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- Her will was dated July 11, 1769, proved Dec. 5,1769; mentions great daughter Hannah Davenport, grandsons Gideon and Peter, grand daughters Deborah and Mary, "Abigail", "my step-son-in-law and my grandson namely Oliver Davenport and Gideon Florence". John Seeley is also mentioned as owing her money.
Page 390.--In the name of God, Amen. I, EUNIS SEELY, of WoodburyClove,New Cornwall Precinct, Orange County, widow, being sick andweak. I leaveto my grandson Simeon all of my right and title to thisplace where I nowlive. "I leave to my step daughter, Hannah Davenport,œ10, out of themoney coming to me out of the estate of my deceasedhusband Seely." Ileave to my grandson Peter œ10. All the rest of myestate I leave to mygrandson Gideon. "My negro woman 'Dinah' is to besold, and if she fetch60 guineas, it is to be divided among my othersix grandchildren, and allthat she fetches more is to go to mygrandson Gideon." I leave to mygranddaughter Mary my curtains and bigcupboard. I leave to mygranddaughter Deborah œ10 of the debt that JohnSeely owes me, to be putat interest till she is 18, or married. "Ileave to my granddaughter Marya cow, a hog, 5 chairs, and a greatchair, a deep Pewter platter, 4plates, and a warming pan." "I give thehand irons to Abigail." My bedand all that belongs to it I leave to mygranddaughter Deborah. I leaveto my grandson a bed, a cow, 2 hogs, anda horse. I make my stepson,Oliver Davenport, and my grandson, GideonFlorance, executors. Dated,July 11, 1769.