Notes |
- Sep 2018:
After a long spell away from researching the Waldrip-op-ep families, and with
many thanks to past and current researchers. Notably for me; Jan Dawson,
Howard Waldrop and Joyce Moore to name just a few, all of which provided
me much insight and through their sharing of Waldrop documents. I am not
trying to re-invent the wheel, and am using as many of the deeds and other
records uncovered and shared over the years. Of course if new info is found, I
plan on sharing the info; as I always have.
1744 --- CAROLINE CO., VA. Caroline County Order Book 1740-1746,
Part 2, page 55. Page 267, 13 Apr 1744. - James Waldrope acknowledges
his deed of lease and release of land indented to Michael Waldrope.
Deed of lease and release (definition):
Special form of grant called a release could be used to convey a future
interest to someone who already had a current interest. [The modern
version is called a quitclaim.] This resulted in a very popular form of
conveyance called a lease and release. Two agreements were required.
First, a bargain and sale contract was executed by the seller to convey a
lease on the land. The seller then separately executed a release to grant
to the buyer (who was now his tenant) a reversion of the seller's interest.
The effect was to transfer title to the buyer, since he now owned both the
current and future interests in the land.
Based on the 1744 deed, I actually look at James Waldrop to likely be older
than Michael Waldrop, likely a father or brother.
1748 --- CAROLINE CO., VA. Order Book, p 131, 10 Mar 1748/9.
John Hammon's deed indented to James Inge was proved by Joseph
Meacham, Ambrose Hay, and Michl Waldrop
1749 --- CAROLINE CO., VA. Order Book 1746-1784. Part 2, page 30.
Order book page 155, 9 Jun 1749 Michl Waldrop and Sarah, his wife,
acknowledge deed indented to James Foster.
Note: The linking of Michael Waldrop (and wife Sarah) to be the same
Michael Waldrop listed in North Carolina is based on finding no further
info on Michael Waldrop after 1749 in Caroline County, Virginia;
but finding a Michael Waldrop listed in Orange County, North Carolina.
I am using this a baseline. Also used as a baseline to back up Michael
Senior's age is the assumption that he was a young man when first found
in the 1744 records, a quite possible recently married. The circa 1724
birth year coincides with son Michael Waldrop Juniors proposed age.
Note: Caroline County, Virginia was created in 1727 from Essex, King
and Queen, and King William counties. There are some indications of
a Waldrop presence in King William County, Virginia that date back to
the 1750's. However court records were destroyed, leaving very little to
work with. I did look through the 1704 Quit rent rolls for all these
Virginia counties; with no Waldrops (or variations) listed.
North Carolina:
1757 Michael Waldrop is located on New Hope Creek in Orange County, North
Carolina. He was listed in several large land transactions in this county. He
appears in Orange County, North Carolina through at least 1763.
1761-1763 Michael is mentioned in court records as Michael Waldrop Senior.
Michael Waldrop Junior is not mentioned in these records, most likely not yet
owning land. This indicates to me he was still quite young, possible in the 15-16
year old range, placing year of birth to be circa 1745.
Land/Court transactions:
1757 --- ORANGE CO., NC. Abstract. 16 May 1757. Michael Waldrop 640
acres. Piney Mountain Creek, New Hope Creek, James Bowie.
1757 --- ORANGE CO., NC. Survey. Thomas Nelson. 8 Jun 1757. 430 acres on
Enoe & Stones Creek, begin at Edward Stones corner oak on Gov Johnston's line.
Chain carriers - Edward Stone, Michal Waldrup. [Copy of abstract in file.-CW]
1758 --- ORANGE CO., NC. Account of Sales of Estate of William Goss, 14 Mar
1758. Returned by Thomas Goss, admin., May Court 1758. Buyer - Michael
Waldrop 0:5:8. Other buyers James Bowls; Thomas Goss; James Anderson; James
Few; Thomas Brae; John Dunnagan; John Sharmor; Jacob Mason; William Comb;
William Reed; Mathias Miars; William Few; John slater; Samuel Money; John
Conner; James Benton; William Nunn; William Cox; Gilbert Strayhorn; John
Latlan; James Couch; Beverly Cox; Edward Stone; Mary Day.
1760 --- ORANGE CO., NC. Survey. 12 Aug 1760. No. 64 - 370 acres on waters of
New Hope Creek. Michael Waldrop. Chain carriers - Thomas Nelson, John Nincho.
1761 --- ORANGE CO., NC. Survey. 5 Feb 1761. Michael Waldrope. 370 acres.
Actual Text - Copy of original in file.-CW No. 64. Michael Waldrope 370 acres of
land in Orange County on the waters of New Hope Beginning at a red oak on a ???
Nap? running thence ??? to a white oak saplin then ??? to a white oak then So 16 ?
to a sweet gum on the creek then ? 35 ? to a Red Oak then So 60 W to a Black Jack
oak then ? 40 ? to a hickory then No 66 E? to a Black Jack Oak then East 93 ? to the
first station. Dated 5th day of February 1761.
1761 --- ORANGE CO., NC. Patent Book 12, page 54, #486 or 2258, 5 Feb 1761.
370 acres. Grant to Mitchael Waldrope from John Earl Granville. Actual Text -
Copy of transcribed original document in file.-CW This indenture made the fifth
day of February in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty
one ... between the right honorable John Earl Granville, Viscount Carteret, and
Baron Carteret, of Hawnes in the County of Bedford, in the Kingdom of Great
Britain, Lord President of his Majesty's Most Honorable Privy Council, and Knight
of the Most Noble Order of the Carter, of the one Part; and Mitchael Waldrope
of Orange County in the Province of North Carolina Planter--- of the other part.
Whereas His Most Excellent Majesty King George the Second, in and by a certain
indenture bearing date the Seventeenth day of September, in the eighteenth year of
his Reign, and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred forty four, and
made between his said Most Excellent Majesty of the one part, and the said John
Earl Granville, by the name, Stile, and Title of The Right Honorable John Lord
Carteret, of the other Part, DID, for the Considerations therein mentioned, Give and
Grant, release, ratify, and confirm, unto the said Earl, (by the Name, Stile, and Title
of John Lord Carteret, as aforesaid) and his heirs and assigns, forever, a certain
District, Territory, or Parcel of land lying in the province of North-Carolina in
America, and all the Sounds, creeks, havens, ports, rivers, streams, and other
Royalties,Franchises, Privileges and Immunities, within the same, as they are
therein set out, or described, allottd, granted and confirmed, to the said John
Earl Granville, as aforesaid, for one eighth part of the Charteres granted by
King Charles the Second, in the fifteenth and seventeenth years of his reign to
Eight Lords Proprietors of Carolina; as by the Secretary's office of the Province
of North Carolina, Reference being thereto had, will more fully appear. NOW
THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, THAT as well for and in consideration of
the sum of ten shillings sterling money to the said John Earl Granville in hand
paid, by the said --- Mitchael Waldrope --- at or before the sealing and delivery
of these presents, the receipt whereof the said Earl doth hereby acknowledge;
as also for and in consideration of the rent, covenants, Exceptions, Provisioes,
and agreements, herein after mentioned, reserved and contained, and by, and on
the part and behalf of the said Earl hath given, granted, bargained, sold, and
confirmed, and by these presents doth give grant, bargain, sell, and confirm unto
the said Mitchael Waldrope, his Heirs and assigns, forever, all that tract or parcel
of vacant land situate, lying, and being in the parish of Saint Matthew -- in the
county of Orange -- in the said province --- on the waters of New Hope, beginning
at a red oak, on a plan or map, thence 1 10 ch. to a white oak Saplin, thence
W. 15 3/4 C. H. to a white Oak, thence South 16 ch. to a Sweet Gum, on the Creek,
then W 35 ch. to a red oak, then S 40 ch to a black jack oak, thence w. 40 ch. to a
hickory then N 66 ch to a black jack oak, then 6.0/.3 ch to the first station
--- Containing in the whole, three hundred & seventy -- acres of land; all which
premises are more particularly described and set forth in the plan or map thereof
hereunto annexed, together with all woods, underwoods, timber and timber-trees,
water-courses, and the privilege of Hunting, Hawking, Fishing and Fowling, in and
upon the premises, and all Mines and Minerals whatsoever therein be found,
(excepting, and always reserving out of this present Grant unto the King's most
Excellent Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, one fourth part of all the gold and silver
mines to be found in and upon the premises; and also Excepting, and always reserving
unto the said John Earl Granville, his heirs, and assigns, one moiety or half part of the
remaining three fourths of all such gold and silver mines; to have and to hold the said
tract or parcel of vacant land, and all and singular other the premises with their
appurtenances, (except before excepted,) unto the said Mitchael Waldrope his heirs
and assigns, forever; yielding and paying therefore yearly, and every year, unto the
said John Earl Granville, his heirs or assigns, the yearly rent or sum of fourteen
shillings and ten pence -- which is at the rate of three shillings sterling for every
hundred acres, and so in Proportion for a less quantity, at or upon the twenty fifth
day of March, and the twenty ninth day of September in every year, by even and equal
portions, and to be paid at the court house of the said county of Orange -- unto the
said Earl, his heirs or assigns, or to his or their lawful attorney or Receiver for the
time being; the first payment thereof to be made on such of the aforementioned days
of payment, as shall first happen after the date hereof. And the said Mitchael
Waldrope for himself his heirs and assigns, and for either and every of them, doth
hereby covenant, promise, and agree, to and with the said Earl, his heirs and assigns,
and to and with either and every of them, by these presents, in manner and form
following - That is to say; that Mitchael Waldrope his heirs and assigns shall and
will yearly, and for every year forever, well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto
the said Earl his heirs or assigns, or unto his or their lawful attorney or receiver for
the time being, on the days, and at the place aforesaid, the aforesaid yearly rent or
sum of fourteen shillings ten pence by half yearly payments, as aforesaid - Provided
always, and this present Grant is hereby expressly declared and agreed, by and
between the said parties, to be nevertheless Upon this condition vis. That if it shall
happen that the said yearly rent of fourteen shillings ten pence or any part thereof
shall at any time hereafter, be behind or unpaid for the space of six months, next
over or after either of the aforementioned days of payment (and no sufficient distress
can be found on the premises whereon it shall be the same) that then this present
Grant, and all assignments thereof, shall be utterly void and of none effect. And it
shll be lawful for the said Earl, his heirs or assigns, to reenter into the said lands,
and to re grant the same to any other person or persons whomsoever, as if this
Grant, and such assignments, had never been made. In Witness whereof, the parties
above named have to these presents interchangably set their hands and seals.
Michael (M) Waldrope Sealed and delivered in the presence of William
Reed; Jas. Bowie.
1761 --- ORANGE CO., NC. Survey. Malachy Fikes dated 6 Oct 1761. Four
hundred thirty eight acres in Orange Co., on Phills Creek, waters of New Hope,
Beginning at MICHAEL WALDROP's corner white oak and Reed's line.
Signed Mallichi Fike. Witnesses: James Watson, Enoch Lewis.
Surveyed 1 Mar 1761.
Chain Carriers: John Hinche, MICHAEL WALDROP, W. Churton, Surveyor.
Copy of original document in file.-CW
1761 --- ORANGE CO., NC. Court Minutes. Book 1, Page 260.
Aug 1761 - John Kelly vs. Waldrop Senr. & Hinchey: Case. This Day came the
Plaintiff by his Attorney and the Defendant failing to Appear tis ordered that the
Plaintiff have Judgment entered up for for him against the Defendant for his
Damages Sustained to be Asscertained at a futur Day on a Writ of Enquiry.
John Kelly Against Michael Waldrop Senr. Case. This Day came the Plaintiff
by his Attorney and the Defendant failing to Appear tis ordered that the
Plaintiff have Judgment entered up against the Defendant for his Damages
Sustained to be Asscertained at a futur Day on a Writ of Enquiry.
[Copy of abstract in file.-CW]
1762 --- ORANGE CO., NC. John Kelly vs. Michael Waldrup, Sr.
1763 --- ORANGE CO., NC. Court Minutes. Book 2, page 99.
November Term 1763.
Ordered that the Sheriff make sale of the Effects of James Bowie which
were attached to satisfy Ralph McNair, Michael Waldrope & Thomas
King and that he satisfy the said debts with the money arising from the said sale.
1763 --- ORANGE CO., NC. Court Minutes. Book 2, page 136.
November Term 1763. Michael Waldrup vs. James Bowie. Orr. Attachment.
this day came the Plaintiff by his attorney whereupon came also a Jury to wit:
&c. who being elected tryed and sworn well and truly to Enquire of Damages
upon their oath do say that the Defendant did assume in manner as the
Plaintiff against him hath declared and do assess his damages to thirteen
pounds two shillings Proclamation money Therefore tis the opinion of the
Court that the Plaintiff recover against the Defendant his damages aforesaid
in form aforesaid and his Costs by him in that behalf Expended.
Judgement 13:2:0, Clerk 3:1:8.
1779 --- ORANGE CO., NC. Abstract of Deed Book 2, page 44,
21 May 1779. John Hart of Orange, planter, to Samuel Hart of same,
blacksmith, one hundred pounds, 75 acres, beginning at a red oak on
David Reanys, west along said line to a croner post, North to a black
jack on William Nun's line, East to first station, part of tract granted
to Michael Waldrop by deed from Granville dated 1 Feb 1761;
signed John Hart; witness, none. Acknowledged May Term 1779.
1779 --- ORANGE CO., NC. Abstract of Deed Book 2, page 48,
24 May 1779. Charles Johnston and David Craige of Orange, testator,
to John Hart of same, sixty pounds, two hundred acres, begin at a red
oak, South 40 chains to a black jack, West 40 chains to a hickory,
North to a corner post in David Rainy's line, East to first station, part
of a tract from Granville to Michael Waldrop 1 Feb 1761, transferred
to Charles Johnston and David Craige by way of a mortgage by John
Hart; signed: Charly Johnston, David Craige; witness W. McCauley,
Wm (x) Logan; proved by William McCauley, May Term, 1779.
[Copy of original document in file.-CW]
1779 --- ORANGE CO., NC. Abstract of Orange County (NC) State
Land Grants. No. 537. 49:51, entered 4 Aug 1779,
issued 25 Oct 1782, entry 789,
Samuel Hart, entered for 186 acres, issued for 122 acres. Beginning at
a Black Jack runing thence North Twenty Chains to a stake then East
forty eight and half ch to a post oak, then south three chains to a white
oak the east 15 ch to west then south seventten chains to a W then
south seventeen chains to a stake then West sixty three and half to the
first station. Surveyed ye 23 Feb 1780 by Thomas Mulhollan, Thos
Taylor CS; Jno Ruff & Jno Copley SCC. Adjoining the North of tract
of deeded land he purchased of Michale Waldrope
1787 --- ORANGE CO., NC. Abstract of Deed Book 3, page 41,
6 Jan 1787. Samuel Hart of Orange, planter, to John Hart of same,
wagon maker, forty pounds, 25 acres, begin at a red oak on David
Rainey's line, West along Rainey's line 93 chains to a stake, North
40 chains to a black jack on Nunn's line, East to first station, part
of a tract from Granville to Michael Waldrop, Waldrop to John
Hart Senr., John Hart to Samuel Hart; signed: Samuel Hart,
Susannah (S) Hart; witness, John Hart, Senr., Joseph Hart; proved
by John Hart, Senr. August Term 1787. comd. by A. Mickles PR.
[Notes says no copy of this deed survives among originals from
Granville Land Office.]
1791 --- ORANGE CO., NC. Abstract of Deed Book 4, page 405,
14 Apr 1790. John Hart of Orange to Thomas Couch of same, one
hundred and fifty pounds, 200 acres, begin at a red oak, South 40
chains to a black jack, West 40 chains to a hickory, North to a
post on David Reany's line, East to first station, Granville to
Michael Waldrop 1 Feb 1761, to Charles Johnston & David
Craig by way of mortgage by John Hart; signed: John Hart;
witness: Joseph (x) White, David (x) Houke; proved February
1791 Term by Joseph White. [Notes says see Granville Deeds
& Surveys 486 dated 5 Feb 1761.]
South Carolina:
In 1766, what is believed to be our Waldrip family appeared in the Craven county,
South Carolina area land records.
After looking through the available SC documents, a summary of key land records
for the Michael Waldrop Senior family.
Significance of the word Michael Waldrop Senior and Michael Waldrop Junior:
Michael Waldrop Junior was not a land owner until 1766, partly because of the
family transition from North Carolina to South Carolina and early on in North
Carolina due to being under age. Michael Waldrop Junior was likely born circa
1745 based on owning land in 1766-1768. Also assuming he was named after
Michael Waldrop Senior, he likely was also a first born son, meaning his father
was likely about 21 years older then him. This places Michael Waldrop Senior's
age at circa 1724. Based on the land records mentioned above, I'll use this as a
baseline for my research.
Location of the earliest known Michael Waldrop Senior in Carolina land Entries:
The Enoree River stretches across two present day counties, Newberry County
(Enoree River) and Greenville County (North Enoree River). Although deeds
are mentioned in Craven County, the actual land appears to be originally situated
between Berkeley County and Colleton County. This entire area was listed as the
96th district in 1769, which happens to be where Newberry, Laurens, Spartanburgh,
and Greenville Counties are are all located. The Enoree river is mentioned as to
where much of this land was located, and also for me a starting point for research.
I believe since Michael Waldrop Junior 1st received land in 1768, most of the
land entries are that of Michael Waldrop Senior between 1768-1784.
1766 --- SC. South Carolina Governor's Journal, Vol. 32, page 810,
8 Aug 1766. Petitions for warrants and Surveys. Actual Text - [Copy
of original document in file.-CW] "The following Petitions for
warrants and Survey to this land. Warrants and Certifying Platts were
presented and filed VIZ:
George Crawford - 200 acres, James's Creek Broad and Saluda Rivers
James Fenwick - 250 acres, James's Creek Broad and Saluda Rivers
Jacob Earnest - 150 acres, James's Creek Broad and Saluda Rivers
Isaac Hendrick - 200 acres, James's Creek Broad and Saluda Rivers
Wm. Hendrick - 50 acres, James's Creek Broad and Saluda Rivers
MICHAEL WALDROP - 150 acres, James's Creek Broad and Saluda Rivers
MICHAEL WALDROP Jnr - 100 acres, Enoree River
Benjamin Wafford - 200 acres, Waters Tyger River
Wm. Cox - 400 acres, on Enoree River
Thomas Cox - 200 acres, Fork Long Cane Creek Tyger River
John Dannoer - 400 acres, Waters of Edisto
John Green - 200 acres, branch Long Cane Creek between George
Douglas and Alead Nesbit
John Stevenson - 200 acres, on Cane and Camp Creek Joining his own land
John McDavid - 250 acres, Waters of Broad River
James Alston - 150 acres, Waters of Savannah
James Carruth - 150 acres, Waters of Savannah
John Cunningham - 250 acres, Waters of Broad River
John Davis - 150 acres, Waters of Stephens Creek
Richard North 200 acres Waters of Little River
8/13/1766 - Craven County, South Carolina Land Deeds:
1766 Survey Craven Co., SC. -
150 acres in Craven Co., SC. Persuant to a receipt from John Troup Esq.
DSG. bearing the date of 5th day of Aug 1766, I have measured and laid
out unto Michael Waldrope a plantation or tract of land containing one
hundred and fifty acres on Enoree River, lying and being in Craven County,
Bounding W. part on Enoree River and E. part on land laid out to Edward
Musgrave and part on vacant land, and on all othere sides by vacant land.
And hath such shape form and marks as is represented by the above plat.
Certified this 13 Aug 1766 for Jo. Curry, DS. ano do. 6 Feby 1771.
Waldrope, Michael, Plat For 150 Acres In Craven County.
People in this record:
Curry, Joseph; Musgrove, Edward; Troup, John; Waldrope, Michael
Places in this record:
Craven County; Enoree River
Series: Colonial Plat Books (Copy Series) (S213184)
Document Type: Plat
Hastling, Francis, Plat For 150 Acres In Craven County.
People in this record:
Hannah, Robert; Hastling, Francis; Humphreys, Ralph; Leigh, Egerton;
Waldrop, Michael; Waters, Philemon
Places in this record:
Craven County; Enoree River
Series: Colonial Plat Books (Copy Series) (S213184)
Document Type: Plat
Date: 1/28/1768
Series: Colonial Plat Books (Copy Series) (S213184)
Document Type: Plat
South Carolina
Pursuant to a warrant from Egerton Leigh Esq. Sur. ? bearing date 5th day Jany
1768, I have measured and laid out unto Francis Hastling a plantation or tract of
land containing one hundred and fifty acres, N side Enoree in Craven County;
bounded to the W. by Robt Hannahs land, to the E. part on Michael Waldrop's
land, and part on vacant, to the S by said river, and on all other sides on vacant, and
hath shapes form and mark as appears by the above plat. Certified this 25th day
January 1768 by Ralph Hunphreys.
Waldrobe, Michael, Land Grant For 150 Acres In Craven County.
People in this record:
Waldrope, Michael
Places in this record:
Craven County (Enoree River)
Series: Colonial Land Grants (Copy Series) (S213019)
Document Type: Land Grant
1770 Deed for Craven Co., SC. South Carolina Archives, Columbia, SC. This Indenture
made 3 Sep 1770 in the tenth year of His Majesty's Reign George the Third of Great
Britian, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith...... between Michael Wardrobe
Senior, of Enoree River in Craven Co., in the Province of SC., farmer of the one part and
Edward Musgrove of the Enoree River of Craven ...of the other part. Witnessth that the
said Michael Waldrobe for and in consideration of the sum of 10 shillings lawful current
money of the Province aforesaid to him in hand well and truly payed by the said Edward
Musgrove...all that tract of land containing 150 acres lying and being situate on the
Enoree River in Craven Co., and Province aforesaid and bound on the Southwest by said
River, and on all other sides by vacant lands.....
Signed Michael X Waldrobe
Witnesses: Thos. ___; Jam _ P. ___, and Isom H___. [unreadable]
1770 Memorandum : Before me James Ford, Esquire, on of his Majesty's Justices assigned
___in Craven Co., in the Province of South Carolina,personally appeard Isom Davis, one of
the witnesses and made oath on the Holy Evangelists that he did see the within named
Michael Waldrobe sign,seal and acknowledge and deliver the within ____to the within
Edward Musgrove and to and for the use within mentioned and did also see Thomas Harvey
and Jesom? Hillelow?, two witnesses to the said deed.
Signed James Ford, J.P. Sep 1770.
1771 --Original Land Grant, Craven Co., SC. for Michael Waldrop: "George the Third by
the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith and so
forth, To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting: Know ye, that WE of our special
Grace, certain knowledge......Do Give and Grant unto Michael Waldrope, his heirs assigns,
a Plantation or Tract of land containing 150 acres in Craven County bounding Westward
part on Enoree River, East part on land of Edward Musgrove, and part vacant all other sides
vacant land. Dated 22 Feb 1771 in the Eleventh year of our Reign. "
Signed William L.M.S. Bull and Lt. Governor Council, John Woodin, Pro.
CC. [Craven Co., became Laurens Co., SC.]
Waldrope, Michael, Land Grant For 150 Acres In Craven County.
People in this record:
Waldrope, Michael
Places in this record:
Craven County
Series: Colonial Land Grants (Copy Series) (S213019)
Document Type: Land Grant
1771 --- CRAVEN CO., SC. South Carolina Colonial Land Grant.
Dated 1771 on the Enoree River for 150 acres for Michael Waldrop:
Signed William L.M.S. Bull and Lt. Governor Council, John Woodin,
Pro. CC. [Craven Co. became Laurens Co., SC.] Actual Text - Copy
of original document in file.-CW South Carolina. George the Third
by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King,
Defender of the Faith and so forth, To all to whom these Presents
shall come, Greeting: Know Ye, that We, of our special Grace,
certain Knowledge, and mere Motion, have given and granted and by
these presents, for Us, our Heirs and Successors, Do Give and Grant,
unto, Michael Waldrope His Heirs and Assigns, a Plantation or tract
of Land containing One Hundred and fifty acres in Craven County
Bounding Westward part on Enoree river, East part on Land laid out
to Edward Musgrove and part vacant all other sides on vacant land
and hath such Shape, Form and Marks, as appear by a Plat thereof,
hereunto annexed: Together with all Woods, Underwoods timber,
timber-trees, lakes, ponds, fishings, waters, water-courses, profits,
commodities, appurtenances and hereditaments, Whatsoever thereunto
belonging or in any wise appertaining: Together with Privilege of
hunting, hawking, fowling in and upon the same, and all mines and
minerals whatsover; saving and reserving, nevertheless, to us our
heirs and successours, all white Pine-Trees, if any there should be
found growing thereon; and also saving and reserving,
nevertheless, to us, our heirs and successours, one tenth part of
mines of gold and silver only; To have and to hold, the said tract
of One Hundred fifty acres of land, and all and singular other the
premises hereby granted unto the said Michael Waldrope His
heirs and assigns for ever, in free and common soccage. The said
Michael Waldrope his heirs and assigns yielding and paying
therefore, unto us, our heirs and Successours, or to our Receiver
General for the time being, or to his Deputy or Deputies for the
time being, yearly, that is to say, on the twenty-fifth day of March,
in every year, at the rate of three shillings sterling or four shillings
proclamation money, for every hundred acres and so in proportion,
according to the number of acres, contained herein; the same to
commence at the expiration of two years from the date hereof.
Provided always, and his present Grant is upon condition,
nevertheless, that the said Michael Waldrope his heirs or assigns,
shall and do yearly, and every year, after the date of these presents,
clear and cultivate at the rate of three acres for every hundred
acres of land, and so in proportion, according to the number of
acres herein contained; And Also shall and do enter a minute or
docket of these our letters patent, in the office of our Auditior
General for the time being, in our said Province, within six
months from the date hereof: And upon condition, that if the
said rent hereby reserved shall happen to be in arrear and unpaid
for the space of three years, from the time it shall become due,
and no distress can be found on the said lands, tenements and
hereditaments hereby granted; or if the said Michael Waldrope
his heirs or assigns, shall neglect to clear and cultivate yearly, and
every year, at the rate of three acres for every hundred acres of
land, and so in proportion, according to the number of acres,
herein contained; or if a minute or docket of these our letters
patent, shall not be entered in the office of our Auditor-General
for the time being, in our said Province within six Months from
the date hereof, that then and in any of these cases, this present
Grant shall cease, determine, and be utterly void, and the said
lands, tenements, and hereditaments hereby granted, and every
part and parcel thereof shall revert to us, our heirs and
successours, as fully and absolutely, as if the same had never
been granted. Given under the Great Seal of our said Province.
Witness The Honorable Wm. Bull Esq. Lieut. Governour and
Commander in Chief in and over Our said Province of South
Carolina this 22nd Day February Anno Dom. 1771 in the
Eleventh Year of Our Reign Williamm (L.M.S.) Bull Signed
by His Honour the Lieut. Governour in Council John
Woodin_____? And hath thereunto a Plat thereof annexed,
representing the same, certified by ____________?
Surveyor General Cut off in copy.
Waldrope, Michael, Memorial For 150 Acres On Enoree River, Craven County.
People in this record:
Musgrove, Edward; Waldrope, Michael
Places in this record:
Craven County; Enoree River
Series: Memorial books (Copy Series) (S111001)
Document Type: Memorial
1771 --- CRAVEN CO., SC. Memorial. Michael Waldrope. 150 acres
on Enoree River. [See RIN 21253, Interesting Notes, for explanation of
Memorial.-CW] Actual Text - Copy of original document in file.-CW
A Memorial exhibited by Michael Waldrope to be regist'd in Aud'r
office ?? of a plantation or tract of land containing one hundred and
fifty acres, situate in Cravens County: Bounding West part on Enoree
River, E. part on lands laid out to Edward Musgrove S part vacant, all
other sides on vacant lands. Survey certified the 6th of February 1771
& granted the 22nd day of February 1771 to the Memorialist at the ??
rents of 3/ sterling or 4/ Proc Money for 100 acres, to commence two
years from the date. In witness whereof he hath hereunto set his hand
the 8th day of April 1771. Jos. Curry, D.S. Michael (his W mark)
Waldrope. [There is a "Memorial" referenced in Jan Dawson's notes
that appears to be a refiling of the 1768 land grant rather than another
Waters, Philemon, Memorial For 150 Acres On Enoree River, Craven County.
People in this record:
Hannah, Robert; Waldrope, Michael; Waters, Philemon
Places in this record:
Craven County; Enoree River
Series: Memorial books (Copy Series) (S111001)
Document Type: Memorial
Hall, John, Plat For 200 Acres In Craven County.
People in this record:
Attowey, Joseph; Bremar, John; Cuningham, Patrick; Graghorn, William; Hall, John;
Walderipe, Michael
Places in this record:
Craven County; Enoree River
Series: Colonial Plat Books (Copy Series) (S213184)
Document Type: Plat
Hall, John, Memorial For 200 Acres On Enoree River, Craven County.
People in this record:
Attoway, Joseph; Graghorne, William; Hall, John; Walderiss, Michael
Places in this record:
Craven County; Enoree River
Series: Memorial books (Copy Series) (S111001)
Document Type: Memorial
1774----------Records of Laurens Co., SC. Deed Book "A" p. 3, #94
Dated 23 May 1774 recorded 13 Nov 1785:
William Harris, planter and wife Frances, of Craven Co., formerly Berkley Co., to
Michael Waldrop, blacksmith and planter of same, for 100 pounds, 150 acres
orignally granted on Norths Creek of Little River 7 Jan 1772 bound on Andrew
Witness: Shadrick Martin, Robert Cooper, John Mineary.
Test: John Rodgers, J.P.
1776-------Records of Laurens Co., SC. Deed Book "H" p. 240, #37
Dated 13 Nov 1776 recorded 25 May 1804
[16th year of his majesty] Wm. Sims planter of 96 district. to Philip Tinsley for 100
pounds sterling, 200 acres in Craven Co., on Bush ___? original grant to Thomas
Farr Sr. 8 Jul 1774 by Bull, conveyed to William Sims 1775 on Moses Kirkland,
Andrew Rodgers, John Jones.
Wit: Sampson Mounger, Michael Waldrop, Robert Hutchison, J.P.
Martin, Martin, Plat For 150 Acres On Beaver Dam Branch, Ninety Six District,
Surveyed By Jonathan Downs.
People in this record:
Downs, Jonathan; Martin, Martin; Mcnees, James; Waldrop, Michael; Young, James
Places in this record:
Beaverdam Branch; Little River; Ninety Six District
Series: State Plat Books (Charleston Series) (S213190)
Document Type: Plat
Taylor, William, Plat For 100 Acres On Todds Creek, Ninety Six District, Surveyed
By Robert Hanna.
People in this record:
Copeland, John; Hanna, Robert; Taylor, William; Waldrop, Michael
Places in this record:
Little River; Ninety Six District; Todd Creek
Series: State Plat Books (Charleston Series) (S213190)
Document Type: Plat
Laurens Officially became a county:
21 Nov 1785, this land record recorded 24 Mar 1786.
Michael Waldroup of Spartanburgh Co., to John Farrow for 10 pounds, 150 acres,
part of a grant to Rolley Bowen on south side of Enoree River.
Witnesses: Nicholas Brown, Spencer Brown.
Note: Rolley Bowen appears to be the same person noted on the 1768 land record of Joseph
Waldrop, a presumed brother of Michael Waldrop Senior. The land appears to be the same
150 acres from Michael Waldrop Senior's 1766 or 1768 land record.
Michael Waldrop Senior appears to have re-located to Spartanburgh County by 1786, but still
held land in Laurens County per this transaction.
1785--------Records of Laurens Co., SC. Deed Book "C" p. 27 #60
Dated 2 Aug 1785 recorded 1 Jul 1789: Personally appeared John Lindsay and Declared
that about 10 or 11 years ago, Michael Waldrop and some of his sons came to his house
bringing an obligation [bond] of a certain Rolley Bowing to make the said Waldrop a
Title to a tract of land where his son James Waldrop now liveth, asking Lindsay [a judge]
if the obligation was sufficent. Lindsay said it was sufficient. Charles Saxon, J.P.
Note: This is the first mention of James Waldrop, as a son of Michael Waldrop. Also
known to have "other" sons.
Neele, David, Plat For 557 Acres On Enoree River, Ninety Six District, Surveyed By
Andrew Thomson.
People in this record:
Neele, David; Thomson, Andrew; Waldrup, Michael
Places in this record:
Enoree River; Ninety Six District
Series: State Plat Books (Charleston Series) (S213190)
Document Type: Plat
- (Research):********************************************************************************************
County-District formation
Of primary importance to the researcher is that records before
1785 were all filed in Charleston, irrespective of the residence
in these old "royal" counties.
1682 -1686
Four Counties Created by the Lords Proprietors:
Berkeley-(Area around Charleston; combined with Colleton County in
1769 to form Charleston District; separated from Charleston in 1882)
Colleton-(Area south of Berkeley County to the Combahee River;
combined with Berkeley County in 1769 to form Charleston District;
separated from Charleston in 1880)
Craven-(Area north of Berkeley County to the North Carolina border)
Craven County Note:
The original Craven County's lands now lie in parts of Berkeley,
Charleston, Georgetown, and Williamsburg counties.
Granville-(Area south of Colleton County to the Georgia border)
Seven judicial districts created by South Carolina's colonial
General Assembly:
Beaufort-(From Granville County (see above))
Charleston-(From Berkeley and Colleton Counties (see above))
Georgetown-(From Craven County (see above))
Cheraws-(Area northwest of Georgetown)
Camden-(Large area west of Cheraws District)
Ninety Six-(Area northwest of Camden District)
Orangeburg-(Area southwest of Camden District)
Forty counties created after the American Revolution:
Orange-(From Orangeburg District; abolished in 1791)
Lewisburg-(From Orangeburg District; early version
of Lexington County; abolished in 1791)
Winton-(From Orangeburg District; early version of
Barnwell County; renamed in 1800)
Kingston-(From Georgetown District with modern
Horry County boundaries designated; renamed Horry
District in 1801)
Liberty-(From Georgetown District; renamed as Marion
County in 1800)
Williamsburg-(From Georgetown District; became inactive
quickly; revived in 1804)
Winyah-(From Georgetown District; renamed as Georgetown
County in 1800)
Chesterfield-(From Cheraws District)
Darlington-(From Cheraws District)
Marlboro-(From Cheraws District)
Chester-(From Camden District)
Claremont-(From Camden District)
Clarendon-(From Camden District; absorbed by Sumter
District in 1800; then recreated (From Sumter about 1855)
Fairfield-(From Camden District)
Lancaster-(From Camden District)
Richland-(From Camden District)
York-(From Camden District)
Abbeville-(From Ninety Six District)
Edgefield-(From Ninety Six District)
Laurens-(From Ninety Six District)
Newberry-(From Ninety Six District)
Spartanburg-(From Ninety Six District)
Union-(From Ninety Six District)
Greenville-(From Cherokee lands)
Pendleton-(From Cherokee lands)
Kershaw-(From parts of Claremont, Fairfield, Lancaster,
and Richland)
Salem-(From parts of Claremont and Clarendon)
Barnwell-(From Orangeburg)
Georgetown-(From Georgetown; later version of Winyah
Marion-(From Georgetown; later version of Liberty)
Sumter-(From Claremont, Clarendon, and Salem)