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- Came to America probably in the fleet with Gov. Winthrop, whicharrived at Charlestown, Massachusetts, June 1630.
The first record of Robert in America is at Weymouth, Mass., he is included in a list who were desirous to be made a Freeman October 19, 1630 and he took the Oath of Freeman May 18, 1631.
He is mentioned at the Quarterly Court, held at Boston Dec. 4, 1638 and June 2, 1640. At Weymouth he is mentioned in regards to land own by John Ffussell, John Stable and James Snooke, Oct. 26,1642 to May 21, 1644.
Robert removed from Weymouth, Mass., in 1643, probably foilowing Rev. Samuel Newman, the founder of Rehoboth, Mass. Rev. Newman was minister at Weymouth for four and a half or five years and then with a majority of his congregation, in 1642 removed to a place called by the Indians Seekonk, to which he gave the name of Rehoboth.
The first meeting of the original planters of Rehoboth, to be found on record, is dated at "Weimoth" the 24th of the 8th month (October)1643, the next meeting of the proprietors was held at Weymouth, the 10th day of the 10th month (December) 1643. About the year 1643 a joint agreement was made by the inhabitants of Sea-conk alias Rehoboth, for the bringing in of their estates; that so men's allotments mightbe taken up according to person and estate also for carrying on of all public charges both for present and future; furthermore the means and interest of what is here expressed is that by which lands, now granted by the Court of Plymouth to the town, is to be divided according to person and estate, as is expressed in a list of 58 names. The 28thname on the list is Job Lane (underneath written) "now Robert Abell's,"L50,it is evident that Robert Abell was written in after he had bought of Job Lane.
At a meeting of the town Feb. 18,1646, it was agreed to draw lots forthe new meadow, and to be divided according to person and estate; only those that were under œ150, estate to be made up 150. Robert Abell isthe 41st name on a list of 46 who drew for lots.
The 26th of the 12th mo., 1651, it was agreed that Robert AbellandRichard Bullock should burn the commons round about, from the Indian fence,all on the neck, and so far about the fresh meadows as may be convenient; and they are to have 20s, for their pains, and to begin the 15th ofMarch next, and to be paid out of the first rate.
The 28th of March 1653, it was concluded and agreed upon, that Robert Abell should have three acres of meadow on the north side of the line, next the town, next the line that parteth the land of the purchasersandthe town of Rehoboth. This meadow was given them by Mr. Prince, Captain Standish and Mr. Winslow.
Mention is made of Robert Abell in Court Orders, June 29, 1653, June 10, 1661 and Apr. 22, 1662.
On Feb. 1, 1654, at a town meeting, Robert was ordered to keep the Ordinary, and on July 3, 1656, Plymouth, he is allowed by the Court to keep an Ordinary at Rehoboth.
Robert was at the Court of Elections at Plymouth, June 3, 1657 and on Jury at the General Court at Plymouth, June 4, 1657. He took the oathof fidelity in 1657.
On June 22, 1658, at a town meeting, lawfully warned, lots were drawnfor the meadows that lie on the north side of the town in order asfolloweth, according to person and estate. Of the 49 names on the list, RobertAbell was the third on the list who drew for lots, it appears thatthisdivision was of land afterwards included in the North Purchase, near Attleboroughand Cumberland.
At a town meeting on May 26, 1668, lots were drawn for the meadowlands in the North Purchase and there were 79 names on the list who drew for lots. Samuel Luther is the 2nd on the list, Goody Hide the5th,Children's lands the 6th, and Preserved the 8th. Samuel Luther married Mary, daughter of Robert Abell. Goody Hide is Robert Abell's widow (Joanna) who married William Hyde in 1667. Preserved Abell was Robert Abell's son, Children's Lands next to Goody Hide on the list areprobablyRobert's other children, Caleb, Joshua, Benjamin and Experience.
An Inventory of (???) estate of Robert Abell of Rehoboth Deceasedtaken the 9th of August 1663. The only real estate was "an house andland"L130, The sum total is L354, 17s, 9d. The house and land taken out astheoldest sonnes œ130; A bed and furniture to the widdow œ7; To Mary Abell givenby her father as her full pte in a Cow and feather bed œ8; Rests Due tothe widdow as her thirds œ66, 19s, 6d; and to the other five Children eachof them œ26, 16s.
The appraisers were Stephen Paine, Thomas Cooper and Peter Hunt, were deposed to this Inventory the 18th of Feb, 1663 before ThomasWillett.This division of the estate was approved of and established by the Courtheldat Plymouth the 3rd of March 1663, attested by Nathaniel Clarke of thesaid Court.