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- 1897 Tioga County History Chapter 59 Part One - Wellsboro - Biographies MORGAN L. BACON, M. D., was born in Charleston township, Tiogacounty,June 19, 1837, a son of Elmer and Mary Bacon. After attendingthe commonschools he became a student in the Wellsboro Academy andlater in UnionAcademy, at Academy Corners, graduating from the latterinstitution in1857. After teaching for a short time he began the studyof medicineunder Dr. Nelson Packer, of Wellsboro, which he pursueduntil 1861, whenhe enlisted as a hospital steward in the Forty-secondPennsylvaniaVolunteers, the famous Bucktail regiment, and served fourmonths. InJuly, 1863, he raised Company E, of the Thirty-fifthregiment, EmergencyMen, of which he was commissioned captain, and wasdischarged with theregiment. Dr. Bacon then began the practice of hisprofession inMansfield, remaining there five years. In 1868 h moved toBlossburg,where he practiced until 1870, and then became the physicianof theMorris Run Coal Mining Company at Morris Run, where he practicedtwoyears. In 1872 he located in Wellsboro, and for the pasttwenty-fiveyears has continued in the active duties of his profession,being to-dayone of the oldest practitioners in the borough. OnNovember 30, 1863, Dr.Bacon married Eva Bailey, a daughter of John W.Bailey, and has threechildren, viz: John E., a physician of Buffalo;Dana S., a real estatedealer of Model City, New York, and Morgan L., amedical student in theBuffalo University. Dr. Bacon is recognized as askillful and successfulphysician and stands high in his profession. Hewas a member of thepension board under Cleveland’s firstadministration and is secretary ofthe present pension board of Tiogacounty. He is also the local surgeonof the Fall Brook Railroad Companyand has built up a large and lucrativepractice. In politics, he is astanch Democrat, has served as a schooldirector for thirteen years,and is the present health officer ofWellsboro. In religion, Dr. Baconis a consistent member of thePresbyterian church.