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- Captain Edward Richmond is frequently mentioned in the Colonial Records,under the following dates: August 23, 1676, he was clerk of a court martial. 1667-69-70-72, hewasGeneral Solicitor. October 31, 1677, he and forty-seven othersweregranted 5,000 acres to be called East Greenwich.1677-78-79-80,Attorney-General. 1678-79, 1686 Deputy.1683-84-85-89-90, Selectman. June4,1686, Lieutenant. May 20, 1690,Captain. He was one of theincorporators of Little Compton, RI, in1674, and owned severalshares.
The following is from the tombstone in the family cemetery on theoldRichmond farm in Little Compton, RI, being the most ancient date onanytombstone in the town. " HERE LYETH BURIED THE BODY OF EDWARDRICHMOND,CAPTAIN, WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE IN Ye 63d YEAR OF HIS AGE,NOV. 1696 ". (Source: "The Richmond Family 1594-1896 and Pre-AmericanAncestors1040-1594" by Jouhua Bailey Richmond)