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- JOHN BUDD, Southold. "I John Budd of the Town of Southold, beingatpresent weak in body." "My mind and will is, and I doe herebybequeath tomy wife Mary Budd, two cows, a bed, and all householdgoods, and thenegro woman called Catharine and her child." And she isto remain in mynew dwelling house, and my eldest son John shallmaintain her withvictualls during her widowhood. And anything more forher comfort shallbe at the discretion of my executors. I also leaveher one piece of gold,value 21 shillings." He leaves to his eldest sonJohn, all hisaccommodations of land and meadow, and commonage lyingbetween the Freshmeadow and Plum Gut, as will appear by Record, withall Housing andfarming implements. Also 4 oxen, 3 cows, 6 horses. "Ifhe marries withoutthe consent of my executors, then he is to have onlytwo-thirds of whatis here left to him. And he is to make no sale orTrucker of any part ofhis estate without the consent of my executorsuntil he come to the ageof twenty-five years." He leaves to his sonJoseph, "all my right andinterest in a neck of land in Westchester.which lieth between BlindBrook and Mamaroneck River, and an island ofmeadow belonging thereto(except 100 acres of upland and 4 acres ofmeadow), and all my housingand improvements on said land." He leavesto his daughter Mary, wife ofChristopher Youngs, one half of his rightof land and meadow at Accobauk.To daughter Hannah wife of JonathanHart, 100 acres of land, and 4 acresof meadow in the neck calledMensarninck lying between Joseph Budds andLangleys. To daughter Ann,one half of his right of land and meadow atAccobauk, and œ15; todaughter Sarah œ30, when she arrives at the age ofeighteen; makes his"respected friends and neighbors," John Tuttle, Sr.,and Isaac Arnoldhis executors, and leaves to each of them "50 shillingsto buy whatthey shall best like to remember me by." Dated October 27,1684.Witnesses, John Budd, Ann Budd. Proved at Court of Oyer andTerminer,in Southampton, November 12, 1684.