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- From Families of Early Hartford Connecticut: Robert Bartlett, Cambridge 1632, if as probable he came in the "Lion"September 16th of that year. He was an orginal proprieter of Hartford,receiving 8acres in the division of 1639-1640. He lived on the west side of a highway,westof what is now Lafayette Street. Became freeman April 10th, 1645.ChimneyViewer in 1650. Removed to Northhampton circa 1655. Killed by the Indians.
ROBERT, Hartford, an orig. propr. had been of Cambridge 1632, if, asisprob. he came in the Lion, arr. 16 Sept. of that yr. hadSamuel;Nathaniel, wh. d. unm.; Abigail; and Deborah, bapt. 8 Mar.1646; rem. toNorthampton, a. 1655, there was k. by the Ind. 14 Mar.1676. Abigail, m.17 Dec. 1657, John Stebbins of N. as his sec. w. andDeborah m. JohnCowles jr. of Hatfield. ROBERT, New London 1658, br. ofWilliam, and heirto his est. had w. Sarah, wh. d. first, and he d.1673. He had no ch. noris any relationsh. ascertain. betw. these brs.and either of the scoreswith the same patronym. By nuncup. will hegave to the town all his prop.for support of a sch. in gratefulremembr. of wh. is nam. the N. L.Bartlett Gram. Sch. and as he was amerch. of mark, Bartlett's reef inthe sound preserves his mem. ROBERT,Marblehead 1674, may have been br.of John of the same, was freem.1683, and m. Mary, youngest ch. of Rev.William Walton of the same.SAMUEL, Newbury, s. of Richard the first,freem. 1672, m. 23 May 1671,Eliz. d. of William Titcomb, had Eliz. b. 13May 1672; Abigail, 14 Apr.1674; [p.133] Samuel, 28 May 1676; Sarah, 7July 1678; Richard, 13 Feb.1680; Thomas, 13 Aug. 1681; Tirzah, 20 Jan.1684; and Lydia, 5 Nov.1687. His w. d. 26 Aug. 1690, and he d. 15 May1732. SANUEL,Northampton, eldest s. of Robert of the same, m. 1672,Mary, d. ofJames Bridgeman, wh. d. 1674, in so unnatur. manner, that herh. f. andothers less expos. to mak. wrong judgm. ascrib. this towiteberaft, andupon that capit. charge was Mary, w. of Joseph Parsons,sent down toBoston for trial. In May 1675, she was acquit. By sec. w.Sarah, d. ofthe first Joseph Baldwin, he had Samuel, b. 1677; Sarah,1679;Mindwell, 1681; Joseph, 1683; Ebenezer, 1685; Eliz. 1687;Preserved,1689; William, 1693; David, 1695; and Benjamin, 1696; allthese liv. tom. and the f. d. 1712. THOMAS, Watertown 1631, came in theemploym. ofWilliam Pelham, I think, the yr. bef. and is call. by Bond,an orig.propr. and freem. 4 Mar. 1635, not 6, as he had print. p. 18,was madeens. 1639, and by w. Hannah had Hannah, bur. 26 Aug. 1639;Mehitable,b. 15 July 1640; Hannah, again, 6 Aug. 1642; Bathshus, 17 Apr.1647;and Abial, 28 May 1651; was often selectman, and d. 26 Apr. 1654,ageda. 60. In his will the w. and four ch. are provid. for, and she d.11July 1676. Mehitable m. 7 Jan. 1658, Henry Spring; Hannah m. 19Jan.1668, John Kendall; Bathshua m. 23 Nov. 1671, John Applin; andAbial m.24 Oct. 1669, Jonathan Saunderson. THONAS, Newbury, s. ofRichard thesec. m. 1685, Tirzah Titcomb, and d. 6 Apr. 1689. His wid.m. JamesOrdway. WILLIAM, New London 1647, d. in a. ten yrs. leav. wid.Susanna,but no ch. Of this name Farmer found, in 1834, sixteen gr. atHarv. eightat yale, and thirty-one at the sev. other coll. of N. E.