Notes |
- Background: WILLS
Identifier: 383
Tomo: 1
Start date: October 14, 1722
Author: Ordinary Mayor Isidro de Irigoyen
Documentary typology: testament
Text type: handwritten
Topic: heirs and inheritances
Synthesis: Petronila Montes de Oca, native and neighbor of this town, legitimate daughter of the late Sergeant Major Gerónimo Montes de Oca and María de Ayala, grants a will naming her children Juan, María Josefa, Isabel, Ana María, Miguel, Micaela as heirs , Antonia, Margarita, Gerónimo and Joachín, procreated in her marriage with Miguel Guajardo.
People Petronila Montes de Oca, Gerónimo Montes de Oca, María de Ayala, Miguel Guajardo
Places: Villa de Santiago del Saltillo
Signature: AMS, T, c 6, and 23, 24 ff
Guadalajara > Diócesis de Guadalajara > Matrimonios 1690-1691
image 43 of 102 (Tree listed on image 45) (Saltillo)
1696 Marriage dispensation (3rd/4th grade) for Capitan Miguel Martinez
Guajardo and Petronila Montes de Oca.
Miguel listed his age as 24 in 1696, placing his year of birth circa
1672. He listed is parents as Juan Martinez Guajardo and Clara Aguirre.
Petronila listed her age as 17 in 1696, placing her year of birth circa
1679. She listed her parents as Geronimo Montes de Oca and Maria
de Ayala.
Bride/Groom distantly related as follows:
Juan Martinez Guajardo was the father of Juan Martinez Guajardo,
who was the father Miguel Martinez Guajardo (Groom) (3rd degree)
Juan Martinez Guajardo was also the father of Ysabel Martinez
Guajardo, who was the mother of Ana de (Baez) Benavides, who
was the mother of Maria de Ayala, who was the mother of Petronila
Montes de Oca (bride). (4th degree)