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- In the name of God, amen.
I. John Hollister of Wethersfield, being weake in body and ofperfectunderstanding, doe make my last Will and Testament this Thirdof April,in ye yeare of our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred Sixty andFive.
Imprs. I give to my beloved Wife, Joan Hollister, all my housing andhomelot in Wethersfield and five acres of plaine lying between JohnGoodrichand Thomas Hollister, and five acres of meadow lying on yeupper side ofye highway wch I bought of Thomas Parks, and three acresof meadow calledBell's Lot, lying South of ye upper highway, and sixacres of ye lowerend of ye meadow lying on ye West side of ye highwayin three severalparcels, and two acres that was Samuel Boreman's, thatlies by Renoldshis lot, and four acres at ye meadow gate. All thisduring her life, andafter her decease I give my house and barn andorchard unto Lazarus, myfourth Son, and unto Stephen that part of yelot beyond ye brook, and yemeadow and ye plaine equally to be dividedbetween them.
Item. I give to John Hollister, my eldest Son, at ye age of TwoandTwenty yeares, my whole ffarms at Noag, and to his heires forever,or forwant of issue, to ye heires of Thomas Hollister, my second Son,and forwant of
issue, to ye rest successively. I likewise give him that Feather bedatNoag, and doe require him to give to his Mother during her lifetwentybushels of apples and two barrels of cider, provided ye orcharddoethrive and prosper.
It. I give to Thomas Hollister, my second son, at ye age of twentythreeyeares, all that parcel of Swamp with six acres meadow bought ofRichardTreat, Jr., and five acres of plaine near to Thomas Coleman,and sixacres of upland in my lot beyond ye brook of ye homeward sideof it, tohim and his heires forever, and for want of issue, to yerestsuccessively.
It. I give to Joseph Hollister, my third Son, at ye age of twentythreeyeares, my meadow lot bought of Samuel Hale lying next to Mr.Chester,and ten acres of meadow called Renolds his lot, and six acresof uplandlying in my lot beyond ye brook to him and his heiresforever, and forwant of issue, to ye rest successively.
It. I give to my daughter Mary four score pounds, to be paid onhermarriage day or else when she comes to ye age of twenty. Threescorepounds of which shall be paid by my son John Hollister.
It. I give to my daughter Sarah three score and ten pounds, to be paidonher marriage day or at ye age of twenty yeares.
It. I give to my three grandchildren five pounds apiece, to be paidwhenthey come to ye age of twenty one yeares.
Ye remainder of my Estate I give to my beloved Wife, Joan Hollister,whomI appoint my Executrix. I desire Mr. Jonathan Willoughby, JohnChester,Richard Treat, Jr., and Samuel Wells to be my overseers ofthis my lastWill and Testament, whereunto I set my hand ye day andyeare abovewritten. JOHN HOLLISTER.
In presence of Jonathan Willoughby, John Chester, Samuel Wells.
This will was exhibited June 1st, 1665, and accepted, and ordered toberecorded. Recorded Vol. III. of the Probate Court, pages 13, 14, intheoffice of the Secretary of State, Hartford.