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- Goodspeed, History of Tennessee, Warren County Hamilton Neal, farmer of Warren County, and now a resident of theFourthCivil District, is the son of William and Hannah Neal. The father was a native Virginian,bornNovember 10, 1777, and of English extraction. His parents immigrated to Tennessee when Williamwasquite young, and here he married Hannah Jones, a native of Virginia born September 17,1773.They came to White County, Tenn., in 1806, and were among the first settlers of the county.Theywere both members of the Baptist Church, and died in 1865 and 1860 respectively. Our subjectwasborn in the Fourth Civil District of Warren County, Tenn., September 20, 1812, and was theeighthof ten children. He married Sallie Forrest, a native of Warren County, born April, 1806. She wasamember of the Baptist Church, and died April, 1853. Their family consisted of the followingchildren:Elizabeth, Hannah, Martha, Katherine, O. D. and John M. Those deceased are Mary Martha, and 0.D.;the last named was born September 2, 1842, and in the spring of 1861 enlisted in theConfederateservice, Sixteenth Tennessee Infantry, under Col. Savage. He died at Huntersville Hospital,September3, 1861. December 11, 1854, our subject married Nancy Ann Burnett, a native of McMinn County,Tenn.,born September, 1827, and a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. This marriage resultedinthe birth of these children: Jennie, Nancy Ann, Hamilton, Lula, Jesse E., P. L., Joseph B. andRobertL. Our subject is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, a good citizen and a Democratinpolitics.