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- Nora Lee Shofner - 66 (Year 1948) Funeral services for Mrs. Nora Lee Skaggs Shofner, 66 years of age,willbe held Thursday, February 5 at 11 o'clock a. m. from the ZionBaptistChurch with the Rev. Jimmie Bloyd in charge. Burial will be inthe ZionCemetery. Mrs. Shofner, a native of this county, died suddenlyat herhome near Attilla at 5:30 a. m. Tuesday, February 3. Her deathcame as ashock to her family and many friends. She professed faith inChrist at anearly age and was a member of the Zion Baptist Church. Sheunited inmarriage to Johnny Shofner some 45 years ago, to this unionfive sons andfive daughters were born, surviving are: Mrs. EmmaPuryear, Mrs. GeorgeAnderson, Mrs. Exie Farmer and Mrs. June Skaggs,all of Illinois, AlmerShofner, of Iowa, Homer Shofner, of Larue Countyand Grady Shofner ofLarue County. She is survived by four sisters andfive brothers, Mrs.Emma Underwood, of Brooklin, Ind., Charlie BruceSkaggs, of Green County,Eliot Skaggs, Spurlington, Earnest, Lucian andJim Skaggs, all of thiscounty, Virgie Nelson, Pearl Shofner and VernieUnderwood, also of thiscounty. Also three half sisters, Mrs. AnnChadoin, Mrs. Lola Risen ofLouisville and Detia Vertree of Louisville.Nine grandchildren and manyother relatives and friends.