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- RANDOLPH COUNTY�THE PIONEERS�THE COUNTY FORMED AND ORGANIZED�SEAT OFJUSTICE�BUILDINGS�LOCALOFFICERS�ELEOTIONS�NATURALHISTORY�WATER-COURSES�MINERALS,SOIL, ETC.�WOOD SUPPLY�VEGETABLE ANDOTHERPRODUCTS�STATISTICS�TAXABLES�THE CENSUS–PUBLIC HIGHWAYS–THEGREATWAR–LAW AND LAWYERS–INSTRUCTION–MORALS–TOWNS ANDVILLAGES–SELECTEDBIOGRAPHY. page 431 James Henry Skaggs was born on the 2d of August, 1840, nearDanby,Jefferson County, Mo., and is the son of Henry Skaggs, thegrandson ofStephen Skaggs, and the great-grandson of James Skaggs, whowas a nativeof Virginia, a man of great physical strength andactivity, and of whomit is said that he settled in Kentucky beforeDaniel Boone. StephenSkaggs was also a native of Virginia, his birthoccurring about 1764. Hedied in Kentucky in 1814. His wife's maidenname was Miss Nancy Andrews,who was born in the year 1766, and died inKentucky in 1862. Henry Skaggs(father of the subject of this sketch)was born in Green County, Ky., onthe 6th of June, [p.431] 1807, andcame to Jefferson County, Mo., in1833, bought a tract of land ofseveral hundred acres, and this heimproved and cultivated. He devotedthe remainder of his life to farmingand the raising of fine horses. Hedied on the 9th of September, 1866.His wife, Mrs. Mary (Eagelbarger)Skaggs, was born on the 7th of October,1814, and was a woman ofsuperior intelligence and firmness of character.She received her finalsummons in Jefferson County, Mo., in September,1866. The maternalgrandfather of our subject, John M. Eagelbarger, was anative ofGermany, born in 1784, and came to the United States in 1800,landingat Savannah, Ga. He came to Missouri at an early day, and herefollowedhis trade, that of a gunsmith. He died in Jefferson County, Mo.,on the3d of July, 1829. His wife's maiden name was Unity Carlin, asister ofex-Governor Carlin of Illinois, and a woman of great courageanddetermination. James Henry Skaggs (the subject of this sketch),wastaught the principles of farming in early life, and in 1861 hejoined theConfederate army under the command of Gen. Jeff. Thompson,served abouteight months, and was discharged on account of sickness.He then followedschool teaching for about six years, two of which werespent in MonroeCounty, Ill., and the remainder in Jefferson and St.Francois Counties,Mo. During the period of teaching he gave his sparetime to the study ofmedicine. Later he engaged in dealing in livestock and in merchandising,which he continued two years. In 1870 hecame to Clay County, Ark., andfollowed farming and buying stock. Heselected for his companion in lifeMiss Eliza James, and was united inmarriage to her in 1873. They had twochildren, both of whom died inyouth. Mrs. Skaggs died on the 19th ofMarch, 1875. After that Mr.Skaggs accepted a position as collectingagent for Levi Hecht & Bros.,at Pocahontas, which he held for over ayear. In 1876, on the 17th ofDecember, he was married to Mrs. Serena J.Russell, a native ofLouisiana, and whose maiden name was Kilcrease. Mr.Skaggs then turnedhis attention once more to farming. In 1882 he waselected countysurveyor, which office he filled with ability and credit.For the pastfew years he has been extensively engaged in agriculturalpursuits, andalso in the timber business, in which he has been verysuccessful. Henow owns over 4,000 acres of land and has 800 acres undercultivation.Mr. Skaggs is five feet eleven inches in height, and weighs250 pounds.In middle life he was very strong and active, and was welltrained inOlympic games, as was also his father. Mr. Skaggs afterreceiving acommon-school education was for several terms under thetutorage of Mr.Robert A. Booth, a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin,Ireland, withwhom our subject, among other things, completed mathematicsas far ascalculus. He has taken an active part in public affairs, and isaliveto the interests of his country, is willing to do his partinforwarding all enterprises for public good, and is animportantcommercial factor of Randolph County.