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- Funeral services for Hollis A. Greer, 25, one of the eight victims ofthetragedy at Monument, New Mexico, last Thursday whenanitro-glycerinecharge was exploded prematurely were held at BungerSunday afternoon.
Mr. Greer was born on January 29, 1913, at Bradshaw, inRunnellsCounty,Texas.
Mr. Greer had lived in New Mexico since 1936, working as switcher fortheTwo States oil Company. Prior to that he had lived for some timeinCalifornia, but most of his life had been spent in Texas. He wasmarriedin 1935 to Miss Florene West.
He is survived by his wife and two small sons, Jerry Dean andHollisWayne; his mother, Mrs. Elmina Greer of Oil Center, NM; fivesisters,Mrs. BF Isles of Bunger, Mrs. Jack Henderson of Electra, Mrs.JA Bills ofElectra, Mrs. CC Jones of Bunger, and Mrs. Jack Baker ofCottonwood, AZ;and a half brother, Jack Coker of Oil Center, NM. Allwere present forthe funeral, which was conducted by Rev. EW Bridges,pastor of the FirstMethodist Church of Graham. The Morrison FuneralHome brought the bodyfrom New Mexico and had charge of the funeralarrangements.
Among the relatives here for the funeral, in addition to the membersofthe immediate family, were: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Zackery and familyofAspermont, Mrs. Beulah Greer of Hobbs, NM, Mike Greer and sonofAspermont, Mrs. Baker and son of Cottonwood, AZ, Mr and Mrs DonRiodonand family of Hobbs NM, and Mr and Mrs. Lewis Greer and familyofAspermont."