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- Of the four SKAGGS listed in White's "Abstracts of Rev War Pension Files," three were born in the Carolinas but served in Virginia during the War-- William, Archibald and Henry. [The fourth, James Skaggs, was born in SC and fought there.] WILLIAM SKAGGS was born 1757 in North Carolina, and ARCHIBALD SKAGGS (son of Charles) and HENRY SKAGGS (son of Aaron) were both born 1759 in South Carolina. Their pension applications state that Archibald and Henry werecousins.
Henry C. Peden, Jr. published by; Family Line Publications Rear 63 East Main St. Westminster, Maryland 21157 ISBN # 0-940907-18-6
pg. 133 & 134 SKAGGS, Archibald Skaggs was born January 1, 1759 in South Carolina. His parents moved to Halifax County, Virginia and then BotetourtCounty, Virginia and then Montgomery County. Archibald entered theRevolutionary War in 1779 and his cousin, Henry SKAGGS, served with him. Archibald married Barbara ..........., born in 1773. They moved to Adair County,Ky where Archibald applied for and received pension S31367 in 1832. Hedied April 21, 1833 (Ref:MS:12; RSK:31; and The 1835 Kentucky Pension Rolls states "dead by 1834").
In the name of God Amen. I ARCHIBALD SKAGGS, Senr. of Adair County & State of Kentucky beingweakin body but of sound sense & do publish this my last will and Testamentinthe manner following first it is my desire that my beloved WifeBARBARASKAGGS live on and occupy the farm where she now lives during her naturallife also to possess all my estate both real & personal during her lifetime. I desire to be sold after my decease so much of my personal propertyas will pay my just debts also my sons CHARLES and ARCHIBALD to occupythe land they now live on and my son THOMAS to live with and take care ofhis mother as long as she lives & keep all my property together & afterher death I want the land to be Equally divided between my three sons(viz) CHALES ARCHIBALD & THOMAS SKAGGS to be divided in such a manner asforeach one to possess the same land he now Occupys THOMAS to have his part where his Mother lives including house spring orchard &c I wish the negroes to remain in the possession of my wife duering her life time and at her death I want Sam to be liberatedandMade free I want Delph and her & her increase to be given to my daughters RACHEL & MALINDA Equally Between the two & if one of them die withoutan heir the sd. Delph & increase is to be the property of the survivingoneto my son THOMAS my Daughters RACHEL & MALINDA to Each one I give onebed & furniture one cow & calf to Each I give to my son THOMAS one Bay horse caled Bluster, also the Bluster filly I give to my Daughter RACHELonegray mare I give to my Daughter MELINDA Comets colt which property theyareto receive now to LEWIS TOMLIN I give one sorrel colt which he is tohavewhen he becomes twenty one years old And after that if he remains with his Grandmother I wish him to have one bed & furniture and receive somepartof the crop for his servises after the death of my wife it is my desirefor all my remaining property such as stock, farming tools, householdfurnitur e &c to be sold and the money Equally Divided among all my children I also confirm the gift to DANIEL HEISTON; Heir ELIZA HASTON ofoneDollar it is my desire that after the death of my wife the negro boynamedGeorge shall be the property of my son THOMAS to be possessed by him for himany use benefit in consequence of his paying ninety Dollars which I owe to DANIEL HASTON heirs and all other just debts due from me I appointTHOMAS H. GAINES, my sons CHARLES & THOMAS SKAGGS Executors to this mylastwill and Testament In witness whereof I have this 1st day of June 1832 set my hand andseal.
ARCHIBALD SKAGGS his x mark Seal
State of Kentucky & Adair County Sct. At a County Court began & held for the said County the Courthouse in Columbia on Monday the 6th day of May 1833 This last will & Testamentof ARCHIBALD SKAGGS dec'd. was produced in Court and proven in due formof law by the oaths of MEIT HAMILTON & JAMES A. RICHARDSON subscribeing witneses there to and ordered to be recorded and on the motion ofCHARLES SKAGGS & THOMAS SKAGGS two of the Executors therein named theexecutionof the said will was granted them they having taken the oath requiredbylaw & executed & acknowledged bond in the final sum of two thousand Eight hundred Dollars with THOMAS H. GAINES & WILLIAM H TINSLEYtheirsecurities conditioned as the law directs. Test WM.CALDWELL, C.A.C.C.