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- By his will of 20 May 1682 he desired to be buried in Chorley Chapelinthe part belonging to Astley, having obtained the leave of SirPeterBrooke and his son. He mentions his wife Elizabeth, his daughterAnne,who had married John Warren, and his grandson Hugh Warren, his kinsmenRobert Cooper of Charnock Richard, Hugh Cooper of Chorley andThomasCooper of Wigan, three brothers, and other relatives. The will of Hugh Cooper of Chorley, dated and proved in 1690,madebequests to Hugh son of William Cooper of Coppull and others. From: 'Chorley', A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 6(1911),pp. 129-49.
Hugh Cooper (fn. 303) left a rent-charge of £6 upon his land scalled Stump, to be paid to 'six poor persons, either men or women,being Protestants, and such as usually frequented the parochial chapel at Chorley,' who were to live in the almshouses he was about to build, and to receive (out of the £6) each a grey russet coat or gown. He also left 1s. each to twenty poor persons to be given each year on St. Thomas's Day. In 1801 the owner of the Stump estate (John Hollinshead) appears to have paid £140 to the trustees of the poor's land in order to free the estate from the rent-charge, and in 1826 the £6 and £1 were paid out of the workhouse rents. The almshouses built soon after the founder's death stood at the bottom of Pall Mall; they have been removed to Ashfield Road.
303 By his will of 20 May 1682 he desired to be buried in Chorley Chapel in the part belonging to Astley, having obtained the leave of Sir Peter Brooke and his son. He mentions his wife Elizabeth, his daughter Anne,who had married John Warren, and his grandson Hugh Warren, his kinsmen Robert Cooper of Charnock Richard, Hugh Cooper of Chorley and Thomas Cooper of Wigan, three brothers, and other relatives. The will of Hugh Cooper of Chorley, dated and proved in 1690,made bequests to Hugh son of William Cooper of Coppull and others.