Notes |
- Stephen was the son of Reverend James Skaggs II and Nancy Mayse.
Stephen joined the Liberty baptist church in November of 1833. The minutes of this joining were written as follows: "We the Seperate Baptist church of crist meet at Liberty meeting house on the first Saterday in November 1833 and after Prayer Proceed to Buismess of the Day first choose Brother Hoover moderator Second Peace cold for and found third a door opened for the Reseption of members fourth Stephen Skaggs Was recived in to our felow Ship By Experance and Baptism...."
Green Co, KY Circuit Case #5692 5 Oct 1849
Elizabeth Skaggs, Guardian vs. WUliam Barnett
Stephen Skaggs died intestate some years ago. He left a widow, Elizabeth, and the following
1. Nancy Jane Skaggs
2. Jefferson Skaggs
3. Mary Skaggs
4. James B. Skaggs
5. Diadama Skaggs
The children are all under 21 and Elizabeth Skaggs is their guardian.
Stephen Skaggs and Moses Skaggs were the joint owners of 200 acres of land on the waters
of Brush Creek which they purchased from William Barnett, Sr and William Barnett, Jr at the
price of $250. The received a bond for the conveyance. The purchase money has long since been
paid. No deed was ever made. The heirs are informed that Moses Skaggs assigned his interest in the
100 acre of land, except the spring to Simon Etherton and Etherton assigned his interest in the 100
acres except the spring to WilUam B. Pierce which spring the heirs allege belonged exclusively to
their father, Stephen Skaggs and which — with the undivided interest of Stephen in the 200 acres
of land descended to them subject to the dower interest of their mother, Elizabeth Skaggs. They
state further that the bond for the conveyance of the land is now in the possession of Pierce who
claims a part of the land and is in possession. No legal or lawful division has been made of the 200
acres by which the particular interest of Stephen Skaggs was set apart and secured to him or known
in his lifetime or since his death. They are informed that a division of the land was contemplated by
Stephen in his lifetime with said Moses and a dividing line run but that the division was never
consummated or made binding or legal or valid, by any writing whatever by Stephen Skaggs or
anyone for him in his lifetime or by his heirs since his death and is void and has never been
observed? by Pierce. Indeed they are advised that the attempted division was wholly unequal, unjust
and by which the value of interest of Stephen Skaggs and the heirs who claim under him would be
greatly lessoned. They state that said spring before spoken of which is on the land is a valuable one
for water power and machinery and is worth they believe $1000.00. WiUiam B. Pearce has been
in the possession and enjoyment of the most of the land for about eight or nine years or upward and
ever since the death of their father, Stephen Skaggs, that he, Pearce, has also had the exclusive use
and enjoyment of the spring for the same length of time, reaping and receiving large profits
therefrom he having erected a grist mill on the land which is carried by the — afforded by the waters
of the spring and has yet accounted for nor paid anything for this privilege either to Stephen Skaggs
in his lifetime or to his widow or children since. The annual value of the profits of which for about
eight years past or upwards has been at least $ 100.00 or upwards. William Barnett, Senr was jointly
interested in the land with WUliam Barnett, Jr. WiUiam Barnett, Senr has departed this life leaving
the following as his only children:
1. William Barnett, Jr
2. Thomas R* Barnett
3. Elizabeth Marshall married Beverly Marshall
The legal title of the land went to these children.
The heirs of Stephen Skaggs want a subpoena against William Barnett, Jr, Thomas R.
Barnett, Beverly MarshaU and wife, Elizabeth and William B. Pierce and if necessary against
Simon Etherton and Moses Skaggs. They want a division of the land between Pierce and
themselves and set apart a downer for Elizabeth Skaggs, their mother, in the land.
The title bond made and entered into between William Barnett, Sr and William Barnett, Jr of the
first part and Stephen Skaggs and Moses Skaggs of the second part all of Green County, KY.
Witnesseth that the parties of the first part and in consideration of the sum of $250.00 to them to be
paid in annual payments from the first day of March last have sold unto the parties of the second part
200 acres of land on Brush Creek bounded as follows, viz: to begin at Moses Linville's northwest
comer on the creek, then up the same with the line of John Martin's survey to a small homy locust
on the bank of the creek, it being a corner of the 200 acres of land then to run back eastwardly a
parallel line with Linville's north line such courses and distances as will make th quantity within
four straight lines to have and to hold from themselves and their heirs forever and if the land shall
ever be taken from the parties of the second part by an older or better claim then the parties of the
first part are to pay back the purchase money without interest. Given under our hands and seals this
14th Aprile 1834. Isl Wm Barnett Jr
Test: Sam1 White, Jr
January 27th, AD 1837. I assign all my right, title and claim of the within bond to Simon
Atherton for value received the one hundred acres that was run off to him where he now lies except
the benefit of one half the spring which is to belong to Stephen Skaggs. Isl Simon Ethrton
Summonses to Green County: William Barnet, Jr, Thomas R. Barnet, Beverly Marshall,
Elizabeth Marshall, William B. Pearce, Simeon Etherton, Moses Skaggs
(Executed on B. Marshall on 5 Oct 1849, WiUiam Barnett on 15 Oct, William B. Pierce and
Simon Etherton on 20 Oct 1849 and on Thomas R. Barnett and Elizabeth MarshaU on 27 Oct
1849. The others not found on 26 Nov 1849. C. Carter, DS for H. MitcheU, SGC.)
Answer of William B. Pierce (23 Oct 1849)
He admits that the infants are the children of Stephen Skaggs, decd. Elizabeth Skaggs is his widow.
Whether Stephen died or not he does not know. He also admits that some years since Stephen
Skaggs and Moses Skaggs became the joint purchasers of 200 acres of land lying on Brush Creek
from WilUam Barnet, Sr and WiUiam Barnett, Jr with the funds of Stephen Skaggs and Moses
Skaggs each paying his equal half of the purchase money to Barnett for the land, the title bond
executed by William Barnett, Jr for the land. It is true that no deed was ever made by Barnett's
for the land but the Barnett's have received full pay for the same and Stephen Skaggs and himself
and those from whom he purchased entered upon the land and took possession of the same under the
sale and purchase. It is true that Moses Skaggs on 27 Jan 1857 assigned his interest in the land to
Simon Atherton and said Atherton did on 17 Jan 1839 assign the title bond or his interest in the
land to WiUiam B. Pierce as will be seen from an inspection of the bond and assignments filed. The
assignments are also made parts of their answer. Shortly after the purchase of the land by Stephen
and Moses Skaggs from the Barnett's they had a division of the land between themselves and by
consent and mutual agreement ran and marked a division line, the said Stephen taking to himself
and in his possession, the one half and Moses the other half. It is true that there was no deed of
partition but Stephen and Moses Skaggs acquiesced in the division and boundary line for — years
up to the death of Stephen Skaggs and since Pierce purchased that portion which was run off to
Moses Skaggs and by him sold to Simon Atherton and by him sold to Pierce. The division was
equal and just. Stephen stated frequently that his part was the most valuable . Pierce states that the
spring is on that boundary of and laid off to Moses Skaggs and now claimed or owned by Pierce.
Pierce states and charges that the division was made long before he purchased the land. He moved
on it and has claimed to his boundary ever since and has made valuable and lasting improvements.
His improvements made are reason able with the sum of $— . He denies that the spring and mill or
the spring belongs exclusively to Skaggs heirs. He admits that he has erected a mill at the spring
on his own land at his own cost and expense and he has been in possession of it ever since its
erection but denies that the heirs has any claim in the mill or on him for rents or profits arising
therefrom either legal or equitable. He was assisted by Stephen as well as several other neighbours
when he erected the mill. It was built with his approbation and consent and during his life never set
up claim to the same. Indeed this spring rises on Pierce's part of the land and consequently the
peculiar phraseologies of each of the assignments on the bond "The one hundred acres that was run
off to him where he now lives except the benefit of one half of the spring which is to belong to
Stephen Skaggs" showing that Stephen Skaggs was to have the benefit of one half of the spring.
Pierce denies that the spring or even the spring and mill are with anything like $100.00 per year. He
states that he never paid to Stephen Skaggs anything for the use of the spring nor does he think he
should do so to the Skaggs heirs. Stephen never claimed anything and was present when the mill
was built assisting and consenting to the erection of the same by Pierce. To show the division
between Stephen and Moses Skaggs was acquiesced in land agreed to by said Stephen, that he,
Stephen, shortly after the division so made and a division and boundary line marked sold a part of
the land which was on his part of the land so allotted him and received the pay. He states that if the
court should be of opinion that the division is not valid and binding, that he should have
compensation for the valuable and lasting improvements so made by him on his half of the land and
asks the court to decree him the same under such other and further decree as may be just and
equitable. He makes his answer a cross bill against his co-defendants Thomas R. Barnett, WiUiam
Barnett, Jr and Elizabeth Marshall and Beverly MarshaU who are the only heirs of WUliam
Barnett, Sr and Nancy Jane Skaggs, Jefferson Skaggs, Mary Skaggs, James B. Skaggs and
Diadama Skaggs, infant children of Stephen Skaggs, decd, all of whom are made defendants. May
Your Honor cause a deed to be made to Pierce agreeable to the provisions in the title bond and
assignments and render such decree for deeds of partition between him and the heirs of Stephen
Skaggs and he wants to be dismissed. Isl WilUam B. Pierce
Answer of William Barnett, Thomas R. Barnett, Elizabeth Marshall and Beverly MarshaU, her
husband (29 Nov 1849): They admit that they are the children of WilUam Barnett, Senr, decd.
WilUam Barnett, Jr states that he together with his father, WiUiam Barnett, Senr were the
joint owners of the tract of land alluded to. He managed the sale and conveyance of the land in which
himself and father were interested. He did bargain with Stephen Skaggs, decd and Moses Skaggs
and executed the title bond filed with Pierce's cross bill. He does not recollect to have seen the bond
since its execution until a short term since. He is entirely ignorant of the assignments on the bond,
except so far as they appear on the instrument itself. He has already been willing and ready to make
the title perfect to the land by the execution of a deed according to the bond and its assignment. The
purchase money for Stephen Skaggs' interest in the land has not all been paid off until a short time
since and no one having a right so to do has ever called on him for a deed for the interest. Pierce
has called on him for a deed and he offered to make a deed to Pierce according to the bond and
assignments but Pierce refused to accept a deed of that kind. He wasn't bound to accept a deed of
that kind. He wasn't bound to make any other kind of deed except as described in the bond and in
fact not knowing how to make a deed to the heirs and widow of Stephen Skaggs, decd and Pierce
injustice and safety to himself except by the bond and assignments refused to execute any deed
except in accordance with the bond and assignment.
They all admit that the plaintiffs are the wife and children of Stephen Skaggs, decd. Thomas
R. Barnett, Elizabeth MarshaU and Beverly MarshaU, her husband, say they know nothing of the
allegations in the bill except what they have learned from William Barnett, Jr and they credit what
they have learned from him and ask that his responses may be taken for theirs. They are entirely
willing and ready to make a deed to the land under the guidance and decree of this court. They pray
to be discharged with their costs. Barnett, Attorney
Answer of Simon Etherton (8 Mar 1850)
It is true that Stephen and Moses Skaggs made a joint purchase of 200 acres of land of William
Barnett, Jr and Sr and that afterwards the 200 acres of land was mutually divided between Stephen
and Moses Skaggs and it is also true that Moses Skaggs assigned to Etherton his interest in the 200
acres of land. Etherton assigned his interest to William B. Pierce. It is not true that in the
assignment the spring was excepted but it was designed in each of the assignments to convey the use
of the spring mentioned in the bill and which he avers is conveyed in the assignments and Etherton
relies on and adopts the answer of Pierce as his answer. He asks to be dismissed with costs.
Isl Simon Etherton
Summons to Green County: Moses Skaggs (Not found 27 May 1850. C. Carter, dep. for H.
Mitchell, SGC.)
Answer of Moses Skaggs (13 Aug 1850)
The complainant in the bill is the wife and children of my deceased brother Stephen Skaggs and
William Barnett, Jr, Thomas R. Barnett, Elizabeth Marshall, wife of Beverly MarshaU, are the
heirs of WiUiam Barnett, decd. My brother Stephen and myself did buy of WiUiam Barnett, Jr the
200 acres of land and spring. There was never any division by line or otherwise of the 200 acre of
land between me and my brother, Stephen Skaggs. That never anything passed on the subject of
division of the land between me and my brother or anything of a line being established or observed
but it was always understood that we were joint owners of the tract of land and that each was to be
entitled to have the benefit of the spring as a source of mechanical power or otherwise. The
assignment above my signature on the title bond referred to is my act and deed and in assigning my
interest in the land to Simon Atherton, he is in possession of whatever interest I had in the land and
spring. Isl Moses Skaggs
Depo. of John B. Skaggs (17 Sepl850, dwelling house of James D. AUen in Green County)
I am acquainted with the 200 acres in Green County on Brush Creek purchased by Stephen and
Moses Skaggs of William Barnett, Jr. I have heard Stephen Skaggs say that he and Moses Skaggs
had divided the land and that part of the tract on which I live was by then allotted to Moses Skaggs.
I have heard Stephen Skaggs repeatedly say that he and Moses Skaggs had divided the land
and that part upon which WiUiam Pierce now lives was allotted to Moses and I have frequently
heard Stephen say that his part was the best, my understanding was that they had gotten Spencer
the county surveyor to run the division line.
Stephen Skaggs, after the land was allotted, lived and died upon the part allotted him and
he and Moses Skaggs and Simon Etherton all acquiesced in the division up to the time of said
Stephen's death. The spring upon which I have built a mill is not on the part of the land allotted to
Moses Skaggs. I did not know exactly where the division line run but from the best information or
as much as I saw I thought Stephen's portion the best. With the improvements that Pierce has put
upon the part allotted Moses, I think it worth five hundred dollars more than the other.
I am the administrator of Stephen Skaggs, decd. I was present when the bill in chancery was
written. I cannot say that I am unfriendly towards Mrs. Skaggs. I told Pierce that I believed the
division would stand and told him also what I knew about it. I have not aided Pierce in the matter
in any other way more than I have before stated. I am friendly towards Mrs. Skaggs.
I was not present when the division line was run. The division line was run in the lifetime
of Stephen Skaggs and was agreed to by Stephen as I heard him state. I never saw any written
agreement in relation to the division. There never was any that I know of.
I don't know if Stephen and Moses Skaggs and Simon Atherton and Pierce have all cut
timber on either side of the line as it suited their convenience. Isl John Skaggs
Depo. of Simon Atherton (17 Sepl850, dwelling house of James D. Allen in Green County)
I purchased one half of the land sold by Mr. Barnett to Stephen and Moses Skaggs from Moses
Skaggs. I afterwards sold the land I had purchased of Moses Skaggs to Pierce and assigned my
interest on the bond. Stephen and Moses Skaggs were both living on the land at the time I
purchased and they had agreed upon a division line before I purchased and afterwards by the consent
of Stephen and myself, S. A. Spencer ran a line between us as before agreed upon. Stephen Skaggs
and myself were both present at the time Spencer ran the division line.
As far as I know if Stephen ever had any dislike to the division, I did not know of it. He kept
possession of his part up to his death and the widow and children remained in possession up to this
time. Pierce has made valuable and lasting improvements. At the time of the division I think
Stephen's part was the most valuable now. I think from the improvements which Pierce has made
that his tract is the most valuable by about $400. The spring on which Pierce has erected a mill
doesn't lie on the tract allotted to me and sold by me to Pierce.
It was the understanding of the parties that Stephen Skaggs should have the use of one half
of the spring and William Pierce the other. I had contracted for the land and was living upon it
when the line was run. I had lived upon it about two years before the bond was assigned to me. I
don't know whether there was an agreement about the line in writing between Stephen Skaggs.
There was none in writing between Stephen Skaggs and myself. The agreement was that he should
have half the spring . Nothing was said about the benefit as I know of. The division line was run
before I sold to Pierce. According to my recollection, it has been 15 or 17 years since the division
line was made between the two Skaggses. Isl Simon Etherton
Depo. of James W. Davis (17 Sepl850, dwelling house of James D. Allen in Green County)
I didn't hear Stephen Skaggs say that he and Simon Atherton had divided the 200 acre tract of land
they lived on. I heard him say that he was glad the Pierce had built the mill. I was there on one
occasion when Pierce was building the mill and Stephen Skaggs was there and helping Pierce to
raise some of the timbers. Isl James W. Davis
Depo. of David Etherton (17 Sepl850, dwelling house of James D. Allen in Green County)
I was not one of the chain carriers when the land was divided between Stephen Skaggs and Simon
Etherton. Stephen Skaggs and Simon Etherton carried the chain themselves. Stephen said after
the division was run he had the best end of the land. I think William Barnett and Samuel A.
Spencer the surveyor were present. I don't know if there was a writing. The line was marked by
Spencer. I suppose the division was equal in acres at the time it was made but Stephen Skaggs was
the best land. Pierce's is worth the most in my opinion by about at least six hundred dollars. The
parties were acquiesced in the division up to Stephen Skaggs death. Isl David Etherton
Depo. of John Pierce (17 Sepl850, dwelling house of James D. Allen in Green County)
I was present at the mill raising for WUliam Pierce and Stephen Skaggs was there helping to raise
the mill for BiU. I heard no objections in any way to raising the mill and we all hope to raise the mill
as neighbors. Stephen Skaggs sold part of the land to LinvUle and George Edwards has it in
possession now under purchase as Stephen Skaggs wife Elizabeth Skaggs told me.
John Pierce (X)
Joint answer of Nancy Jane Skaggs, Jefferson Skaggs, Mary Skaggs, James B. Skaggs and
Diadama Skaggs, who are infants under the age of 21 years, only children of Stephen Skaggs, decd
by S. A. Spencer, their guardian ad litem: They are young and of tender years and are ignorant of
their rights. They know nothing about the matters set up and do not admit to any of the allegations.
They pray the court to protect their rights and interests in the land. Nancy J. Skaggs
Jefferson Skaggs
James B. Skaggs
Mary Skaggs
Diadama Skaggs
By S. A. Spencer, the
Guardian ad litem
Depo. of Moses Skaggs (3 Oct 1850, storehouse of James D. Allen in Green County)
My brother Stephen Skaggs and I bought the 200 acres in contest from WiUiam Barnett. There was
never any division in the land between me and my brother in his lifetime. We bought the land jointly
of Barnett. There was and is at this time a valuable spring on the land. Pierce has a valuable mill
on the land that is carried by the water of the spring. Pierce erected the mill there about eight or nine
years ago. The value of the mill is worth upon average about one hundred dollars per year. I do not
profess to be a good judge but suppose it would cost $350.00 to build the mill. I have seen and been
put me on it. I had the piece of land in my possession about ten years. I have understood that Pierce
took possession of the land and put George Edwards upon it. George Edwards is living upon the
land at this time. I am tolerable well acquainted with the spring and mill of defendant on the land.
I have been raised by it. I do not know that it would be valuable but for small machinery such as a
mill. I think it is very valuable for that. Pierce has a mill on the land that is carried by the water of
the spring. The mill has been built eight or nine years and its annual value is worth one hundred
I think the mill could be built and put into operation for $400. The mill has been in operation
and carried on by Pierce ever since it was built. In my estimation the spring is worth at least $400.
I am acquainted with a what is said to be a division line dividing the 200 acres and in my opinion,
Pierce's part is worth between $800.00 and $1000.00 at the most.
Mr. Pierce denied examining me in the deposition. He is now here. Isl Preston LinvUle
Depo. of William T. Salsman (3 Oct 1850, storehouse of James D. Allen in Green County)
I was at the place where George Edwards and family now lives with Pierce. Pierce was giving
direction to Edwards and told him to tend where he pleased; that he would stand between him and
all danger. Edwards said he was to pay Pierce $3.00 for the rent of th place. I have learned from
different persons that part of the land George Edwards was put in possession of them was over the
line on Stephen Skaggs side and I am satisfied that Pierce knew it. Isl W. T. Salsman
Depo. of George Ford (3 Oct 1850, storehouse of James D. Allen in Green County)
On one occasion I assisted in cutting timber for a hog pen for WilUam Pearce. We cut at that time
about twelve logs on the land of Elizabeth Skaggs the widow of Stephen Skaggs. This was done
according to the directions of James Pierce (son of William Pearce) and after the logs were cut and
upon the same day James Pierce notified his father of the fact. His father made no reply.
George Ford (X)
(3 Oct 1850, storehouse of James D. Allen in Green County)
I am well acquainted with the spring and mill. I have tended the mill often enough to be well
acquainted with it. The mill I think is worth per year from the time of its erection to the present time
$ 100.00. The mill has been built about nine or ten years this next winter. The spring is very valuable
and in my opinion it is worth from $500.00 to $600.00 for the use of machinery such as a mill or the
like. I have seen the division line that divides the 200 acres shown me by Pierce. I know the two
pieces. In my opinion, the difference in the value of the two is or would be about $500.00 or $600.00
to take in the woods regardless of improvements. Pierce has had the use of the spring and mill all
the time ever since the mill was erected by him. Jeremiah Johnson (X)
Depo. of Moses Saltsman (23 Nov 1850, storehouse of James D. Allen in Green County)
I am acquainted with the division line dividing the land between the Skaggs heirs and William
Barnett. There is one tree cut near the line on the Skaggs land and a small tree. It looks like it might
have been cut for a house log. I examined the line throughout and saw no other.
It is my best impression that Stephen Skaggs was present at the time that Barnett raised his
mill house. I never heard Stephen Skaggs complain of the line between himself and Barnett. After
the line was run between Skaggs and Pearce, Skaggs said he was well pleased and said he had got
the best side of the land. The line was run before Pearce owned the land but it is the same land now
in dispute. Stephen lived adjoining the land during his life and within some short distance from
It is generally understood in the neighborhood that James Elkins, the brother of Elizabeth
Skaggs, is prosecuting this suit for the purpose of harassing Pierce. Moses Saltsman (X)
Depo. of George Edwards (23 Nov 1850, storehouse of James D. Allen in Green County)
I was on the land of Skaggs some few days since. There is one tree cut on the Skaggs land near the
line.. .a small tree. It looks like it was cut for a house log. I never heard Presley LinvUle say anything
concerning the line at any time. George Edwards (X)
Depo. of George Pierce (23 Nov 1850, storehouse of James D. Allen in Green County)
I am acquainted with the line that has been shown to me as the dividing line between the Skaggs
heirs and Barnett. There is one log that has been cut on the Skaggs land for a house log and one
It is generally understood that James Elkins is prosecuting this suit for the purpose of
harrising Pierce. Isl George Pierce
4 Dec 1850:
Elizabeth Skaggs as guardian states that the spring mentioned and described is owned jointly by the
children of Stephen Skaggs and W. B. Pierce. The spring is very valuable for water power and
machinery but the same is not susceptible to division without destroying the same or the utility. In
her opinion, a sale of the interest so held by the children in the spring would be greatly to their
advantage. She prays Your Honor to render a decree for the sale of the interest (being the one half)
of the spring and its benefits on such terms and conditions as may be proper and that a conveyance
be made to the purchaser for which is duty bound and Elizabeth Skaggs is entitled to dower in the
spring. She consents to a sale reserving her right to take her dower in money.
The undersigned commissioners appointed by the Hon. Judge of the Green Circuit Court to ascertain
and report the value of the estate of the infant children of Stephen Skaggs, decd for whom Elizabeth
Skaggs is guardian, to wit: Nancy Jane, Jefferson, Mary, James and Diadama Skaggs of every
kind both real and personal and mixed would report that said infants have an undivided interest in
200 acres of land held by them and W. B. Pierce jointly being 100 acres, worth about $300. Also
an undivided interest of half in a valuable spring on the land worth about $50.00 subject to the dower
of Elizabeth Skaggs, their mother. Your commissioner knows of no other estate belonging to the
children. This 4 Dec 1850. Respectfully submitted,
S. A. Spencer
G. W. Towls
Know all men by these presents that we, Elizabeth Skaggs and James Elkins are held and firmly
bound unto Nancy Jane Skaggs, Jefferson Skaggs, Mary Skaggs, James B. Skaggs and Diadama
Skaggs, infant children of Stephen Skaggs, decd, in the sum of $200.00 for the payment of which
will and truly to be made we bind ourselves and our heirs jointly and severally and firmly by these
presence signed sealed and dated this 4 Dec 1850.
The condition of this obligation is such hat whereas the said Elizabeth Skaggs as the
guardian for the infant children above named hath filed her petition for the sale of certain real estate
which descended to them. Now if the said Elizabeth Skaggs as guardian shall discharge faithfully
all the duties imposed on her by law or by any order or decree of the court in pursuance thereof then
this obligation to be void else to remain in full force. Elizabeth Skaggs (X)
Attest: J. P. Marshall, DC. James Elkin
Decree to sell land:
It is decreed and ordered by the court that the division of 200 acres of land in the bill filed and
described in the plat as lot No. 1 and 2 be confirmed and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court
that the purchase money has all been paid for the land to William Barnet from whom the same was
purchased and that William B. Pierce is the holder and owner of that part of land described in the
plat of survey as lot No. 2 and that the infant children of Stephen Skaggs, decd is entitled to the lot
No. 1 described in the plat. It is therefore ordered that William Barnet, Thomas R. Barnet,
Beverly Marshall and wife, Elizabeth do on or before the 10th day of this court convey unto
William B. Pearce lot No. 2 of 100 acres described in the plat with condition to refund the purchase
money without interest in case the land shall be lost by any better claim as specified in the bond and
that the same persons also conveyed to the infant children of Stephen Skaggs, decd the 100 acres
described in the plat as lot No. 1 with like condition subject however to the dower claim of
Elizabeth Skaggs, the widow of Stephen Skaggs in regard to the spring mentioned in the bill of
Elizabeth Skaggs as guardian. It is the opinion of the court that a sale of the interest of the infants
in the spring is expedient and proper and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that Elizabeth
Skaggs has executed bond as guardian and file the same with the clerk of this court as required by
law. It is decreed that the interest of the infants in the spring be one half thereof unimproved be sold
at the courthouse door in Greensburg. Elizabeth Skaggs has consented for a sale of the spring but
with the privilege to claim her dower in the proceeds. S. A. Spencer is appointed commissioner to
carry out the decree. A copy attest. John Barret, CGC
The undivided one half of the spring sold on 21 Jul 1857. The highest bidder was James Elkin for
$15.00. He executed his note with Nathan Warren as surety.
* * * * *
Green Co,