill (in Chicago) on the Wednesday following.
From the time of his conversion he sought with untiring industry the equipment of a Methodist preacher. At all points during his extended ministry he invested himself wholly in the Master's service. His life was that of a whole-hearted, untiring, earnest, faithful Methodist preacher. Wherever duty called it was well known the whole man was at that point at that time. His preaching was, as his personality, sturdy, effective, sound, clear and full of force. Those who knew; him best had the greatest respect and confidence in his religious character, and Brother Odgers, like David, when he having served his own generation by the will of God, as a faithful Methodist Preacher for over, forty years fell asleep and was gathered unto the father.
October 1896