1755 - 1827 (72 years)
Name |
Tobias Oswalt |
Birth |
Jul 1755 |
Londonderry, Bedford, Pennsylvania |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
Aug 1827 |
Bedford County, Pennsylvania |
Person ID |
I4128 |
Ingram-Related |
Last Modified |
14 Aug 2024 |
Notes |
- Notes for Tobias Oswalt: His will was probated September 3, 1827 in Bedford Co, Pennsylvania:"Inthe name of God Amen. I Tobias Oswalt, being weak in body but ofsoundmind and perfect memory, blessed by God of the same, do make andpublishthis my last will and testament in manner and form, that is tosay firstI will and bequeath unto my wife Rachel Oswalt my dwellingplantation andthe appertainances belonging thereto and also theproceeds of the wholdone third part of all my personal property. Ialso bequeath unto mydaughter Catherine Purky an equal part with allmy children exceptfifteen dollars which I have already paid her. Ialso bequeath unto myson Jacob three dollars only as his whole legacy. I also give andbequeath unto the widow and heirs of my son, GeorgeOswalt, elevendollars which has already been paid which is the wholeof their legacy. Ialso bequeath unto my sons,to wit, Andrew, (andlikewise my daughtersMargaret, Elizabeth, and Rachel, and Isaac, Johnand Henry and Marth allan equalproportion. I also will and requirethat the dwelling plantationas aforementioned, after the decease of mywife. Rachel Oswalt, shall besold bor the best price it will fetch anddivide in equal proportion asabove mentioned. I hereby constitute mytwo sons Isaac and John my soleexecutors of this my last will andtestament. In witness whereof I havehereunto set my hand and seal this17th day of August, 1827. Signed andpublished and declared by theabove named Tobias Oswalt to be his lastwill and testament in thepresence of us who have hereunto subscribed outnames and witnesses inthe presence of the testator, witnesspresent:Jesse Tomlinson,(illegibe) Jesse Valentine. (typed just as typed byWayne Mc Kean usingthe same punctuation, capitalization and spelling).
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