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- John Ogden came to Southampton, Long Island, NY in 1640 with hiswifeJane Bond Ogden, son John, and twins David and Jonathan. He was aleaderamong settlers in founding the town. He later moved to Stamford,CT,Hempstead, Long Island, back to Southampton, and in 1665 the wasafounder of Elizabethtown, NJ. In 1673 he was the acting Governor ofEastJersey.
David Ogden,1639-1691, son of John, moved from Elizabethtown to Newarkin1676, where he is described as a "stone church builder."ElizabethSwaine, wife of David Ogden, was first married to her cousinjosiah Ward.At the time that the Bradford colonists came to Newark sheis said tohave been the first to land.
Ref The Ogden Family in America Elizabethtown, NJ Branch compiledWilliamOgden Wheeler 1907 Virkus, Immigrant Ancestors
AUTOBIOGRAPHY of WILLIAM SEYMOUR TYLER, D. D., LL. D. AND RELATEDPAPERSWITH A GENEALOGY OF THE ANCESTORS of PROF. AND MRS. WILLIAM S. TYLER Prepared by CORNELIUS B. TYLERPrinted1912 In 1644 John Ogden became one of the patentees of Hempstead, L. I.,underthe Dutch, but appears again at Southampton, where he was electedfreemanMarch 31, 1650, and Magistrate October 7, 1650, and again in1651, 1657and 1661. He represented Southampton at the General Court in1659, andsat in the Upper House in 1661. Many of his real estatetransactions arestill on the records. In 1664 he sold some of hislands to his cousin,John Ogden, and his name appears in the ElizabethTown Patent grantedDecember 1, 1664, by Gov. Richard Nicholls underhis Royal Highness yeDuke of York. There he and his son Jonathan tookthe oath of allegianceto Charles II February 19, 1665, and on October26, 1665, Gov. PhilipCarteret appointed him Justice of the Peace forthe "Province ofNew-Jarsey" and Deputy Governor. On May 26, 1668, hewas chosen Burgess.The settlers quarreled with Carteret and the sixEnglish towns petitionedthe Dutch who had retaken New York in 1673.The latter appointed JohnOgden "Shout" or Sheriff of the six towns, sothat "Ogden was virtuallyGovernor of the English towns in New Jersey."A new EnglishGovernor--Col. Edmund Andros--was appointed October 31,1674, to whomOgden was the last to yield and consent to a resurvey ofhis lands,October 29, 1678. April 7, 1680, Andros issued orders "toMr. Ogden, thenSheriff, for the surrender of N. Jersey." His will isdated December 21,1681, and he probably died in May, 1682.
Tyler, William Seymour D.D.,LL.D. Autobiography of William SeymourTyler,D.D.,LL.D. This book is an autobiography written by WillliamSeymourTyler, D.D.,LL.D. himself along with genealogy history writtenbyCornelius B. Tyler. Bibliographic Information: Tyler, William Seymour,D.D.,LL.D.Massachusetts, 1912. JOHN OGDEN married at Bradley Plain, May 8, 1637 (284) Jane, daughterofJonathan Bond, and had three children born in England. On October18,1639, he sold land in Bradley Plain, and appears next atSouthampton, L.I., on April 17, 1640, as grantee of a tract of land,known as ShinnecockHill. In May, 1642, Gov. William Kieft, GisbertopDyck and Thomas Willettof New Amsterdam, Church wardens, contractedwith John Ogden and hisbrother Richard, described as both of Stamford,to build a stone churchin the fort of New Amsterdam for 2500 guilders(about $1000). The churchwas burned in 1741.