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- Gierczak, Helen R. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, The, Sep 2, 2001
Gierczak, Helen R.
Sunday, September 02, 2001
Gierczak, Helen R. of Ringle, WI, age 72. Died on Fri., Aug. 31, 2001inWausau. She was born Aug. 15, 1929, in Red Stone, PA, the daughterofJohn and Kunegunda Gacek. On July 9, 1949, she was united inmarriage toChester Gierczak in Mather, PA. They lived in Milwaukeeuntil they movedto Hatley, WI, where they owned and operated theRustic Inn until theirretirement. In addition to her husband, she issurvived by a daughter,Christine (Steve) Sundre of Racine, WI; agranddaughter Melissa; 3sisters, Mary (Stanley) Schodowski, of NewJersey; Sophia Kopechessi ofNew York; Theresa (Pete) Mihealsick ofPennsylvania; and 2 brothers,Andrew and Leopold Gacek both ofPennsylvania. In addition to herparents, she was preceded in death by3 brothers, John, Charles andEdward. Funeral Wed., Sept. 5, 2001 at12:00 Noon at MAX A. SASS & SONSGREENRIDGE CHAPEL. Interment inHighland Memorial Park. Visitation Sun.,Sept. 2, from 4 to 8pm atSchmidt-Shulta Funeral Home, Wittenberg, WI andagain on Wed., at MaxA. Sass & Sons from 9:00am until time of services.MAX A. SASS & SONSGREENRIDGE CHAPEL 4747 S. 60th St. 414- 282-4050