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- William D. WALDRIP O'Byrne, M. C. History of La Salle County, Illinois. Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1924, p. 447. William D. WALDRIP. During the past two decades William D. Waldrip hasfollowed many important responsiblities in the educational world. Hiscareer as a school man has been identified with a number ofcommunities in Indiana and Illinois. and in 1916 he was called toLaSalle County as principal of the Streator Twp HS. He was born inFountain County, Indiana Feb 16, 1880, son of Isaac and Alice OsborneWaldrip. His parents were both natives of Fountain County. TheWaldrips were of the old Hicksite Quaker stock, lived in NC for someyears and from there came North, first to Butler County, Ohio and fromthere to Fountain County, Indiana where they were prominent in thebuilding of a church of their faith about 1822. The old homestead farmwhere William D. Waldrip was born and where his father was also born,has never changed hands or title outside of the family since thegovernment patent was awarded for it. Isaac Waldrip born 1842 died1921. His wife was born in Fountain County 1847 and died 1917. Isaacspent 78 years at the old homestead farm. He was a graduate of the oldBatlte Ground Academy and was of high standing in the community thoughhe would never accept public office, having once declined the honor ofbecoming a member of the State Senate. He was for 70 years a member ofthe Methodist Episcopal Church and was for 53 years affiliated withthe Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Isaac Waldrip and wife had 3sons and 2 daughters and all of them are still living and all areteachers. Two are school superintendents one a Sunday Schoolsuperintendent, one a high school principal and other a teacher ofdomestic science. William D. Waldrip was liberally educated in localschools,, is a graduate of the University in Indiana and in 1907graduated from Indiana State Normal. He began his work in 1902 asprincipal of the high school at Flora, Indiana, was superintendent ofthe schools at Burlington, indiana from 1903-1905 was superintendentat Canden, Indiana from 1905-1907 and then became a teacher in the HSat Richmond, Indiana where he remained from 1907-199. During 1911-12he was assistant professor of history at indiana State Normal and 1912came to Ill and was with Decatur HS until 1914 and during 1914-16served two years as superintendent of schools at Tuscola. In the fallof 1916 Mr. Waldrip entered upon his duties as principal of theStreator Twp HS. This is one fo the oldest township high schools inthe stateand has been a factor in the educational life of Streator ofwhich every local citizen is proud. Mr. Waldrip in 1918 gave energeticleadership to the campaign for the construction of an adequate newschool building for the high school and in 1923 the campaign's objectwas realized when construction was started on a new building cost$400,000. Mr. Waldrip is active in Masony, having become a member ofthe lodge at Burlington, IN in 1903. He is now a member of StreatorLodge, Ancient Free & Accepted Masons; Streator Chapter, Royal ArchMasons; Streator Council, ROyal and Select Masters; StreatorCommandery, Knights Templar and Mohammed Temple of the mystic Shrine.He also belongs to STreator Lodge of Elks, and Finley Lodge, Knightsof Pythias. For the past two years he had been a director of theChamber of Commerce, is a charter member and for two years wasdirector of the Rotary Club has been a member of the Streator Club for7 years, and is president of the Advisory Council fo Salvation Armyand president of Board of Director's of the YMCA. he has been adirector of the Streator Red Cross since it was organized and at thetime of the World War he took upon himself many additional burdens andresponsibilities, acting as chairman of the Home Service Company was a4-minute speaker, had charge of the allied war drives, was in chargeof the annual roll call of the Red Cross 3 years, took an active partas a member of the committeefor the sale of Liberty Bonds in allexcept the first issue and did much speaking in educational campaigns.Mr. Waldrip is a member of the Streator Golf Club and is an officialmember of the Methodist Episcopal Church. June 26, 1911, he marriedMiss Alice Harvey, a native of Richmond, Indiana and daguhter ofWIlliam and Ellen Crocker Harvey. One of her ancestors settled on CapeCod, MS in 1680. The Crockers were old settlers in NC and were membersof the Hickie Quakers. Mr. and Mrs. Waldrip have two children, MarthaJane and William Isaac.