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- Committed suicide by hanging and is buried in Fairfield CemeteryinMadison County Ohio Research idnicates that one of the earliest immigrants was thefatherofAbner Allen, who settled in Windham County, Connecticut. Thename of thefaher has not been determined at this time. In the U.S.Census Records,1790, five Allens (Abner, William, Joseph, and Asael)were recordedliving in Windham County, Windham Town, Connectucut, allon page 153 withthe exception of one, Daniel, listed on page 152.Abner, would have been9 years of age. Any one of these Allen malescould have been Abner'sfather as each one of them had sons less than16 years of age. In the U.S. Census Records of 1800, six Allen families lived inWindhamCounty, Connecticut. Three (Abner, John and Amos) lived inWindham; andthree (Abner, Thaddeus, and Abner) lived in Killingly,which was 15 mileseast of Windham. The latter Abner could possilby be1-1. He would havebeen19 years of age with a small son. His wife,Patty, appears to beolder in the census records as she was in thecemetery records. An Allen researcher believes the family moved to New York,possiblyCayuga, where Silas S. and Wheaton were born to Abner andPatty. AbnerJr. and Nathan W. were in born in 1807 and 1806,respectively, inConnecticut. The 1810 census has not been doucmented,but this researcherwill follow up on establishing the whereabouts ofthe family in thisyear. In 1820, Abner Allen moved to Madison, Geauga County(Lake County,after1840) Ohio. A tavern, the Allen House, was built at Madison Dockat themouth of the Grand River and was apparently owned by Abner.Abner andPatty Allenhad eight children, 2 males under ten (Silas,1813, andWheaton, 1814), 3 males between 10-16 (Abner Jr., 1807,Nathan, 1806,Veranus, 1804), 1 male between 16-18 (Joseph 1802), 1male between 16-26(may be HOrace, or may be a repeat ofJosesph), and 1male over 45 (fatherAbner). Two females completed the family,one below10 years of age, andthe other between 26 and 45 years. Six years aftersettling in their newlocation, Abner, at the age of 45 committedsuicide by hanging. He diedon July 22, 1826. Patty Allen died April 10, 1849 a the ageof 77 years, 1 month and 5days.Based on those facts, her birthdate would have been March 5,1772. Nodocumentation exists verifying Patty's whereabouts from thedate of herhusband's death and hers; however, in 1830, she appeared tobe livingwith her son, Veranus, who may have lost his wife and hadbeen left withone son between 0-5 years of age. In 1840, a woman,between 60-70 andcould be presumed to be Patty, was living with SilasAllen, who wasmarried and had one son between 5-10. In 1841, a deedwas registered toWheaton Allen in Lake County with a life lease to hismother, PattyAllen. 1800 Census Killingley, Connecticut