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- The Giles Memorial Genealogical Memoirs Author: John Adams Vinton Call Number: R929.1V79s Page 421 His will is dated April 14, 1694; proved, June 28, 1694; recordedSuff.Prob., 13 : 220. He gives wife Hannah all the profit,improvement, andbenefit of my whole estate during her natural life;also all my cows, two oxen, and my white horse, with all my implements ofhusbandry,&c. To my son John Webb and his heirs twenty pounds, to bepaidimmediately after my wife's decease. To my son Peter Webb and hisheirstwenty pounds after my wife's decease; also the east end ofmydwelling-house, which he liveth in, &c. To my son Samuel Webb andhisheirs twenty pounds after my wife's decease. To my son BenjaminWebb andheirs the same. To my son Joseph Webb and heirs forty poundsafter mywife's decease. To my dau. Hannah Adams five pounds afterwife's decease.To my dau. Mary Webb twenty pounds after wife'sdecease. To my dau.Abigail Webb twenty pounds after wife's decease. Tomy son ChristopherWebb's children, my grandchildren, Christopher Webb,Hannah Webb, andSarah Webb, twenty-four pounds, to be divided equallyamong them.Appoints the three eldest sons, John, Peter, and Samuel,Executors.Witnesses, Hannah Savel, Senr, Hannah Savel, Junr, SamuelTompson, Sen.
Inventory, lands, meadows, dwelling-house, and outhouses, œ240.10;saltmarsh, œ30; dwelling-house at Monatiquit [the present townshipofBraintree] and half an acre of orchard, ��35; sundries, œ80.2.6;total,œ385.12.
He d. May 30, 1694, a. 64. His widow Hannah survived him 24 years, 1718.