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- Perth: - Protocol Book of Sir Robert Rollock, 1534-1552 Marriages. Protocol Book of Sir Robert Rollok. 1534-1552. Register of Testaments, 1682-1800. County: Perth Country: Scotland 88. Agreement between Johne Creichtoun of Strathurd, on the one part,andWilliam Ruthven of Ballindene, on the other part, "tuicheinganepretendit pley and diuisioun movit betuix the said William, hisgudebrother, and Agnes Creichtoun, his spous and sister to the saidJohne,"as follows:-William Ruthven, "of gude mynd and will movittowartis thesaid Agnes, his spous," of his own free will obligeshimself (1) to payyearly to her "for sustentatioun of hir and hir fourbarnis lassis" thesum of 100 merks yearly, beginning at Martinmasnext, (2) to assign toher "sextene oxingang of land of his heretage,that is to say tuelfoxingang of Airlywyth and four oxingang of thelandis of Ballinblair, andgif the saidis landis of Airlywith extendisto mair nor the said 12oxingang sall defalk samekill of the said fouroxingang, proffitis anddewiteis thairof," and (3) to make the 16oxengangs free of all tacksfrom Whitsunday 1553 : Further, if thereare no tacks, the said Agnes wasto enter thereto or to any partthereof, which was to be peaceablyplenished, occupied and disponed asshould be thought most profitable andexpedient by her, and in the meantime till the said term of her entry,the said William Ruthven givesand assigns to her the maills and profitsof the 16 oxengang; andbecause her entry is not till Martinmas next, heshall "ansuer hir andcaus be ansuerit oulklie thankfullie of ane boll ofvictuall, halfmaill, half malt, and of ten schilling is siluer with anehonestresting place at the sycht of the said Johne or samekill siluer aswillressonablie get the samyn." Both parties to the contractobligethemselves to observe the agreement, appointing Thomas Harvy,John Row,William F and others (names defaced) as procurators. Dated atPerth 27Jun 1551. Witnesses, Patrick Bischop, William Thomsoun, JohnFargussounand John Merschell. 50a.