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- Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia Volume 2, Biographies - Despain, Ruth Amelia Newell
Despain, Soloman J., first Bishop of the Granite Ward, Salt Lake co.,Utah, was born Dec. 3, 1823, in Lauderdale county. Alabama, theson ofSolomon and Nancy Despain. When a young boy, he moved with hisparentsinto Tennessee; afterwards he lived in Kansas and later inCalhouncounty, Illinois, where, in 1842 (June 30th), he married RuthNewell(daughter of Asael Newell and Elizabeth Bushnell), who was bornSept. 21,1822, at Brookfield Madison county, New York. Soon afterBrotherDespain's marriage he joined the Campbellites, with whom heremaineduntil Aug. 30, 1851, when he and his wife were baptized intothe Churchof Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He was ordained aPriest Nov. 16,1851, by James R. Thorpe and an Elder May 2, 1852, byJ. T. Griffith, whowas presiding over a branch of the Church inIllinois. For a short timehe acted as first counselor to James R.Thorpe and later was firstcounselor to Wm. B. Corbett, who presidedover the same branch. Nov. 21,1853, he was called on a mission toArkansas, where he labored untilApril 11, 1854, and then visited hisrelatives in that State andsucceeded in baptizing quite a number ofthem. Agreeable to the counselof Orson Pratt, who at that time waspublishing "The Seer" in Washington,D. C., Brother Despain moved hisfamily to Arkansas and there resumed hislabors in the Church,presiding over one of the branches for seven years.In 1861 heemigrated with his family to Utah, crossing the plains inDavid H.Cannon's company, which arrived in Salt Lake City Aug. 17, 1861.Bro.Despain settled in the Granite Ward, Salt Lake county. In 1862(May17th), he married Susan Dean; later he married CharlotteLundstedt. In1877, when the Salt Lake Stake of Zion was reorganized,Brother Despainwas chosen Bishop of the Granite Ward, which positionhe held until 1886,when he removed to Arizona and located at Thatcherwhere he resided untilhis death, which occurred at Thatcher Feb. 17,1895. Bishop Despain wasthe father of twenty-seven children, seventeenboys and ten girls.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia Volume 2, Biographies - Despain, Susan Dean
Despain, Ruth Amelia Newell, wife of Solomon J. Despain, was bornSept.22, 1822, in the State of New York, the daughter of Asael NewellandElizabeth Bushnell. She joined the Church in 1852, being baptizedby JohnSharp. Shortly afterwards she moved with her parents to Calhouncounty,Illinois, and while there she met and married Solomon J.Despain, withwhom she emigrated to Utah in 1861 in David H. Cannon'scompany. Theysettled in the Granite Ward, where Sister Despainsubsequently acted aspresident of the Relief Society from 1877 to1896. She was the mother ofeleven children, seven boys and four girls.She died Aug. 20, 1901, atGranite.
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia Volume 2 Biographies Despain, Hyrum Smith
Despain, William Joseph, one of the seven presidents of the 93rdquorumof Seventy and an active Elder in the Granite Ward, Salt Lakecounty,Utah, was born April 9, 1843, at Calhoun county, Illinois, theson ofSolomon J. Despain and Ruth Amelia Newell. He was baptized July3, 1853,by his father. In the fall of the same year he went with hisfather toArkansas, where he remained six years and then went toTennessee. Afterremaining there two years, he went to Utah in 1861,crossing the plainsin David H. Cannon's company, which arrived in SaltLake City Aug. 17,1861. He settled in the Granite Ward, where he haspractically residedever since, excepting two years, when he lived inTooele county. In 1864(June 18th) he married Ann Hill (daughter ofThomas Hill and AnnStratten), who was born in Leicestershire, England,in 1848, andemigrated to Utah in 1863. She became the mother of threechildren anddied in Granite Feb. 2, 1872. In 1874 (Sept. 14th) BrotherDespainmarried Sarah Catherine Egbert (daughter of Robert C. Egbertand SeviahCunningham), who was born Aug. 29, 1859, at Fillmore,Millard county,Utah, and became the mother of thirteen children. Thesubject of thissketch received the Melchizedek Priesthood June 18,1864, being ordainedto the office of an Elder. He was ordained aSeventy in 1871 by Alma Haleand a High Priest Jan. 1, 1911, by WillardC. Burgon. When the GraniteWard was organized in 1877, he was setapart as president of the Y. M. M.I. A., which position he held fouryears. He also acted as superintendentof the Granite Ward Sundayschool from 1878 to 1881 and was a presidentof the 93rd quorum ofSeventy from 1895 to 1911. In 1901��1902 he filled amission to theNorthern States, laboring principally in the SouthIllinois conference.He and his present wife have both been very diligentChurch workers inthe Granite Ward. During the building of the Salt LakeTemple, he wasone of the many who worked in the quarry getting out rockfor the same.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia Volume 2, Biographies - Despain, David Alvin
Despain, Hyrum Smith, second counselor to Bishop Solomon J. Despain,ofthe Granite Ward, was born May 7, 1846, in Calhoun county, Illinois,theson of Solomon J. Despain and Ruth Amelia Newell. He was baptizedinMarch, 1856, by Isaac M. Coombs and came to Utah with his father in1861.He was ordained to the different offices in the Priesthood and in1877was ordained a High Priest and set apart as second counselor toBishopSolomon J. Despain of the Granite Ward. After holding thisposition fouryears he moved to Idaho. In 1870 he married Ruth AmeliaGriffith,daughter of Jonathan T. Griffith and Nancy Despain. Thisunion wasblessed with eight children, three boys and five girls. Afterliving indifferent localities he finally settled at Oakley, Cassiacounty, Idaho,where he resided until his death, which occurred in1902.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia Volume 2, Biographies - Despain, Lewis Edgar
Despain, David Alvin, an active Elder in the Granite Ward, SaltLakecounty, Utah, was born Sept. 1, 1861, at Granite, Utah, the sonofSolomon J. Despain and Ruth A. Newell. He was baptized in 1873.While ayoung man he worked in the canyons at his father's saw mill. Hewasordained a Deacon at twelve years of age, a Seventy June 1, 1884,byWilliam W. Sharp and became a member of the 93rd quorum of Seventy.In1887 (Jan. 28th) he married Luella Miranda Butler (daughter ofNeriButler and Emmeline Hutchins), who was born April 1, 1869, atSouthCottonwood and is the mother of twelve children, five boys andsevengirls, nine of whom are living today. She is an active ReliefSocietyworker, at present holding the position of Stake aid. In theyear 1887Brother Despain moved his family to Arizona. In 1903–1905 hefilled amission to the Eastern States, laboring principally in theWestPennsylvania conference. After returning from his mission hesettledagain in Granite, his wife having moved there sometime previousto hisreturn. Here he has been engaged in hauling freight, ore, etc.,from Altato the railroad station at Sandy.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia Volume 2, Biographies - Miller, Charles Eugene
Thomson, Andrew Wilson, Ward clerk of the Granite Ward, Salt Lakecounty,Utah, was born Oct. 23, 1859, at Whitburn, Linlithgowshire,Scotland, theson of William Thomson and Margaret W. Wilson. He wasbaptized March 22,1868, by Thomas Russell and ordained a Deacon in hisnative land Sept.27, 1874, by Wm. Dyet. In 1875 he emigrated to Utah,arriving in SaltLake City Oct. 5, 1875. After living one year in SaltLake City, he movedto the Granite Ward, where he was shortlyafterwards chosen as presidentof the Deacon's quorum. He was ordainedto the office of an Elder in1831, and ordained a Seventy June 1, 1884,by Thomas H. Smart. In 1881–83he presided over the Ward Y. M. M. I. A.and in June, 1894, he was setapart as clerk of the Granite Ward. Hewas also assistant superintendentof the Sunday school for fourteenyears. In 1883 (Feb. 15th) he marriedClara L. Despain (daughter ofSolomon J. Despain and Ruth A. Newell) whowas born June 24, 1866, atGranite. She was an active worker in the Y. L.M. I. A. and ReliefSociety and died in Granite June 26, 1910. In1900–1902. BrotherThomson filled a successful mission to the NorthernStates, laboringprincipally in Central Illinois. In a civil capacity hehas served asjustice of the peace for two years and as school trusteefor fiveyears. He also carried the mail between Sandy and Alta fromJune, 1913,to July, 1906. In 1887 he visited Arizona. Brother Thomson isthefather of twelve children, seven boys and five girls. Hisprincipalavocation in life has been farming.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia Volume 2, Biographies - Dimond, Thomas Walter
Despain, Henry Waters, an active Elder in the Church, was born Sept.28,1847, in Calhoun county, Ill., the son of Solomon Joseph Despainand RuthAmelia Newell. At the age of eight years he moved with hisparents toArkansas, where he was baptized in February, 1857, by IsaiahM. Coombs,and came with his parents to Utah in 1861, crossing theplains in DavidH. Cannon's company. He settled in that part ofCottonwood which is nowknown as Granite and worked in the canyons,hauling logs, etc., for anumber of years. He was ordained an Elder in1870 and married GraceProbes July 17, 1873. In 1880 he married JohannaWestover. By these twowives he is the father of twenty children. In1876 he was called on acolonization mission to Arizona and became oneof the founders ofSnowflake. While residing in Arizona he laboredconsiderably as an Indianmissionary. He returned to Granite in 1907and was ordained a High PriestFeb. 17, 1912, by Willard C. Burgon.During the past two years he hasbeen busily engaged in doing Templework.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia Volume 3, Biographies - Higgins, Nelson
Hess, Arthur, first Bishop of North Farmington (South Davis Stake),Daviscounty, Utah, was born May 22, 1861, at Farmington, the son ofJohn W.Hess and Julia Petersen. He was baptized when about eight yearsold andearly in life ordained a Teacher. He received a common schooleducationand was raised on a farm. In his early boyhood days he becamea sheep andcattleman, and when only eighteen years of age he assistedin pioneeringBear River Valley, Box Elder county, Utah, making asuccess of dryfarming long before the Bothwell Canal was built. Forabout twenty yearshe divided his time between his Farmington home andthe farm in BearRiver Valley. When twenty-seven years old he marriedElnora Moon, whichunion has been blessed with seven children, namely,Arthur V., Ruth,Louise, Glen, Newell, Tracy and Milda. When Farmingtonwas divided intotwo Wards, in 1917, Bro. Hess was chosen as Bishop ofthe NorthFarmington Ward, being ordained a High Priest and BishopMarch 25, 1917,and set apart to preside, as stated. Bishop Hess isstill a farmer byavocation and is a natural pioneer and a hard workingman, who by exampleas well as precept becomes qualified for theresponsible position whichhe holds.