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- Born just west of Portage La Praire, Manitoba, Canada in the areacalled High Bluff.
Hall, Charles and Thel Excerpts from Valley Echoes 1900-1980 Excerptsfrom Bridges- the Years Charles William Hall was born on Aug.29 at High Bluff, Manitoba;ThelmaSusannah Cropley was born March 16 1906 at Strathcona. They came by train from Neepawa Manitoba via Swan River stopping theretospend Christmas with Charles brother, whom they later brought toHudsonBay with his wife Myrtle and children Kenneth, Lesley, Walterand Mable.Then continued their journey to Hudson Bay Junction in 1946. They lived in the area and farmed the Isaac Feindell land in 1954,livedon the Oswald Skrank homestead in 1955, and farmed the IsaacFeindellland in 1955,and worked for the Saskatchawan timber Board atthe planernear Hudson Bay.Sask. Of a family of thirteen only nine children moved to Hudson Bay Jct.andtwo went to work at the airport at Yorkton then worked aroundHudsonBay. Gordon farmed the Oillette homestead, while Beverley helpedhisfather on the Feindell farm when the Feindells moved to HudsonBay.Gordon and Stanley were members of the Princess Patricia ReserveRegimentfor a number of years. Gordon married Evelyn Markley; theywere laterdivorced. Stanley was unmarried for a number of years andleft HudsonBay. Beverley married Edith Elder; they have four childrenand threegrandchildren. Jeannette married Glen Beauchesne and theyhave twochildren, Arnold and Juanita. They have been foster parents toa numberof other children. Vivian married George Skipper; they have six children. CecilmarriedElaine Anderson of Creighton; Sask. and they have one daughterand twingrandsons. Reg married Joyce Codotte of Flin Flon, Man. Theyweredivorced and Reg remarried. Excerpts from Bridges-the-Years (1890-1967): Grandfather, ThomasHall,built on the mountain (where Kelwood town now is). He built thefirsthouse. Junior Bible Class of the United Church. The first bridal shower washeldfor (Aunt) Susan Hall (McCutcheon). William Hall (grandfather's brother) was 1st Worshipful Master OfKelwoodOrange Lodge No. 2157. In 1901 Smithsglen (built in 1892) students were Charles WilliamHall(Charlie) and Mary Elizabeth (Lizzie) Hall. First skating rink on Charles Hall's property, southwest of thevillage,1908. (Admission 15cents). 1st Fair of Kelwood, first prize money Thomas Hall(grandfather)vegetables and Shorthorns. Grandma Hall, Oct. 1st 1908,house plants. First log house built in Kelwood by Thomas Hall. Jeannette Hall bornonBaker's farm, Kelwood. Grandma and Grandpa Hall providedtransportationdown to the church at Glensmith with a team of horses ora yoke of oxen.Mrs. Hall had a heart of gold--she helped bring many ababy into thisworld, as a midwife Municipality of Rosedale-Kelwood in 1903 sold N.E. corner ofSec.10-19-15 to Walter Bristow.