Notes |
- Timeline for Edwin R. Colony:
March 23, 1839, 1840, 1841, or 1843 - born Bradford County,Pennsylvania or Dagget Hollow, Bradford County Pennsylvania. (Dagget Hollow is located in Tioga County, Pennsylvania)
Marriage record stated he was born in Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Pension record stated various birth years, All March 23, 1839, 1840 or 1841. Counties in Pennsylvania he stated being born in were Bradford County and Northhampton County.
1850 - Listed with his father and mother in 1850 Tioga County,Pennsylvania federal census. His age was listed as 7.
1855 - Listed with Adna and Sister Milicent (Colony) Conn, Stueben County State Census, Hornellsville. (Listed as adopted by Adna Conn and Milicent [Colony]). Age listed was 12.
1858-1859 - Lived in Little Suamico, Oconto County, Wisconsin.
1860 - Listed in Suamico Township, Oconto County, Wisconsin Federal Census
1861 - Lived in Hornellsville, Stueben County, New York, Per the Declaration For Pension in 1910. 1861 - Enlisted in Civil War, Stueben County, New York. G Co. 23rd Inf Reg. NY Military Record Of Hornellsville. Hornell, Steuben County, New York
Enlisted on 09 May 1861as a Private, age 21. Colony, Edwin, 23rd Regiment;
Battles Fought:
Battle at Bailey's Cross Roads, Virginia on 27 August 1861
Battle on 08 November 1861 Battle on 26 January 1862
Battle at 2nd Bull Run, Virginia on 29 August 1862
Battle at 2nd Bull Run, Virginia on 30 August 1862
Battle at South Mountain, Maryland on 14 September 1862
Battle at Antietam, Maryland on 17 September 1862
Battle at Fredericksburg, Virginia on 12 December 1862
Battle at Fredericksburg, Virginia on 13 December 1862
Battle on 13 May 1863 1863 - Mustered Out at Elmira, NY on 22 May 1863
1868 - Married Susie Lucia in Brown County, Wisconsin. Edward and 1st wife Susan Lucia [Lucie] were married on December 05, 1868, in Pittsfield, Brown County, Wisconsin. This marriage information from Brown County, Wisconsin, Volume 1, Page 94. [Marriage Index - Microfilm 1275667]. On this index, Edward was named as Edwin Colony and wife was Susan Lucie. The actual record is located on Volume 4, Page 84, #167. On the actual Marriage listing, Edward listed his Parents as Henry & Sarah Colony. The occupation that he listed on marriage records was that of a mechanic, which was very unique in 1868.
1869-1870 - Living in Brown County, Wisconsin
1870- Listed in Little Suamico, Oconto County, Federal Census. Page235and 236.
1875 - Listed in Little Suamico, Oconto County, State Census.
1875 - Living in Oconto County, Wisconsin. Edward was living in Oconto County, Wisconsin in 1875, whenhis son Fred Charles Colony was born.
1880 - Believed to be the Edward Colney listed in BrownCounty,Wisconsin Federal census in 1880. He was listed as Widowed and worked in the Saw Mill. His age was listed as 34 making his birth year around 1846 in New York.
1881 - Married to Nellie Boston in Oconto County, Wisconsin
1890 - Living in Bay De Noc, Delta County, Michigan on Veteran Census.
1890-1899 - Living in Delta County, Michigan.
1897 - Living in Delta County, Michigan. Veterans Census.
1900 - Listed in Delta County, Michigan census. On the 1900 Delta Co., Michigan 1900 census, Edward listed hisfather born in Delaware, and his mother born in Pennsylvania, and himself born in Pennsylvania. He listed his current marriage as 20 years long, making the marriage to Nellie E. Boston on 24 September 1881. He listed his age on this census to be 62 years of age, stating his birth tobein March of 1838.
1901-1909 - Living in Delta County, Michigan
1910 - Indicated in Declaration for pension that he lived in Delta County from 1890-1910.
1912 - Living in Menominee County, Michigan. 1915 - Living in Perronville, Menominee County, Michigan.
1926 - Living in Mansfield, Iron County, Michigan June 24, 1926 - Died Mansfield, Iron County, Michigan
South Mountain Other Names: Crampton's, Turner's, and Fox's Gaps
Location: Frederick County and Washington County
Campaign: Maryland Campaign (September 1862)
Date(s): September 14, 1862
Principal Commanders: Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan [US]; Gen. RobertE.Lee [CS]
Forces Engaged: Corps
Estimated Casualties: 4,500 total
Description: After invading Maryland in September 1862, Gen. RobertE.Lee divided his army to march on and invest Harpers Ferry. The Armyofthe Potomac under Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan pursued theConfederatesto Frederick, Maryland, then advanced on South Mountain.On September 14,pitched battles were fought for possession of theSouth Mountain passes:Crampton's, Turner's, and Fox's Gaps. By duskthe Confederate defenderswere driven back, suffering severecasualties, and McClellan was inposition to destroy Lee's army beforeit could reconcentrate. McClellan'slimited activity on September 15after his victory at South Mountain,however, condemned the garrison atHarpers Ferry to capture and gave Leetime to unite his scattereddivisions at Sharpsburg. Union general JesseReno and Confederategeneral Samuel Garland, Jr., were killed at SouthMountain.
Result(s): Union victory
Antietam Other Names: Sharpsburg
Location: Washington County
Campaign: Maryland Campaign (September 1862)
Date(s): September 16-18, 1862
Principal Commanders: Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan [US]; Gen. RobertE.Lee [CS]
Forces Engaged: Armies
Estimated Casualties: 23,100 total
Description: On September 16, Maj. Gen. George B. McClellanconfrontedLee's Army of Northern Virginia at Sharpsburg, Maryland. AtdawnSeptember 17, Hooker's corps mounted a powerful assault on Lee'sleftflank that began the single bloodiest day in American militaryhistory.Attacks and counterattacks swept across Miller's cornfield andfightingswirled around the Dunker Church. Union assaults against theSunken Roadeventually pierced the Confederate center, but the Federaladvantage wasnot followed up. Late in the day, Burnside's corpsfinally got intoaction, crossing the stone bridge over Antietam Creek and rolling up theConfederate right. At a crucial moment, A.P. Hill'sdivision arrived fromHarpers Ferry and counterattacked, driving backBurnside and saving theday. Although outnumbered two-to-one, Leecommitted his entire force,while McClellan sent in less thanthree-quarters of his army, enablingLee to fight the Federals to astandstill. During the night, both armiesconsolidated their lines. Inspite of crippling casualties, Lee continuedto skirmish with McClellanthroughout the 18th, while removing hiswounded south of the river.McClellan did not renew the assaults. Afterdark, Lee ordered thebattered Army of Northern Virginia to withdrawacross the Potomac intothe Shenandoah Valley.
Result(s): Inconclusive (Union strategic victory.)
Fredericksburg I Other Names: Marye's Heights
Location: Spotsylvania County and Fredericksburg
Campaign: Fredericksburg Campaign (November-December 1862)
Date(s): December 11-15, 1862
Principal Commanders: Maj. Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside [US]; Gen. RobertE.Lee [CS]
Forces Engaged: 172,504 total (US 100,007; CS 72,497)
Estimated Casualties: 17,929 total (US 13,353; CS 4,576)
Description: On November 14, Burnside, now in command of the Army ofthePotomac, sent a corps to occupy the vicinity of FalmouthnearFredericksburg. The rest of the army soon followed. Lee reactedbyentrenching his army on the heights behind the town. On December11,Union engineers laid five pontoon bridges across the Rappahannockunderfire. On the 12th, the Federal army crossed over, and on December13,Burnside mounted a series of futile frontal assaults on ProspectHill andMarye's Heights that resulted in staggering casualties.Meade's division,on the Union left flank, briefly penetrated Jackson'sline but was drivenback by a counterattack. Union generals C. FegerJackson and GeorgeBayard, and Confederate generals Thomas R.R. Cobband Maxey Gregg werekilled. On December 15, Burnside called off theoffensive and recrossedthe river, ending the campaign. Burnsideinitiated a new offensive inJanuary 1863, which quickly bogged down inthe winter mud. The abortive"Mud March" and other failures led toBurnside's replacement by Maj. Gen.Joseph Hooker in January 1863.
Result(s): Confederate victory
Manassas, Second Other Names: Manassas, Second Bull Run, Manassas Plains,Groveton,Gainesville, Brawner's Farm
Location: Prince William County
Campaign: Northern Virginia Campaign (June-September 1862)
Date(s): August 28-30, 1862
Principal Commanders: Maj. Gen. John Pope [US]; Gen. Robert E. LeeandMaj. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson [CS]
Forces Engaged: Armies
Estimated Casualties: 22,180 total (US 13,830; CS 8,350)
Description: In order to draw Pope's army into battle, Jackson orderedanattack on a Federal column that was passing across his front ontheWarrenton Turnpike on August 28. The fighting at Brawner Farmlastedseveral hours and resulted in a stalemate. Pope becameconvinced that hehad trapped Jackson and concentrated the bulk of hisarmy against him. OnAugust 29, Pope launched a series of assaultsagainst Jackson's positionalong an unfinished railroad grade. Theattacks were repulsed with heavycasualties on both sides. At noon,Longstreet arrived on the field fromThoroughfare Gap and took positionon Jackson's right flank. On August30, Pope renewed his attacks,seemingly unaware that Longstreet was onthe field. When massedConfederate artillery devastated a Union assaultby Fitz John Porter'scommand, Longstreet's wing of 28,000 mencounterattacked in thelargest, simultaneous mass assault of the war. TheUnion left flank wascrushed and the army driven back to Bull Run. Onlyan effective Unionrearguard action prevented a replay of the FirstManassas disaster.Pope's retreat to Centreville was precipitous,nonetheless. The nextday, Lee ordered his army in pursuit. This was thedecisive battle ofthe Northern Virginia Campaign.
Result(s): Confederate victory
23rd Infantry Regiment
Civil War
Southern Tier Regiment; Southern Tier Rifles
Mustered in: July 2, 1861
Mustered out: May 22, 1863
The following is taken from New York in the War of the Rebellion, 3rd ed. Frederick Phisterer. Albany: J. B. Lyon Company, 1912.
This regiment, Col. Henry C. Hoffman, was accepted and numbered by the State May 16, 1861, organized at Elmira, and there mustered in the United States service for two years July 2, 1861. The three years' men of the regiment, a few in Company B, were transferred to the 80th N. Y. Volunteers, May 29, 1863.
The companies were recruited principally: A at Bath; B at Cuba; C at Owego; D at Corning; E at Waverly; F and K at Elmira; G at Hornellsville; H at Cortland; and I at Watkins; the men being from, the counties of Allegany, Chemung, Cortland, Schuyler, Steuben, Tioga and Tompkins.
The regiment left the State July 5, 1861; served at and near Washington, D. C., from July 7, 1861; in Hunter's, then Sedgwick's, then Keyes', Brigade, Division of Potomac, from August 4, 1861; in Wadsworth's Brigade, McDowell's Division, Army of the Potomac, from October 15, 1861; in 2d, Patrick's, Brigade, 3d, King's, Division, 1st Corps, Army of the Potomac, from March 13, 1862; in 2d Brigade, King's Division, Department of Rappahannock, from May, 1862; in 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 3d Corps, Army of Virginia, from June 26, 1862; in the same brigade and division, 1st Corps, Army of the Potomac, from September 12, 1862; in Patrick's Provost Guard Brigade, Army of the Potomac, from January, 1863; at Aquia Creek, Va., from April 29, 1863, and was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Colonel Hoffman, May 22, 1863, at Elmira.
During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 10 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 7 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 2 officers, 53 enlisted men; total, 2 officers, 70 enlisted men; aggregate, 72; of whom 5 enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy.
The following is taken from The Union army: a history of military affairs in the loyal states, 1861-65 -- records of the regiments in the Union army -- cyclopedia of battles -- memoirs of commanders and soldiers. Madison, WI: Federal Pub. Co., 1908. volume II.
Twenty-third Infantry.'97 Col., Henry C. Hoffmann; Lieut.-Col. Nirom M. Crane; Maj., William M. Gregg. The 23d was composed of three companies from Steuben county, two from Tioga, two from Chemung, one from Alleghany, one from Cortland and one from Schuyler, and was known as the Southern Tier regiment. It was mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira on July 2, 1861, for a two years' term, and left the state for Washington on the 5th. For two, weeks it was encamped at Meridian hill, but moved on July 23 to Fort Runyon and on Aug. 5, to Arlington heights, where it remained until Sept. 28. On Aug. 4, it was assigned to Hunter's brigade; on Oct. 15, to Wadsworth's brigade, McDowell's division, and in March, 1862, to the 2nd brigade, 3d division, 1st corps, Army of the Potomac. Its first encounters with the enemy were at Fall's Church, Ball's cross-roads, and Munson's hill, losing in these engagements 1 man killed and 7 wounded. On March 10, 1862, the regiment moved to Centerville, but returned after five days to Upton's hill, proceeded to Bristoe Station and Falmouth and undertook several expeditions with Falmouth as a base of operations. On June 26, 1862, the regiment was attached to the 3d brigade, 1st division, 3d corps, Army of Virginia, with which it shared in Gen. Pope's campaign, being in action at the Rappahannock, Sulphur Springs, Gainesville, and the second Bull Run. In September, the brigade and division became part of the 1st corps, Army of the Potomac, and fought at South mountain and Antietam, with a loss to the 23d; in the latter battle of 42 killed, wounded and missing. Until Oct. 20, the regiment encamped at Sharpsburg, Md., then moved toward Fredericksburg and was closely engaged in the battle there in December. Winter quarters were established at Belle Plain and on Jan. 9, the regiment was transferred to Patrick's provost guard brigade, with which it served until the expiration of its term, stationed at Acquia creek in April and May, 1863. On June 26 the command was mustered out at New York city, having lost 17 by death from wounds and 55 by death from all other causes.