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- Alonza Skaggs, Creal, Ky., son of the late Simp and Lorandia Skaggs,wasborn March 20, 1868, died May 15, 1951 at the age of 83. He wasunited inmarriage to Jessie DeSpain. To this union 11 children wereborn, twopreceded him in death. He professed faith in Christ early inlife andjoined the Old Union Baptist Church where he remained a memberuntil 1934when he joined the Holiness Church at Mt. Sherman. He issurvivied by hiswife, 6 daughters, Mrs. George Warren, Edinburg, Ind.,Mrs. CharlieCarter, Clifford, Ind., Mrs. Joe Perkins, Peoria, Ill.,Mrs. WalterSkaggs, Mrs. Edward Stinnett, Mrs. Miles Graham, all ofCreal, Ky., threesons, W. E. Skaggs, Ernie Skaggs, both of Creal, Ky.,and Hobert Skaggsof Mt. Sherman, Ky., one brother, C. W. Skaggs ofIllinois, 17grandchildren, 21 great grandchildren. Funeral serviceswere held at Mt.Sherman Holiness Church, Wednesday, May 16, with Rev.Blevins in charge.Burial was in Mt. Sherman Cemetery. Source: Probably LaRue County Herald News, May 1951.