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- Mr. Wesley S. Shofner, 84, a retired farmer of 705 Jackson StreetinCampbellsville, son of the late Mr. John Marshall Shofner and Mrs.NancyAnn Hedgespeth Shofner, was born in Taylor County, Kentucky,October 14,1890. He died at 8:05 p.m., Thursday, July 10, 1975, atthe TaylorCounty Hospital in Campbellsville. He had been a patient atthe MedcoCenter of Campbellsville for the past three years. He hadprofessedfaith in Christ early in life and was a member of the ZionSeparateBaptist Church. He united in marriage to Miss LillieHedgespeth,September 28, 1911. To this union four sons and sixdaughters were born. Audrey Mae Shofner, Nancy Ann Shofner, and OpalEvelyn Shofner died ininfancy. Mr. Roscoe Shofner preceded his fatherin death August 26,1973. Surviving are Mr. Herman Shofner ofCampbellsville, Star Route;Mrs. Lucy Skaggs of Campbellsville, Route1; Mr. John B. Shofner ofFinley, Route 2; Mr. Thomas Shofner ofHarned, Kentucky; Mrs. NoraSprowles and Mrs. Ruth Gumm, both ofLouisville. Besides his wife, Mrs.Lillie Shofner of Campbellsville,and children, he is also survived bythirty-three grandchildren; sixstep-grandchildren; twenty-threegreat-grandchildren; fourstep-great-grandchildren; several nieces andnephews. Funeral serviceswere conducted at 2:00 p.m., Saturday, July12, at the Zion SeparateBaptist Church in Campbellsville by Rev. RobertMorris and Rev. GarlenSkaggs. Burial was in Zion Church Cemetery.Pallbearers: J.C. Shofner,David Skaggs, Virgil Shofner, Dorman Shofner,William Shofner, andKenny Shofner.