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- In the 1850 census Wheatons father in law Nathaniel Farrow liveswiththem in Lake Co., as well as a 13 year old boy Charlie Williams.Unknownat this time ifthis is a nephew or other relative. The youngest son of Abner and Patty Allenwas born in the state ofNewYork, and , like his brothers, he accompanied hisparents when theycameto the state of Ohio to settle in Lake County. He was 12 years ofagewhen father committed suicide in Madison. He married AlmorenaFarrow, asister of Silas first wife, on January 18, 1837. The marriagewasperformed by Rev. John Luccock. In 1840, Wheaton and Almorena lived in Madison Township, LakeCounty,Ohio and had one little girl, (Sedenia). In 1841, Wheaton andAlmarenawere deeded land which they had purchased from Silas and ChinaAllen. Inthe same year, Wheaton was deeded land, presumabley familyowned; heprovided a life lease to his mother, Patty. In 1843, Wheatonand Almarinaregisteredanother deed for property. In 1850, Wheaton Allen, now 37 years of age, was listed as a farmerinthe U.S. Census Record. He and his wife, Almorena, age 29,hadtwochildren: L. S. (Sedenia), age 11, and DAvid, age 5. In 1857,Wheatonowned two lots in Madison, Lot 11 and Lot 259. In 1860, Wheaton, 47, and Almarina, 40, were still living inMadisonTownship. He was a grafter of fruit trees. They had threechildren livingat home: Sedenia, 20, David, 15, and Blanche, age3. In 1870, Wheaton, now 57 , was a farmer. Almarena was 49, andtheirdaughter Blanche , age 13, was living with them. Another person,MaryAllen, age 31, was living with the family. She would have beenborn in1839. Could she be one of Nathan Allen's daughters? Nathan andElizaAllen were living in house # 164. Wheaton was listed in house#109. Theirson, David, age 25, was living next door in house #110 andworked in aharness shop. He was married to Dora, age 20, and they hada little girl,Jessie, age 1. In 1880, Wheaton, 66, and Almarina, 59, were living in MadisonTownship,Lake County, Ohio. Wheaton was a farmer. Blanche, 29, and herhusband,Sam Mc Kin, were living with her parents. Sam and Blanche hada child,Alberta, age 1. Sam was selling groceries for a living. In 1900, Almarina, age 80, was living with Blanche and Sam Mc Kinandtheir family in Madison Township. It is not known when Wheatondied. Northe death dteof Almorena.