- 1571
Name |
Clement Heigham |
Birth |
Barrow, Suffolk, England |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
Between 9 Mar 1570 and 1571 |
Person ID |
I49672 |
Ingram-Related |
Last Modified |
14 Aug 2024 |
Notes |
- Sir Clement Heigham deserves more than passing notice. He was one oftheold Catholic gentry who flocked to the standard of Princess,afterwardsQueen, Mary. He was a member of Parliament and subsequentlySpeaker ofthe House of Commons. He was knighted by King Philip in hischamber atWestminster on Sunday 27 Jan. 1554-5. The Parliament overwhich hepresided was notable in that it repealed all the laws of HenryVIII andEdward VI relating to the reformed religion and reconciledEngland to theHoly See. To commemorate the event and to give thanks toGod both Housesof Parliament passed through the streets of London insolemn procession.There were 90 crossbearers in this procession, 116priests in copes andvestments, 8 bishops in cope and mitre, followedby Bishop Bonner ofLondon carrying the Blessed Sacrament in a pixunder a splendid canopyand by the House of Lords and the House ofCommons headed by theirSpeaker (Heigham), the Lord Mayor, Aldermen andCity Companies in theirseveral liveries.
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