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PACKARD, JOHN, Bridgewater, s. of the first Samuel of the same, had Joseph, who sett. his old f.'s est. 1741; and Mitchell tells no more, but that his wid. d. 1761, very aged. NATHANIEL, Bridgewater, br. of the preced, by w. d. prob. of John Kingman, had Samuel, Zechariah, George, Fearnot, Margaret, Sarah, Lydia, Faithful, Hannah, Deliverance, Eliz. Mary, and Deborah. His will is 1720. Samuel, Hingham 1638, came in the Diligent, with w. prob. Eliz. and one ch. arr. 10 Aug. had been of Wymondhanm, in Co. Norfk. rem. to Weymouth, first, perhaps, where he had John, b. 20 July 1655, thence to Bridgewater by 1664, had elder ch. Samuel, Zaccheus, Eliz. Mary, beside Hannah, Thomas, Jael, Israel, Debroah, Deliverance, and Nathaniel; but the order isnot exact. indicat. for the most. Eliz. m. 14 Nov. 1665, Thomas Alger of Taunton; Mary M. Richard Phillips of Weymouth; Hannah m. Thomas Randall; Jael m. 15 Nov. 1672, John Smith; Deborah m. Samuel Washburn; and Deliverance m. Thomas Washburn. SAMUEL, Bridge- water, s. of the preced. m. Eliz. D. of Mark Lothrop, had Samuel, Daniel, Joseph, Eliz, Mary, and Susanna. His est. was sett. 1698. ZACCHEUS, Bridgewater, br. of the preced. m. Sarah, d. of John How- ard, had Israel, b. 1680; Sarah, 1682; Jonathan, 1684; David, 1687; Solomon, 1689; James, 1691; Zaccheus, 1693; John 1695; and Abiel, 1699; and d. 1723. This name was first writ. as pronounc. Packer.