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- Co I 353-89 Div. American G.F. died from Tuburculosis of the throatfrombeinggassed in France. Buried at Republican City leaving young wife. Hiram C. Griffin was born March 24, 1895 in Hebron, Nebraska anddiedOctober 26, 1923 at the Soldiers home in Satell, California,oftuberculosis of the throat caused from being gassed while in serviceinFrance. From about the time he was seven years old he lived inClayCenter until the time of his enlistment in the army for serviceduringthe World War. Having been wounded in the Argonne Forest andlater havingbeen gassed, after about eleven months of service inFrance he returnedto Clay Center where he resided for some monthsbefore his moving toCalifornia. In April 1921, he was united in marriage to Miss Ella May NicholsinSanta Ana, California. He is survived by his wife who accompaniedthebody to this city, his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. MilesGriffin ofMorrowville, Ks.; four brothers, Clarence G, John T., HarryO, and EdwardE. all of Morrowville, Ks.; and seven sisters, Mrs. EmmaBurwell ofAbilene, Ks.; Mrs. Edith Remingtonof Clay Center, Ks.; Mrs.Amy Corbin ofSteele City, Neb.; Mrs. Minnie Lillibridge of BlueRapids, Mrs. LilliamBlevins of Clay Center, Ks.; and Misses PearlandGoldie Griffin ofMorrowville,Ks.. Funeral services were conducted from the First Baptist church at 2p.m.Saturday, November 3, by Rev. W.Harley Smith,the pastor. Mrs.J.G.Grimson and Mrs. Fred Miller, assisted by Mrs. Otis Swenson at theorgan,sang "Under His Wings", "No Night There" and "Safe in the Armsof Jesus". Interment was in the Republican City cemetery , and the pall bearerswereDennie Stitt, Clarence Remington, Harry Lokas and Arthur TelanderofAlonzo F. Dexter post, American Legion.