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- Living with her father-in-law Samuel Huggins and her daughter Ada,in1900, Mulberry Twp., Franklin Co. Died at the home of her daughter MittieinArkoma, Oklahoma. Note that the 1900 census shows her birthplaceasAlabama rather than Arkansas. That may be important in determiningthedate of move of her parents from Alabama to Arkansas.
Obituary published in the Southwest American, Fort Smith,Arkansas,Tuesday, July 20, 1943:
Mrs. Elizabeth Huggins Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth Huggins, 74 years old, who diedat10:30 a.m. Monday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mattie AllenatArkoma. OKla. will be conducted Wednesday. The body will remain attheFentress Mortuary until noon Wednesday when it will be taken totheRankin Cemetery at the Lone Elm community near Mulberry, wherefuneralservice and burial will be held with Rev. John Bourland, pastorof theMulberry Baptist Church, officiating. Other survivors are twodaughters,Mrs. Ada Ray, Capulpa (sic), Okla.; Mrs.Dorothy Snow, VanBuren, Ark.;one step-daughter, Mrs Ruthie Lofton, Van Buren; fivestep-sons, EverettHuggins, Fort Smith; Charles Huggins, Cedars; WalterHuggins, Mulberry;Rufus Huggins, Poteau, Okla.; Arthur Huggins,Arkoma, Okla.; one brother,Jim Battles, Mulberry; two sisters, Mrs.Dora Dunmeyer, Talihini, Okla.;and Mrs. Mary Bains, Willington, Kan.