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- Oliver P. Roberts, aka Ollie L. Roberts, aka Brushy Bill Robertsclaimedto be Billy The Kid who supposedly died on July 14, 1881 inFort Sumner,New Mexico.
Brushy Bill Roberts' niece Geneva V. (Roberts) Pittman mentionedthatBrushy Bill's birth is recorded in the family bible as August 26,1879 inEastern Texas, and was listed as Oliver Pleasant Roberts.
Billy The Kid was killed in 1881, and Brushy was born in 1879, soBrushyBill would of been 2 years old when Billy The Kid was killed.
On Brushy Bill Roberts' original grave stone in Hamilton, Texas, hisnameis listed as Ollie L. Roberts, Brushey Bill. Birth date12-31-1868. Deathdate 12-27-1950
Was listed as Oliver Pleasant Roberts in the World War IDraftRegistration in 1917-1918, was living in Arkinda, Little RiverCounty,Arkansas, and birthdate was listed as August 26th, 1878.
Brushy Bill Roberts claimed to be born on December 31, 1859 inBuffaloGap, Texas, but the census information shows otherwise.
In the 1900 Federal Census in Hopkins County, Texas, he is listedasOliver P. Roberts, born Aug 1879 in Arkansas, age 20, Father borninTexas, Mother born in Arkansas.
In the 1910 Federal Census in Van Zandt County, Texas, he is listedasOliver P. Roberts, born in Texas, age 30, Father born in Kentucky,Motherborn in Kentucky.
In the 1920 Federal Census in Van Zandt County, Texas, he is listedasOlliver P. Roberts, born in Texas, age 41, Father born in Texas,Motherborn in Arkansas.
In the 1930 Federal Census in Van Zandt County, Texas, he is listedasOliver Roberts, born in Texas, age 52, Father born in Texas, Motherbornin Arkansas.