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- Samuel Hamms will was written on 2 March 1737 and probated on 2 May 1738 in Spotsylvania County, Virginia. Named in the will were Sons Samuel, William, and Edward, and daughter Ann.
[p.150]May 6, 1740. Margaret x Hamm and Samuel x Hamm of St. Geo.Par.,Spts. Co., to Richard Couzens of same Par. and Co. £16 10s. 9d.curr. 100a. in St. Geo. Par., Spts. Co., which land and plantation wasdevised bythe last will and testament of Samuel Hamm, Decd., to hiswife, MargaretHamm, during her life, and at her death to Samuel Hamm(his son one ofthe parties to these presents, etc.), and part of atract formerlygranted John Rogers and others, etc. Witnesses: JohnWaller, SharshallGrasty, Wm. Waller. May 6, 1740.