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- John was born circa 1707, moved from Essex County, Virginia, to what became Spotsylvania County, Virginia in 1717.
About 1728 he married Mary Rodgers.
In 1736 John Warren was involved in a Spotsylvania County, Virginiacourtcase between John Chapman and William Henderson. John testified on behalfof Chapman.
In May 1737, John Warren was named the overseer of a road fromMattapony Church road to the Caroline road in Spotsylvania County, Virginia.
In 1740, John Warren was mentioned in a deed of John RogersinSpotsylvania County, Virginia.
In 1741, John Warren was a witness of a Spotsylvania County,Virginiadeed between Barnett Paine and John Farish.
On 5 July 1743, John Warren was in Spotsylvania County, Virginia courtasthe defendant in a debt case brought against him by John Smith. He lostthiscase.
On 1 April 1746, John Warren was in Spotsylvania County, Virginiacourtas the defendant, on a slander charge. He lost this case and paid atleast2,456 pounds of tobacco, not including attorneys fees.
Between 1746-1757, John Warren and Mary [Rodgers] Warren had moved to Granville, North Carolina.
Halifax County, Virginia created from western Lunenburg County,Virginia in 1752.
On May 19th, 1757 John stated he was from Granville County,NorthCarolina. This was on a land deed in which he purchased 179 acres of a tractofland that was located in Halifax County, Virginia, but borderedGranvilleCounty, North Carolina.
1759, John Warren's land was processioned by the Anglican Church, Antrim Parish.
July 1760, witnessed a deed from James Shepard to John Blackwell for113 acres in Halifax County, Virginia.
24 April 1761, John Warren bought 272 acres in Halifax County,Virginiafrom William Byrd for 4 pounds Virginia Currency.
24 April 1761, brother James Warren and John witnessed a deed between William Byrd and William Link in Halifax County, Virginia. Jameshadjust recently arrived from Spotsylvania County, Virginia.
July 16th, 1761, John Warren sold 1/2 of his recently purchased landinHalifax County, Virginia to John Yates for 40 shillings. John signed thedeedwith the same mark he had used while living in Spotsylvania County, Virginia.
July, 1764, John Warren was in Halifax County, Virginia court fortwodebt suits brought against him by William Byrd. John settled these debtsby 16 August, 1764.
14 April 1767, John Warren is mentioned in a letter fromBurgisHarralson, of Halifax County, Virginia.
22 March 1768, John Warren recorded a bill of sale for a herd ofcattleand horses in Halifax County, Virgina court.
In December of 1768, voting for the House of Burgess was held,JohnWarren and his four sons; Timothy, James, Hackley, and William all voted.This indicated that these children were all over the age of 21.
4 April 1769, John Warren settled an account with Thomas Mutter,atobacco merchant of Blandord, Virginia.
23 April 1770, John Warren of Halifax County, Virginia settledwithThomas Mutter, a tobacco merchant of Blandford, Virginia.
April 1771, John Warren bought 200 acres on Lawsons creek in Halifax county, Virginia adjacent to lands of John Rogers and Joseph Logan. John 4 oldest sons, Timothy, James, Hackley, and William witnessed the deed.
July 1772, John Warren, in Halifax County, Virginia court, judgmentwasgranted against John Rogers and John Warren by administrators of HamptonWade's estate.
May 1773, John Warren, in Halifax County, Virginia court, asdefendantof debts brought about by Alexander Shaw & Company. John Warren lost thiscase.
13 August 1776, John Warren sold 70 acres of land to his sonWilliam.This was land that he currently lived on. John sold this land for 5pounds.
June 1792, John Warren mentioned in a court case involving hisson,Archibald Warren and a Benjamin Jordan. He was listed as security forArchibald.
21 January 1795, John Warren deeded to son Archibald Warren 75 acresin Halifax County, Virginia on Dry creek at the county line.
9 February 1795, John Warren wrote his will, executed in March of1795. The will stated that he lived in Person County, North Carolinaandspecifically named sons; James, Hackley, William, Samuel, and Archibald. Simon was mentioned, although this is believed to be Simpson, who was in South Carolina in 1795. The will also named 2 grandchildren of sonTimothy,who had died in 1782. The will also named wife Mary, and daughterElizabeth.